Former governor endorses Ted Cruz

I doubt that they would recruit you...your ability to write coherently is pretty lame. You definitely have street cred as far as being a slimy POS...don't doubt that for a second...but even with the talking points that they would give you, you lack the ability to make a decent argument that would convince anyone on the fence to jump over to "da gubermint" side and that is what they would want. You are lacking in many different areas, Slow Joe.....

Guy, I made $11,000 off of my writing last year. My writing is fine.

This year, i'm going to make $18,000 doing it.

Maybe those chem trails are affecting your brain. Or maybe it's the Lizard People.

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Writing checks doesn't count, dumb ass!
Will have no impact whatsoever. The amazing thing about Trump is how tough and strong he is. Anyone else would have been destroyed by now. More than a billion dollars has been spent against him, at last count more than 55,000 negative ads have been run against him, and in almost every state the entire political establishment has opposed him.
Yes Joe the guy you call crazy, a friend of mine although we don't see eye to eye, told me to buy gold months ago If I'm not mistaken it has soared

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I knew that was coming He's a stand up guy one that can watch my back anytime Can't say that about too many others

Edds, you are a "stand-up" guy as well and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you if it was within my power to do so. You played a huge role in waking me up as to how things REALLY are and not what we think they are. You are easily one of the most influential people I have encountered on life's journey. Good on ya.
Guy, I made $11,000 off of my writing last year. My writing is fine.

This year, i'm going to make $18,000 doing it.

That's what happens when you scribble "I have a bomb, give me your money" on withdrawal slips.
Will have no impact whatsoever. The amazing thing about Trump is how tough and strong he is. Anyone else would have been destroyed by now. More than a billion dollars has been spent against him, at last count more than 55,000 negative ads have been run against him, and in almost every state the entire political establishment has opposed him.

Has it occurred to you that there's PROBABLY A GOOD REASON why everyone is against this guy?

You know, like electing a racist, misogynistic hothead is probably a really bad idea?
That's what happens when you scribble "I have a bomb, give me your money" on withdrawal slips.

Uh, yeah, I don't think that works these days, actually. But please go to a bank and try it.

Stop hiding your light under a bushel and start writing something that would be worthy of a stipend because thus far all you have revealed to the cyber masses is utter stupidity and you can get that for free here in cyberville.
Will have no impact whatsoever. The amazing thing about Trump is how tough and strong he is. Anyone else would have been destroyed by now. More than a billion dollars has been spent against him, at last count more than 55,000 negative ads have been run against him, and in almost every state the entire political establishment has opposed him.

Has it occurred to you that there's PROBABLY A GOOD REASON why everyone is against this guy?

You know, like electing a racist, misogynistic hothead is probably a really bad idea?

If everyone was against Trump, he wouldn't be in the position that he is you got paid for writing??? Do tell....I could piss better stuff in the snow than what you have put out here....
Will have no impact whatsoever. The amazing thing about Trump is how tough and strong he is. Anyone else would have been destroyed by now. More than a billion dollars has been spent against him, at last count more than 55,000 negative ads have been run against him, and in almost every state the entire political establishment has opposed him.

Has it occurred to you that there's PROBABLY A GOOD REASON why everyone is against this guy?

You know, like electing a racist, misogynistic hothead is probably a really bad idea?

What evidence do you have that he is a racist? There isnt any as far as i know.
Seems to me the racists are the mexicans flying mexican flags in the US and beating people up. If trump supporters were acting like animals at hillary rallies the media would have far different coverage.
Stop hiding your light under a bushel and start writing something that would be worthy of a stipend because thus far all you have revealed to the cyber masses is utter stupidity and you can get that for free here in cyberville.

I do write worthy stuff. Hundreds of people have benefited from stuff I've written.

Making fun of conspiracy loons is just fun. Because any asshole piece of shit who claims that the murdered children of Sandy Hook were a fraud deserves to be mocked mercilessly.

You are truly a piece of shit. I hope you realize that. YOu have no fucking soul.
What evidence do you have that he is a racist? There isnt any as far as i know.

Or you are so racist you think the shit that flows out of his mouth is accurate.

Seems to me the racists are the mexicans flying mexican flags in the US and beating people up. If trump supporters were acting like animals at hillary rallies the media would have far different coverage.

I wonder if history would be different if Jews had shown up at the Nuremburg Rallies and objected.
Stop hiding your light under a bushel and start writing something that would be worthy of a stipend because thus far all you have revealed to the cyber masses is utter stupidity and you can get that for free here in cyberville.

I do write worthy stuff. Hundreds of people have benefited from stuff I've written.

Making fun of conspiracy loons is just fun. Because any asshole piece of shit who claims that the murdered children of Sandy Hook were a fraud deserves to be mocked mercilessly.

You are truly a piece of shit. I hope you realize that. YOu have no fucking soul.

Let's have an example of "writing" that you have been paid for. It's "put up or shut up'" time. Damn Skippy about Sandy Hoax and I will debate anyone anytime and any where concerning this poorly pulled off media event. Nothing and I do mean NOTHING you post about me bothers me at all.....

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