Former Daily Kos writer, filmmaker: Eric Allen Bell sees the left for what it is.

Okay, I'm always open - what are examples of the Tea Party trying to shut people down for things they have said? And I'm not talking about criticizing people for their words, I'm talking about going after them to get them to shut up, to get them fired, to shut them down.

And please remember, I'll be able to counter with examples of my own, a long, long, long list of them.


The Pennsylvania Republican Senate race where Arlen Specter changed parties due to the TEA party backing the guy who would have been his opponent in the primary comes to mind. Specter was a moderate and the TEA party is anything except Moderate.

Well respected (I don't know much about the guy) Michael Castle, R-Delaware lost to batshit crazy Christine O'Donnell due almost exclusively to the TEA Pary backing.

Spector changed parties because he was going to lose in the primary. .

Gee, is there an echo in here?

Ain't nothing like changing the topic when the going gets tough, right Cornhole?

I was specific with the serious commentators; of which you are not one.
You never specifically said what the TEA Party did to 'target' those people that didn't represent them. You mentioned the health care debate, but left out any details. Did they do ANYTHING other than exercise their right to vote?
Let me give you a lesson in rhetoric.

The left calls things they don't like "hate speech".
The right calls things they don't like as "hating America", or "hating Christianity".

It's all bullshit.

The problem is that the two sides react so differently.

When the righties simplistically scream that a lefty is "hating America", that's pretty much as far as it goes. They then start chanting "USA! USA!" until their throats are sore, they thump their chests a few times and then they go grab a Budweiser.

When the lefties have decided that something is to be labeled as "hate speech", they go after the evil perpetrator with everything they have. They do absolutely everything possible to destroy that terrible person for having the sheer gall to utter something with which they disagree. Or, more accurately, for saying something the Left is afraid too many people may agree with.

I get the point, but the two sides' reactions and behaviors are clearly different.


Ask Valerie Plame about how the right treats those who speak out.

You're way off base here.
You're not even in the right ballpark.

In the September 4, 2006 issue of Newsweek magazine, in an article titled "The Man Who Said Too Much", journalist Michael Isikoff, quoting a "source directly familiar with the conversation who asked not to be identified because of legal sensitivities", reported that Armitage was the "primary" source for Robert Novak's piece outing Plame. Armitage allegedly mentioned Ms. Wilson's CIA role to Novak in a July 8, 2003 interview after learning about her status from a State Department memo which made no reference to her undercover status.[16] Isikoff also reported that Armitage had also told Bob Woodward of Plame's identity in June 2003, and that special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald investigated Armitage's role "aggressively", but did not charge Armitage with a crime because he "found no evidence that Armitage knew of Plame's covert CIA status when he talked to Novak and Woodward".​
Ask Valerie Plame about how the right treats those who speak out.

You're way off base here.

Was Valerie Plame called a ****, a whore, a bimbo or any of the other things libs heaped on Sarah Palin and others on the Right?
Hmm, major fail on your part.

No, just her life was put in possible jeopardy by the same administration she was serving at the time, that's all.

So, you support ones who call other "sluts" and those who out CIA agents. Gee, smoking crack again I see.
Now that I've shown you the truth about the outing, I expect you'll stop repeating leftist fantasy.

Yeah, I'm an optimist.
It all started off so innocently, progressive leftist Daily Kos writer, and filmmaker Eric Allen Bell was on a new project. He was going to produce a documentary that shed a positive light on Islam. However, the further he got into the project(which he is still finishing up), he threw out his preconceived notions and let reality settle in. When Eric refused to tow the party line, he found himself out of a job with the Daily Kos and shunned by the left.

Bell has seen what the left is really all about, while trying to make a non-biased documentary. Bell even stated that leftists are the most intolerant collection of self-righteous people around. They have zero tolerance for diversity, and if you do not tow the party line - you are out!!! Don't believe me, I will provide you with a link to the Geoff Metcalf show where Bell was interviewed. It is an hour long interview, but it is well worth listening to. Mad props to Bell for getting the wake up call!!

Genesis Communications Network -Geoff Metcalf Live Archives

In the archice, click hour #2 of 03/12/12

Here is Bell's website for his documentary.

Not Welcome Documentary - The Movie CAIR Does NOT Want You to See - By Eric Allen Bell

Out of a job? He didn't work for KOS, he was a poster there. That's like saying you work for US Message Board, and if you got banned, it would mean you were fired. Why are you lying? One of the things Bell claimed was Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl. That's pretty over the top hate speech.
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:
Out of a job? He didn't work for KOS, he was a poster there. That's like saying you work for US Message Board, and if you got banned, it would mean you were fired. Why are you lying? One of the things Bell claimed was Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl. That's pretty over the top hate speech.

"The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)." -- Bukhari 7.62.88

Looks pretty accurate to me...
I think it's hateful to point it out.

Right, Dick?
Was Valerie Plame called a ****, a whore, a bimbo or any of the other things libs heaped on Sarah Palin and others on the Right?
Hmm, major fail on your part.

