Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

I posted it to point out that the slight increase in output (in spite of Biden) isn't enough to keep up with demand.

Yes, everyone knows this, it is why prices were going up even before the war. The increase in output is not "slight" as you like to pretend, it is growing faster than it did in the 3 Trump years before COVID.

We aren't seeing any MORE output, because of Biden.

We are not seeing more output because there are limitations on how fast the oil companies can increase production. Your article explained it very well, damn shame you did not bother to read it
Yes, everyone knows this, it is why prices were going up even before the war. The increase in output is not "slight" as you like to pretend, it is growing faster than it did in the 3 Trump years before COVID.

We are not seeing more output because there are limitations on how fast the oil companies can increase production. Your article explained it very well, damn shame you did not bother to read it
Lets go
How when and where was it stated that none of the output could ever be refined and processed or sold for consumption here in the US? It was energy infrastructure that would have been controlled and Biden and his masters killed it to appease the Environmental radicals. This was on top of ceasing or limiting drilling here in the US.

The US is dependent on fossil fuel and the Biden Administration is not helping. Begging foreign nations in volatile regions is not a viable strategy.
The US is producing 11.6 Mil bpd. We use 20 million bpd. So much for energy independence. Russia exports 5 million bpd and that is very shaky now. We increased imports of Russian oil from 14 million to 72 million during Trump's presidency. Here's where US oil and gas supplies come from
Yes, everyone knows this, it is why prices were going up even before the war. The increase in output is not "slight" as you like to pretend, it is growing faster than it did in the 3 Trump years before COVID.

We are not seeing more output because there are limitations on how fast the oil companies can increase production. Your article explained it very well, damn shame you did not bother to read it
Getting production to refineries is one of those limitations.

I accept your surrender.

I love you rubes that post links that debunk your own talking points all because you lack the basic intellect to understand the links you post
Halting drilling isn't going to catch up with demand. And before you talk about what Biden did a year ago, that don't mean shit, since he's shut down all new leasing. You lost this debate and don't even realize
Halting drilling isn't going to catch up with demand. And before you talk about what Biden did a year ago, that don't mean shit, since he's shut down all new leasing. You lost this debate and don't even realize

Because, despite popular belief by the looney Left, not ALL of the Keystone oil is shipped to other countries.
Keystone XL is strictly an export pipe line. Keystone also has lots of unused pipelines in the US. There is a difference between Canadian tarsands and Canadian crude oil.
Keystone XL is strictly an export pipe line. Keystone also has lots of unused pipelines in the US. There is a difference between Canadian tarsands and Canadian crude oil.
That is a lie.

Texas refineries in 2009 were fitting cokers to handle "tarsands" but they can only that move through pipelines with a mixture of crude. So, it would have been both.
1.07 under Trump, 3.89 today under Biden.

You can't spin that. Its just fact.

This administration is a complete and utter catastrophe.
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
Biden has nothing to do with it. It's all GOP lies; In the race to politically exploit the high cost of gas, Republicans are banking on voters not caring that they’re lying through their teeth about how much of this is Biden’s fault. The president does not, as they would have you believe, have a dial in the Oval Office that he uses to set gas prices. Meanwhile, suggested fixes the GOP has offered up would do nothing to shrink Americans’ costs, which suits them just fine for now.
1.07 under Trump, 3.89 today under Biden.

You can't spin that. Its just fact.

This administration is a complete and utter catastrophe.
Republicans are nothing but liars. How do I know? Explain how it's Biden's fault; Opinion | The GOP is lying to you about gas prices

In the race to politically exploit the high cost of gas, Republicans are banking on voters not caring that they’re lying through their teeth about how much of this is Biden’s fault. The president does not, as they would have you believe, have a dial in the Oval Office that he uses to set gas prices. Meanwhile, suggested fixes the GOP has offered up would do nothing to shrink Americans’ costs, which suits them just fine for now.

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