Former Nobel Director Regrets Giving Obama Peace Prize


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Of course him admitting to what everyone already knew does not make him and the committee less of an ass. I didn't know that the Nobel Prize was to be awarded to those they think will do something good. I always thought it was for those who DID do something good. This guy is not only admitting they made a mistake in whom they picked, their whole methodology is corrupt.

Of course Obama smiled and took the prize.

Nobel Institute regrets Obama's Nobel | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In his newly published memoir, former director of Norway's Nobel Institute Geil Lundestad expressed regret over giving President Obama the 2009 Nobel Peace award, citing that he did not meet the committee's expectations.

Lundestad said the committee was unanimous in its decision at the time because they believed the hype surrounding his "hope and change" rhetoric and felt the prize would boost the president's confidence to reach his goals, particularly nuclear disarmament. (See Iran deal) The prize was decidedly not given to Obama because of any previous accomplishments, Lundestad clarified.
Obama, the 1st Man Ever To Win A Nobel Peace Prize for 'POTENTAL'...then never lived up to it.

Now the Nobel Prize Director Regrets Giving Obama the Award Because He Realizes He Just Reduced the Status of the Prestigious Award To the Level of A 'Participation' Trophy for American Sports!
Of course him admitting to what everyone already knew does not make him and the committee less of an ass. I didn't know that the Nobel Prize was to be awarded to those they think will do something good. I always thought it was for those who DID do something good. This guy is not only admitting they made a mistake in whom they picked, their whole methodology is corrupt.

Of course Obama smiled and took the prize.

Nobel Institute regrets Obama's Nobel | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In his newly published memoir, former director of Norway's Nobel Institute Geil Lundestad expressed regret over giving President Obama the 2009 Nobel Peace award, citing that he did not meet the committee's expectations.

Lundestad said the committee was unanimous in its decision at the time because they believed the hype surrounding his "hope and change" rhetoric and felt the prize would boost the president's confidence to reach his goals, particularly nuclear disarmament. (See Iran deal) The prize was decidedly not given to Obama because of any previous accomplishments, Lundestad clarified.

As long as you understand it's because he wasn't pacifist enough.

but you don't understand that, do you? :cuckoo:
It was nothing more than a ploy to make an event planner seem more worthy of the office of President. Most of them were probably asking the same question we were, Barack Achmed who???

HEY MFer! Show some respect! Barak Obama was NOT an 'Event Planner', like some Wedding Coordinator! Obama was one of the men in the highly respected, dangerous, and influential career of 'Community Organizing'...and don't you forget it...d@mnit! :mad:

These people giving out this prize shouldn't ever be taken seriously again.

I about gaged when they presented him with that and all he did was win some election. the whole thing was a setup.
This marks the first time the Nobel Prize panel has admitted they use the Prize to try to influence what people do rather than its stated purpose of acknowledging or rewarding anything.
The Nobel Peace Prize lost its relevance awhile back. It started when they gave it to Al Gore for pushing his 'Global Warming' Pyramid Scheme. And no one knows why they gave it to Obama. At this point the only ones still considering it relevant, are the usual suspect Communist Globalists.
It was absurd that they gave Obama a very prestigious award when he had done nothing more than talk about peace.
The Nobel organization really lost a lot of credibility and respect.

Hopefully in the future they will have learned from their fuck-up and give the award to someone that has actually walked the talk.
These people giving out this prize shouldn't ever be taken seriously again.

I about gaged when they presented him with that and all he did was win some election. the whole thing was a setup.

He bribed them.... $100 million.

I wouldn't put past his handlers, (commies and Islamist) who was making up this False façade of that ugly little man.

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