No, just her life was put in possible jeopardy by the same administration she was serving at the time, that's all.

So, you support ones who call other "sluts" and those who out CIA agents. Gee, smoking crack again I see.

You dont understand...Words hurt
Only if you let them. Why give strangers that power over you?
It all started off so innocently, progressive leftist Daily Kos writer, and filmmaker Eric Allen Bell was on a new project. He was going to produce a documentary that shed a positive light on Islam. However, the further he got into the project(which he is still finishing up), he threw out his preconceived notions and let reality settle in. When Eric refused to tow the party line, he found himself out of a job with the Daily Kos and shunned by the left.

Bell has seen what the left is really all about, while trying to make a non-biased documentary. Bell even stated that leftists are the most intolerant collection of self-righteous people around. They have zero tolerance for diversity, and if you do not tow the party line - you are out!!! Don't believe me, I will provide you with a link to the Geoff Metcalf show where Bell was interviewed. It is an hour long interview, but it is well worth listening to. Mad props to Bell for getting the wake up call!!

Genesis Communications Network -Geoff Metcalf Live Archives

In the archice, click hour #2 of 03/12/12

Here is Bell's website for his documentary.

Not Welcome Documentary - The Movie CAIR Does NOT Want You to See - By Eric Allen Bell

Out of a job? He didn't work for KOS, he was a poster there. That's like saying you work for US Message Board, and if you got banned, it would mean you were fired. Why are you lying? One of the things Bell claimed was Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl. That's pretty over the top hate speech.
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!
Out of a job? He didn't work for KOS, he was a poster there. That's like saying you work for US Message Board, and if you got banned, it would mean you were fired. Why are you lying? One of the things Bell claimed was Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl. That's pretty over the top hate speech.
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!
You really think excusing pedophilia serves our nation well?
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!
You really think excusing pedophilia serves our nation well?

It's downright creepy to marry a child and to have sex with the child before she has a chance to grow up. Custom, my ass. It's a mindset that has guided them since the dark ages and I haven't seen any improvement in the way they treat women. However, since the left has, for the first time ever, opted to stand behind a religion and defend their freedom to believe whatever they want, they are off limits to any criticism.

We can't talk about anything bad Muslims have done in the name of religion.

And the protection extends to all liberals.

That is why we can't talk about the woman that Teddy Kennedy killed.

Don't dare tarnish the reputation of a liberal king or those they chose to protect.

Only the other side can be vilified because they aren't playing by the liberal rules. Free thinking will get you into trouble. You can be as nasty as you want, like Maher, as long as you don't oppose anything the regime is doing. As Bell discovered, once you take a stand and refuse to follow orders, they throw you under the bus.
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Brainwashed ignoramus/hater. That was the custom around the world in the 7th century.
Out of a job? He didn't work for KOS, he was a poster there. That's like saying you work for US Message Board, and if you got banned, it would mean you were fired. Why are you lying? One of the things Bell claimed was Mohammed raped a 9 year old girl. That's pretty over the top hate speech.
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!

So was slavery, yet you folks on the Left want to destroy our Founders and our Founding because of it.
No, just her life was put in possible jeopardy by the same administration she was serving at the time, that's all.

So, you support ones who call other "sluts" and those who out CIA agents. Gee, smoking crack again I see.

You dont understand...Words hurt
Only if you let them. Why give strangers that power over you?

It was sarcasm...Words dont hurt more than putting someones life at risk for political reasons i.e. Valerie Plame
It's not the religion, it's the fact that they've gone from the 10 century to the 21st in about 60 years...Sorta like Souther Evangelicals LOL
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!

So was slavery, yet you folks on the Left want to destroy our Founders and our Founding because of it.

More total horseshytte- we're for the truth of couse- and judging them by today's culture is just RW dumb.
Is this about the left or about the DailyKos ?

I love all of you who talk about the right or the left. In most cases you are talking about the extremists on either side.
Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!

So was slavery, yet you folks on the Left want to destroy our Founders and our Founding because of it.

More total horseshytte- we're for the truth of couse- and judging them by today's culture is just RW dumb.

The only cause you are for is the one that gets you the next pill that sends you off to neverland. That you can't stand that people make choices different from yours just causes you to piss your Depends.

And in your efforts to right these wrongs, you look like a complete moron.
Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!

So was slavery, yet you folks on the Left want to destroy our Founders and our Founding because of it.

More total horseshytte- we're for the truth of couse- and judging them by today's culture is just RW dumb.

You wouldn't know the truth if it fucked you in your ear! You fucks have shit all over the Constitution, it's authors and our country over slavery, even though it ended almost 160 years ago.

And just how big a two-faced hypocrite are you and the rest of your Leftist crowd when you can whine and cry over someone bashing Muslim beliefs while you throw high 5's and parties while bashing Christian beliefs?
Brainwashed ignoramus/hater. That was the custom around the world in the 7th century.

Yes, it's terrible the way I've been indoctrinated that having sex with children is wrong.

Whatever you do, just make sure you don't condemn it.

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