Former Daily Kos writer, filmmaker: Eric Allen Bell sees the left for what it is.

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!

So was slavery, yet you folks on the Left want to destroy our Founders and our Founding because of it.

More total horseshytte- we're for the truth of couse- and judging them by today's culture is just RW dumb.
Then you oppose apologizing for this country's history of slavery.

Because, you know, it was prevalent back then, and judging slave owners by today's culture is just LW dumb.


Here's a golden opportunity for you not to be a flaming hypocrite. I'm intensely curious to know if you'll take advantage of it or not.
Outing CIA agents is a CRIME fcs. All part of the big Iraq lie...which cost 100k people their lives...VERY conservatively, ruined the Afghan victory, and produced god knows how many terrorists and debt...
Mohammed had sex with a 9-year-old girl...

...that he had married three years previously.

Like that's any better? :cuckoo:

Child marriage was prevalent in that day, even among Christian Europe. What's in your woodpile. It's not something I'd find anywhere near acceptable in our modern standards.

But go ahead, and keep on finding ways to bash everyone's beliefs. You serve our nation well....not!

So was slavery, yet you folks on the Left want to destroy our Founders and our Founding because of it.
And regarding Slavery? The Founders were smart because they knew it would be and had to be eventually abolished.

Just didn't/couldn't happen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution...The Southern States wouldn't sign on if The Founders had outright called for abolution of Slavery...Far too many forget about the 3/5ths Compromise.
Outing CIA agents is a CRIME fcs. All part of the big Iraq lie...which cost 100k people their lives...VERY conservatively, ruined the Afghan victory, and produced god knows how many terrorists and debt...
Wha....? :eusa_eh:
We owe blacks for what's happened a HELLUVA lot more recently than that, but I'd settle for an end to the Pub war on the nonrich. see sig pp1 and the Ryan plan...
We owe blacks for what's happened a HELLUVA lot more recently than that, but I'd settle for an end to the Pub war on the nonrich. see sig pp1 and the Ryan plan...
Unsurprisingly, I see you've chosen to remain being a flaming hypocrite.
Outing CIA agents is STILL a crime, dumbazz- see the big Dick Cheney.

Not a hypocrite in any way. Look up peonage in the south, for example, or discrimination against blacks in hiring today...
We owe blacks for what's happened a HELLUVA lot more recently than that, but I'd settle for an end to the Pub war on the nonrich. see sig pp1 and the Ryan plan...

I don't owe anybody ANYTHING, I don't give a fuck WHAT color they are! Idiots like you keep pushing that kind of shit and you're going to wind up achieving the race war you seem to long for so badly.

You convince blacks that they're somehow 'owed' reparations for shit that happened BEFORE they were born, and you convince them that somehow it's OWED by people who weren't born when the shit happened.


Follow up from my original comments: I can understand now why Daily Kos fired Eric Allen Bell, he stupidly categorized a whole people based on its crazies. If one wants to categorize any group based on nuts, that's an easy task for the unreasonable. Many Muslims and Christians are nuts, many Muslims and Christians are not nuts. Do we judge a billion people on either side by its crazies?

This debate (link below) is an example of the kettle calling the pot in both directions. Are there fanatics on both sides, yes, the Koran grew out of the Judeo Christian religious tradition and both contain similar remarks, many totally wacky. It often amazes me the treatment of women in most religions. The partisan interpretation of each others religious text wastes lots of time - if you have the time to listen - but is interesting. The host is awful, and I'd give a slight edge to the Muslim for at least trying to stick to the debate points.

The Jamie Glazov Show 03/20 by Radio Jihad Network | Blog Talk Radio

As I listened I looked up some of the verses mentioned.

The American Muslim (TAM)

'Sahih International'

"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." Koran Surat An-Nisa' [4:34] - The Noble Qur'an - ?????? ??????

[ame=]Liberal progressive Daily Kos writer and blogger banned for questioning Islam. Free speech censored - YouTube[/ame]
Hmmm - Mittens has switched back and forth a few times on every single issue. I think that's a lot more important but apparently, the rw's are all kinds of thrilled to vote for a liberal repub. And, Grover Norquist is thrilled because Mittens will do as he's told.

The rw's have been told to vote for "anyone but Obama", even if its a loser like Mittens who has said he will take away your children's and your children's children's future.

But, then, Noot and SickRick have both said the same thing.

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