Former governor endorses Ted Cruz

Which constitution is that? The one that was signed in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that went into effect in 1871?


I am simply asking which constitution are you referring that too difficult of a task?

You're right, I'm sorry. It was a perfectly valid and thoughtful question. Truth be told, I'm not sure I can articulate a meaningful response. I'll have to sleep on it and circle back to you tomorrow.

It's all good and thank you for the kind response because there is a difference between the two. I bet that we have more in common than we do differences. The organic constitution does not grant us our rights because we were born with them...they simply spell out what they are and that we shouldn't accept anything less. The corporate charter of the re-written Constitution grants us rights and privileges by a benevolent authority known as "government" and any right or privilege that they can bestow upon us serfs, they can easily take away.......that was the point of my post...good on ya.
Lizard people? You really are fucking stupid. But as far as the other three things? Abso-fucking-lutely two ways about it. Debate me on any of these three topics if you have the balls.

Uh, actually, I guess if I were to put a sliding scale on your crazy, it would be this.

1. Anti-Vax
2. Chem Trails
3. Sandy Hook was a Staged False Flag
3. There was a secret Constitution that was agreed to in the 19th century
4. The Illuminati control Everything
5. Lizard People control everything.

So, thank God you are not so fucking crazy that you think there are lizard people who are secretly controlling everything.

Which constitution is that? The one that was signed in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that went into effect in 1871?

Okay, let's see how many nutty things Dale believes in.

Lizard People?

Lizard people? You really are fucking stupid. But as far as the other three things? Abso-fucking-lutely two ways about it. Debate me on any of these three topics if you have the balls.

That's it? That's where you draw the line, at Lizard people? You know that still leaves room for a lot of crazy shit--------right?

I only post about things that I can prove with actual data that supports my with geo-engineering. Soil and water samples are the tale of the tape.....levels MANY times higher than even the standards of the EPA has shown that unsafe levels of barium, strontium and nano particulates of aluminium are being sprayed. Contrails dissipate within seconds...chem-trails last not only for hours but fan out and that is a fact and it's not even disputable. European countries are much more aware of this issue than the sheeple here in this country.

Vaccinations and autism are directly tied together and lawsuits have been settled concerning this.....whistle blowers have come forward about it and how it is being used to not only cause autism but is being used to de-populate third world countries.
Use some intellectual curiousity and do your own due diligence.

The Illuminati...does a hidden hand guide the world? Abso-fucking-lutely......not even a fucking question in my mind that this is the case. JFK's speech about a monolithic conspiracy and how we as a people were opposed to secret societies and those that take secret oaths...what the fuck do you think he was referring to? Back in 2009 I dated this hot little blonde that was built for speed that latched on to me when I was playing a gig. She had a couple of degrees and she was really smart and more aware than I was. One night we did "pillow talk" and she tried to share with me about what she knew about the hidden hand which is the illuminated ones and she indicted the Bush family as being part of it. Since I was still a supporter of the Bush crime family, I told her that she was wrong 100 percent and tried to sell her on the lies we were told about 9/11/01. She broke up with me soon after that and I don't blame can you be with someone that will not see the obvious? Yeah, there is a hidden hand that guides the world and our debt slavery central banks and it is steeped in freemasonry at the highest levels of this corporate "gubermint"...... scoff all you want because I am past the point of giving a tin shit as to what the deniers believe.
Suuuuuure, Bright Boy.
Which constitution is that? The one that was signed in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that went into effect in 1871?

Okay, let's see how many nutty things Dale believes in.

Lizard People?

Lizard people? You really are fucking stupid. But as far as the other three things? Abso-fucking-lutely two ways about it. Debate me on any of these three topics if you have the balls.

That's it? That's where you draw the line, at Lizard people? You know that still leaves room for a lot of crazy shit--------right?

I only post about things that I can prove with actual data that supports my with geo-engineering. Soil and water samples are the tale of the tape.....levels MANY times higher than even the standards of the EPA has shown that unsafe levels of barium, strontium and nano particulates of aluminium are being sprayed. Contrails dissipate within seconds...chem-trails last not only for hours but fan out and that is a fact and it's not even disputable. European countries are much more aware of this issue than the sheeple here in this country.

Vaccinations and autism are directly tied together and lawsuits have been settled concerning this.....whistle blowers have come forward about it and how it is being used to not only cause autism but is being used to de-populate third world countries.
Use some intellectual curiousity and do your own due diligence.

