Former New Orleans mayor indicted on federal corruption charges


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Look like Former Mayor Ray Nagin is headed to chocolate prison for a long time. Jesus what a crook this negro democrat was. It just shows you can't trust a democrat. They are frankly...........not ethical.

Former New Orleans mayor indicted on federal corruption charges -

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who captured the drama of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 with an "SOS" call to the nation, was indicted Friday on 21 federal corruption charges, including bribery, money laundering, fraud and filing false tax returns.

Nagin allegedly defrauded the city through "a bribery and kickback scheme" in which he received checks, cash, wire transfers, personal services and free travel from businessmen seeking contracts and favorable treatment from the city, the 25-page federal indictment says.

As part of the alleged bribes, Nagin's family members received a vacation in Hawaii; first-class airfare to Jamaica; private jet travel and a limousine for New York City totaling $23,500; and cellular phone service, the indictment said.

Nagin's family-owned granite-business Stone Age LLC allegedly benefited in the corruption, too, the indictment said.

Nagin could not immediately be reached for comment.

Watch this video

2006: N.O. will be a 'chocolate city'

According to the indictment, the bribing businessmen allegedly received city contracts of $1 million for consulting, more than $3 million to build a project at Louis Armstrong International Airport, and $1 million for another airport project, the indictment said. Other contracts were for sidewalk repairs in the French Quarter and professional services, authorities allege.

Among the conspiracy charges is an accusation that Nagin awarded "no bid" work to a city contractor who provided "concealed and direct campaign monies" to Nagin, the indictment says.

Read the indictment

Nagin allegedly received bribes from city contractors in the amounts of $60,000, $2,250, $50,000 and $10,000, the indictment says.

He also is accused of receiving a bribe in the form of granite inventory from a city construction contractor.

Nagin faces nine counts of honest services wire fraud, alleging he received nine wire transfers amounting to $12,500 each that were bribes or kickback payoffs from the same city construction contractor in 2010 and 2011, the indictment says. Those bribed totaled $112,500.

In his 2005 tax return -- the same year that Katrina hit the Gulf Coast -- Nagin allegedly filed a false tax return claiming his income was $156,278, the indictment says.

He is also accused of filing false returns for 2006 listing his income at $170,364, for 2007 with an income of $31,163, and for 2008 with a $143,852 income, the indictment said.
What a shame... he seemed like such a breath of fresh air when he rode into office. Then the B.S. quickly started, first when we found out he really wasn't a CPA as he had claimed.. then the Katrina fiasco. Fucking dumbass.
Look like Former Mayor Ray Nagin is headed to chocolate prison for a long time. Jesus what a crook this negro democrat was. It just shows you can't trust a democrat. They are frankly...........not ethical.

Former New Orleans mayor indicted on federal corruption charges -

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who captured the drama of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 with an "SOS" call to the nation, was indicted Friday on 21 federal corruption charges, including bribery, money laundering, fraud and filing false tax returns.

Nagin allegedly defrauded the city through "a bribery and kickback scheme" in which he received checks, cash, wire transfers, personal services and free travel from businessmen seeking contracts and favorable treatment from the city, the 25-page federal indictment says.

As part of the alleged bribes, Nagin's family members received a vacation in Hawaii; first-class airfare to Jamaica; private jet travel and a limousine for New York City totaling $23,500; and cellular phone service, the indictment said.

Nagin's family-owned granite-business Stone Age LLC allegedly benefited in the corruption, too, the indictment said.

Nagin could not immediately be reached for comment.

Watch this video

2006: N.O. will be a 'chocolate city'

According to the indictment, the bribing businessmen allegedly received city contracts of $1 million for consulting, more than $3 million to build a project at Louis Armstrong International Airport, and $1 million for another airport project, the indictment said. Other contracts were for sidewalk repairs in the French Quarter and professional services, authorities allege.

Among the conspiracy charges is an accusation that Nagin awarded "no bid" work to a city contractor who provided "concealed and direct campaign monies" to Nagin, the indictment says.

Read the indictment

Nagin allegedly received bribes from city contractors in the amounts of $60,000, $2,250, $50,000 and $10,000, the indictment says.

He also is accused of receiving a bribe in the form of granite inventory from a city construction contractor.

Nagin faces nine counts of honest services wire fraud, alleging he received nine wire transfers amounting to $12,500 each that were bribes or kickback payoffs from the same city construction contractor in 2010 and 2011, the indictment says. Those bribed totaled $112,500.

In his 2005 tax return -- the same year that Katrina hit the Gulf Coast -- Nagin allegedly filed a false tax return claiming his income was $156,278, the indictment says.

He is also accused of filing false returns for 2006 listing his income at $170,364, for 2007 with an income of $31,163, and for 2008 with a $143,852 income, the indictment said.

He'll get out, run for re-election or a higher office and win.
What a shame... he seemed like such a breath of fresh air when he rode into office. Then the B.S. quickly started, first when we found out he really wasn't a CPA as he had claimed.. then the Katrina fiasco. Fucking dumbass.

It looks bad for Nagin to me.
Another Black mayor leaving his "Chocolate City" to take a ride on the 'Hersey Highway'.
Why don't they simians who keep electing these imbeciles have a tailor come in and measure the mayors for their orange jump suits on their first day in office.
"Hi. I'm a Black dude and you-all are Blacks so I know you'll vote for me. No I don't have any experience. And if I'm lucky I can rob you-all of thousands of tax dollars and I won't get caught.".
this man was a disgrace how he used his incompetence to run down President Bush over Katrina.

the real disgrace is people ate it up and NOW look where he is at

where's Kanye West wailing how Nagin hates black people?
At the height of the disaster Nagin and his 'crew' were holed up in luxury penthouses in NY going to the Nikes game.
Hundreds of school buses were half under water b/c they didn't have any diesel b/c one of Nagins 'crew' who was supposed to make sure the buses always had fuel had pocketed the money set aside for the fuel.........TWICE!!!!! so the City officials refused to put any more 'up-front' money towards the fuel cost. This is the type of criminal activity the mayor of Detroit....sorry I'm getting too many Black mayors who are in prison on corruption charges mixed up are famous for. I meant NO.
notice not ONE DEMOCRAT/lib in the thread

how odd huh?

some republican congresscritter no one hardly KNOWS and a reporter is MORE IMPORTANT
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A year in a Federal prison and Nagin will be able to see his flip-flops through his ass hole. Got to love it!
Chocolate prison
Anyone wonder why the GOP teabagger right wingnut lunar fringe is losing members in droves and women voters by the score lmao ROTFF

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And I'm not just a democrat, I'm a tree huggin socialist
Leaning ACA loving (though single payer is what I wanted) climate change believer
Aggressive progressive

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Actually he was indicted a year ago. His trial is about to begin.
Steve and Rc don't represent anyone but their racist troll selves.
Ah, schadenfreude at its finest. Just feel it. Let it wash over you.

Ray Nagin, the Barry Obama of the chocklet city of 'Nawlins, whom the totally unbiased media covered for along with Gov. Blanco in order to keep the light of their shared fiasco shinning anywhere but on them. All praise the dynamic dimocrat duo!

My hope is Nagin goes to the slammer and the big bubba cellmate who fancies his chocklet ass is of the vanilla variety. And he treats Ray baby like his pet bitch.
Steve and Rc don't represent anyone but their racist troll selves.

Yep. The racists post their rancid stupid bullshit and the left-wing radicals then use that shit to smear all conservatives.

Nah, progs have played the race card so many times it's meaningless.....Blacks don't give a flip about the "n word" anymore....but call a thug a thug and woooo BABY! :afro:

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