Former FBI Official At Field Office That Allegedly Leaked Clinton Email Info Arrested For Ties To Russian Oligarch

Reality -

Obama used the Washington Field Office of the fbi and other intelligence agencies to spy on candidate Trump.
They also worked with Steele to fabricate a Russian connection.
To keep busy they also helped Clinton with her illegal server and email scandals.

The NY field office was not involved in these schemes.
When The NY field office found out about the Weiner laptop problem, and brought it up, comey got out in front of it to clear Clinton prior to the election.

Not for nothing - when Steel worked with the fbi he reported to McGonigal.
The fbi tried to include McGoniga in the Russian Hoax but he refused to cooperate in the scam.

2 choices -
(1) He was, completely irrelevant to the Russian Hoax, taking money from a Russian National
(2) this is payback for not playing ball.

I realize that none of the Cultists on this board will understand any of this.
Since you won't understand it -
All non-responsive replies will be dismissed.
So you think Comey wanted to clear Clinton? You must have misheard it. He wanted to smear Clinton........
The NY field office was not involved in these schemes.
When The NY field office found out about the Weiner laptop problem, and brought it up, comey got out in front of it to clear Clinton prior to the election.
As you note...the NY field office was responsible for Comey reopening an investigation of a presidential candidate TEN days before a Presidential election (a breach of long standing DOJ rules regarding election influence).

That investigation had no basis as shown by the fact that it was closed in a mere eight days...AFTER the political damage was done.

This creep was a big wig in that office at that time and may have been in the pay of Russia at that time. Putin has admitted he wanted Trump elected.

Yet all available evidence proves it scuttled her chance of victory. So you're either lying on purpose or you believe someone who's lied to you. Which is it?

The NY office was not corrupt like Washington is.
He took the case from the NY Office to clear her.
If NY had kept it she wouldn't gave been cleared.
Literally, this is the easy part, it gets harder from here.
Trump happened to be hated by the GOP establishment.... the same establishment Barr swims in....
Still the GOP establishment knows who butters their biscuits, and most of them marched in lock step with El Trumpy in hopes of retaining power. No one better than a scheming AG like Barr who believes in the absolute authority of the President, one who like McConnell, will use every unscrupulous trick in the book, short of breaking the further the goals of the GOP.
Still the GOP establishment knows who butters their biscuits, and most of them marched in lock step with El Trumpy in hopes of retaining power. No one better than a scheming AG like Barr who believes in the absolute authority of the President, one who like McConnell, will use every unscrupulous trick in the book, short of breaking the further the goals of the GOP.
No they didn't.... not even close.... Trump is the 2nd Nixon... too popular and too America first... and so the swamp got rid of him and his VP and put a swamper Ford in.... someone they could control...
This is nothing new and its sad that libs don't see it....
Yet all available evidence proves it scuttled her chance of victory. So you're either lying on purpose or you believe someone who's lied to you. Which is it?

I'm sure that within your Cult that is settled science.

Outside of your Cult: Republicans, moderates and independents - that don't restrict themselves to cult approved information already knew about the laptop, about Huma and Hillary's close relationship and knew about the classified documents on her husband's laptop.

Comey didn't announce it - Comey took the case away and cleared her -
All of that it is - Facts not in dispute by rational people.

Hillary lost because she hated half the country, told them that and it was reciprocated.
They could have been rid of him for good on Feb 5th 2020 but they all marched in lock step and whitewashed his attempted shakedown of the Ukrainian President.

Shakedown?... did you read the transcript of the call?... Trump wanted the Ukrainians to release the information on Burisma.... they wouldn't and now we know why... Biden has sent them billions in dollars and weapons... and now some Navy Seal said to be a deserter turns up dead in Ukraine and no one is the least bit curious....
Shakedown?... did you read the transcript of the call?... Trump wanted the Ukrainians to release the information on Burisma.... they wouldn't and now we know why... Biden has sent them billions in dollars and weapons... and now some Navy Seal said to be a deserter turns up dead in Ukraine and no one is the least bit curious....

We used to look at 3rd world banana republics and wonder how they got that way.
(at least I did)
We are watching it unfold right before our eyes and as long as The NFL playoffs don't get disrupted this weekend, there will be no outrage.
We used to look at 3rd world banana republics and wonder how they got that way.
(at least I did)
We are watching it unfold right before our eyes and as long as The NFL playoffs don't get disrupted this weekend, there will be no outrage.
I can't believe the media is not even reporting on this Navy Seal... Seals do not desert they are committed lifers....
He is in country because Biden sent him there and not one news org even FOX is reporting it...
Things are getting scary...
Shakedown?... did you read the transcript of the call?... Trump wanted the Ukrainians to release the information on Burisma.... they wouldn't and now we know why... Biden has sent them billions in dollars and weapons... and now some Navy Seal said to be a deserter turns up dead in Ukraine and no one is the least bit curious....
It was a classic shakedown leverage play. Benedict Donnie had something of value to the Ukraine and he was going to get something for it. An announcement of an investigation into Joe Biden. That's all Benedict needed and he'd let his Republican friends in the press spin it. It's what they do.

They could have done the country a favor and gotten that filthy pos out of office for good. We'd all be better off if they did.
It was a classic shakedown leverage play. Benedict Donnie had something of value to the Ukraine and he was going to get something for it. An announcement of an investigation into Joe Biden. That's all Benedict needed and he'd let his Republican friends in the press spin it. It's what they do.

They could have done the country a favor and gotten that filthy pos out of office for good. We'd all be better off if they did.
Sorry Boo... you can't rewrite the history we all lived through.... we all read the transcript of the call...
Charles McGonigal, who was the special agent in charge of counterintelligence in the FBI’s New York Field Office, is under arrest over his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions.

McGonigal and Shestakov, who worked for the FBI investigating oligarchs, allegedly agreed in 2021 to investigate a rival Russian oligarch in return for payments from Deripaska, according to the Justice Department. McGonigal and Shestakov are accused of receiving payments through shell companies and forging signatures in order to keep it a secret that Deripaska was paying them.

The deck was very unfairly stacked against Hillary! What do you think?

Trump is now trying to deflect. He did this with Jeffrey Epstein.

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