The Illuminati...does a hidden hand guide the world? Abso-fucking-lutely......not even a fucking question in my mind that this is the case. JFK's speech about a monolithic conspiracy and how we as a people were opposed to secret societies and those that take secret oaths...what the fuck do you think he was referring to? Back in 2009 I dated this hot little blonde that was built for speed that latched on to me when I was playing a gig. She had a couple of degrees and she was really smart and more aware than I was. One night we did "pillow talk" and she tried to share with me about what she knew about the hidden hand which is the illuminated ones and she indicted the Bush family as being part of it. Since I was still a supporter of the Bush crime family, I told her that she was wrong 100 percent and tried to sell her on the lies we were told about 9/11/01. She broke up with me soon after that and I don't blame can you be with someone that will not see the obvious? Yeah, there is a hidden hand that guides the world and our debt slavery central banks and it is steeped in freemasonry at the highest levels of this corporate "gubermint"...... scoff all you want because I am past the point of giving a tin shit as to what the deniers believe.
Suuuuuure, Bright Boy.

Buttecea, your little mind would utterly blow a gasket if you understood what is really going on and what has gone on. Stupid klunts like you are a dime a dozen. When the feces hits the oscillating blades and you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands praying that your beloved "gubermint" comes riding to your rescue, spare me a thought. (snicker)
Buttecea, your little mind would utterly blow a gasket if you understood what is really going on and what has gone on. Stupid klunts like you are a dime a dozen. When the feces hits the oscillating blades and you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands praying that your beloved "gubermint" comes riding to your rescue, spare me a thought. (snicker)

When you are finally committed to a mental health facility, and you are given the medications and stop seeing Illuminati and Lizard Men in the Chemtrails over Sandy Hook, I hope you take time to come back here and apologize for wasting all of our time.
Buttecea, your little mind would utterly blow a gasket if you understood what is really going on and what has gone on. Stupid klunts like you are a dime a dozen. When the feces hits the oscillating blades and you are sitting on the curb with your little head in your hands praying that your beloved "gubermint" comes riding to your rescue, spare me a thought. (snicker)

When you are finally committed to a mental health facility, and you are given the medications and stop seeing Illuminati and Lizard Men in the Chemtrails over Sandy Hook, I hope you take time to come back here and apologize for wasting all of our time.

Joe, you wouldn't make even so much as a zit on my hairy ass when it comes to understanding what is really going on. You are either a paid shill or you are the one that suffers from mental illness. BTW, did you know that your beloved "gubermint" pays people to troll message board forums and disrupt conversations? They do because your beloved "gubermint" is just as slimy and disgusting as you are. Imagine that?
Joe, you wouldn't make even so much as a zit on my hairy ass when it comes to understanding what is really going on. You are either a paid shill or you are the one that suffers from mental illness. BTW, did you know that your beloved "gubermint" pays people to troll message board forums and disrupt conversations? They do because your beloved "gubermint" is just as slimy and disgusting as you are. Imagine that?

They do? Why can't I get in on some of THAT action?

They must be doing a pretty good job, as people like you are seen as crazy by both the left and the right.
Joe, you wouldn't make even so much as a zit on my hairy ass when it comes to understanding what is really going on. You are either a paid shill or you are the one that suffers from mental illness. BTW, did you know that your beloved "gubermint" pays people to troll message board forums and disrupt conversations? They do because your beloved "gubermint" is just as slimy and disgusting as you are. Imagine that?

They do? Why can't I get in on some of THAT action?

They must be doing a pretty good job, as people like you are seen as crazy by both the left and the right.
Yes Joe the guy you call crazy, a friend of mine although we don't see eye to eye, told me to buy gold months ago If I'm not mistaken it has soared
Joe, you wouldn't make even so much as a zit on my hairy ass when it comes to understanding what is really going on. You are either a paid shill or you are the one that suffers from mental illness. BTW, did you know that your beloved "gubermint" pays people to troll message board forums and disrupt conversations? They do because your beloved "gubermint" is just as slimy and disgusting as you are. Imagine that?

They do? Why can't I get in on some of THAT action?

They must be doing a pretty good job, as people like you are seen as crazy by both the left and the right.
I doubt that they would recruit you...your ability to write coherently is pretty lame. You definitely have street cred as far as being a slimy POS...don't doubt that for a second...but even with the talking points that they would give you, you lack the ability to make a decent argument that would convince anyone on the fence to jump over to "da gubermint" side and that is what they would want. You are lacking in many different areas, Slow Joe.....
I doubt that they would recruit you...your ability to write coherently is pretty lame. You definitely have street cred as far as being a slimy POS...don't doubt that for a second...but even with the talking points that they would give you, you lack the ability to make a decent argument that would convince anyone on the fence to jump over to "da gubermint" side and that is what they would want. You are lacking in many different areas, Slow Joe.....

Guy, I made $11,000 off of my writing last year. My writing is fine.

This year, i'm going to make $18,000 doing it.

Maybe those chem trails are affecting your brain. Or maybe it's the Lizard People.

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