Former Duggar Family home schooler spills the beans

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Glad someone is coming frwd to expose the Faux (Fox ;) ) SOCON frauds given the rw'ers blind devotion to home schooling

Former homeschooler on the Duggar family s horrifying fundamentalist education It s literal rape culture -

You’ve likely seen some of the lesson plans from Bill Gothard’s Advanced Training Institute, for which the Duggars have advocated persistently, and which pushes an educational curriculum apparently comprised of some of the most damaging, unbelievably misogynistic viewpoints imaginable. To much of the public, the ATI lessons on sexual assault that have circulated online are basic examples of what we mean when we talk about rape culture and victim-blaming; to children who are raised in the homeschooling program — like the 19 Duggar kids — the lessons are “the truth.”

Home *cough* "schooling" is a rw hive mind
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This is serious Frank!!! :mad-61:

Home schooling is one of the wholly grails of the rw and it led to this incestuous f' up
This "ATI" home schooling curricula is basically a DIY rw women in their place xstio militia handbook

from the source:

You’ve likely seen some of the lesson plans from Bill Gothard’s Advanced Training Institute, for which the Duggars have advocated persistently, and which pushes an educational curriculum apparently comprised of some of the most damaging, unbelievably misogynistic viewpoints imaginable.
Liberals want all children to attend public schools so they can be brainwashed and become zombies that support liberal causes and vote Democrat.
Liberals want all children to attend public schools so they can be brainwashed and become zombies that support liberal causesote Democrat.
the alternative is an insulated xstian indoctrination home schooling that results in the OP :thup:
weirdos think when children are abused 'in house' it's none of the evil gubmint's business..

DHS Child Protective Services How to Report Child Abuse or Neglect

the duggar siblings are hard wired to just 'forgive' his trespasses into their bedroom, so naturally they only grasp what they are taught to grasp in the manner in which they were taught by their parents to grasp it...

From the source:

"I call myself an “apatheist.” I just don’t care anymore. When it comes down to it, I guess I’m pretty much agnostic. I don’t think that anyone could really know the truth and I don’t care to really find the truth. Going to church for me is still traumatic. I just have a very visceral triggered reaction to everyone singing the same song. I always find myself criticizing and critiquing the sermon, but it’s weird because I won’t only criticize it from a fundamentalist point of view — “Oh this guy is totally not doing his Bible right” — but I also criticize it from a secular point of view — “This is all horeshit.” I have found a community in the homeschool survivor community. I feel like that’s my church. Those are my people. That’s where I do my good."

I call the writer an opportunist and a dirtbag.
"The beans"? The freaking beans? What kind of education did the one parent home of Bill Clinton get in freaking Arkansas? Was he raised by a border line promiscuous single mother and the Arkansas school system to abuse women which he apparently did all of his adult life? Before the radical progs start examining the education of the harmless Duggar family, they really, really need to examine what's important to the Country and focus on the former, former president's education and the education of his enabling wife who allegedly authorized him to abuse every woman that ever worked for him.
still deflecting.

Home Schooling, especially the fundie-type used by the Duggars is ripe for abuse by would=be predators like Josh
still deflecting.

Home Schooling, especially the fundie-type used by the Duggars is ripe for abuse by would=be predators like Josh
"Home schooling ripe for abuse by would be predators"? How do bigots account for the other alleged 99.9% of sexual predators including the former former president who are educated in public schools? How do alleged "unbelievably misogynistic principals" (unbelievably by what standards?) translate to "rape culture" when it's clear that "rape culture" is promoted everywhere in the pop-educated minds of today's kids. What is evident is that left wing rags like Salon are promoting a politically convenient bigoted view of the quality education that home schooled kids get. You almost gotta laugh when the usual idiot bigoted minions in the pop-hip-hop generation can't leave the Duggars alone while the wife of the former former president of the U.S. who was accused of rape and a dozen other sexual abuses is running for freaking president.
I don't see any liberals having any issue with all the public school system despite all the sexual abuse that goes on there.
Dot Com you are a complete moron so you're taking one case and saying that all Homeschooling is bad. But then what do the Charts say

I could go on but I made my point
two purty piktures and no source? Fact is home schooling is insular and, depending on the curricula, like that used by the Duggars, is cultish.
still deflecting.

Home Schooling, especially the fundie-type used by the Duggars is ripe for abuse by would=be predators like Josh

Only in the minds of Christian hating bigoted dickweeds is home schooling bad for a child.

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