Former Mossad Chief Efraim Halevy Slams Netanyahu For Nuke Deal Criticism

And those centrifuges are spinning....nothing.

That was part of the deal: Iran gets to keep spinning centrifuges that do nothing at all in order to save face and tell their people that they still have X-amount of centrifuges.

Iran’s focus on face-saving measures is clear from the conditions of the deal. Indeed, the New York Times reported that “…[U.S.] administration officials were struck by the fact that Iran was willing to waste 1,000 centrifuges, essentially spinning uselessly, to preserve national pride.”

Your wingnut Breitbart has lied to you once again, and you're too fucking stupid to look elsewhere for information.

I've slapped the shit out of you AGAIN, bitch!
Syntia want's whatever his dear Leader wants. If it's a bad deal for us, they don't care.

all heil Obama in his eyes

Iran deal criticized by noted conservative… Chuck Schumer?

If you read nothing more than the title of this Politico piece you might think that Senate Democrat majority leader in waiting Chuck Schumer was spitting in the President’s corn flakes. The tone being taken by several morning show talking heads is similar, suggesting that Chuck has suddenly jumped ship and is siding with Republicans in rejecting Obama’s “framework” with Iran.

ALL of it here:
Iran deal criticized by noted conservative Chuck Schumer Hot Air
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Yeah....because they aren't going to do anything they say they are going to do
The deal doesn't rely on the Iranians saying anything, retard.

Yeah...the deal relies on nothing....since the Iranians are not going to live up to it from minute one....
You're obviously too fucking stupid to know what the deal is and what the conditions are. You have been told by the Hannity types that we're trusting Iran based on their word or their promises.

It won't be long until I put your dumb ass on ignore.
Please do fuck have no understanding of history or evil........
Yeah....because they aren't going to do anything they say they are going to do
The deal doesn't rely on the Iranians saying anything, retard.

Yeah...the deal relies on nothing....since the Iranians are not going to live up to it from minute one....
You're obviously too fucking stupid to know what the deal is and what the conditions are. You have been told by the Hannity types that we're trusting Iran based on their word or their promises.

It won't be long until I put your dumb ass on ignore.
Please do fuck have no understanding of history or evil........

he's the perfect example of a sheep. scary
Well...anyone who believes this is nothing more than a joke is a fool....a dangerous joke that is going to kill a lot of people.......

Military sites will be off-limits to inspectors Iran announces Power Line

We can add a new item to the list of issues as to which Iran’s stated view of the nuclear “deal” differs from President Obama’s claims. The list already included such matters as when sanctions will be lifted, centrifuges, enrichment, and even plutonium — all key components. Now, says Michael Rubin, there is disagreement about whether inspectors will have access to major sites where work is conducted to further the military dimension of Iran’s nuclear program.

Rubin explains:

One of the key concerns of the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency has been “possible military dimensions” of Iran’s nuclear program (see the annex to this IAEA report for a listing of these). Much of the work Iran conducted on military dimensions of a nuclear program occurred in Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities and on their bases.

Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan today said that the Lausanne Framework does not commit Iran to provide international inspectors access to such military facilities.

Dehqan was very clear about this. He said:

There is no such agreement. Basically, inspection of military facilities is a red line and no inspection of any kind from such facilities would be accepted.
Iran announces
And you believe them? You're taking them at their word?

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