Former Obama aide head of ADL was the one who started the Bannon is an anti semite/racist garbage


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Well well well. This explains a lot. The ADL has always been left wing but now we have a link to Obama.

Check it out this statement that is completely false. This has been one of the biggest whoppers evah! But on the bright side we've been able to shred this to smithereens in world record time.

I"n a statement noting that the ADL “strongly opposes” Bannon’s new White House appointment, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt — a former aide to President Barack Obama — called Bannon “a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”

Anti-Defamation League Backs Down on False Stephen Bannon Claims
Tiny is 10 for 10 in never seeing racism unless its from black people. To him racism is just a conspiracy that lives in the minds of non whites.
Well well well. This explains a lot. The ADL has always been left wing but now we have a link to Obama.

Check it out this statement that is completely false. This has been one of the biggest whoppers evah! But on the bright side we've been able to shred this to smithereens in world record time.

I"n a statement noting that the ADL “strongly opposes” Bannon’s new White House appointment, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt — a former aide to President Barack Obama — called Bannon “a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”

Anti-Defamation League Backs Down on False Stephen Bannon Claims
Nobody needed to start it... anybody who is familiar with Breitbart can put 2 and 2 together
Well well well. This explains a lot. The ADL has always been left wing but now we have a link to Obama.

Check it out this statement that is completely false. This has been one of the biggest whoppers evah! But on the bright side we've been able to shred this to smithereens in world record time.

I"n a statement noting that the ADL “strongly opposes” Bannon’s new White House appointment, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt — a former aide to President Barack Obama — called Bannon “a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”

Anti-Defamation League Backs Down on False Stephen Bannon Claims
Nobody needed to start it... anybody who is familiar with Breitbart can put 2 and 2 together

Are you saying the website that was started by a Jew and run by Jews is racist and run by anti Semites? Even though the whole upper echelon is Jewish?

“a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”
^ true statement

No the premier website of the alt right is the Alternative Right run by Spencer and Lidell. You can't get yourself out of the lying corner you left wing loons have backed yourself into.

I love it.
“a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”
^ true statement

No the premier website of the alt right is the Alternative Right run by Spencer and Lidell. You can't get yourself out of the lying corner you left wing loons have backed yourself into.

I love it.
You sound pretty triggered for someone who "loves it" :itsok:
The DNC, again, were exposed by their own leaked e-mails as being sexist, racist, homophobic, anti-Semites. I have also been pointing out how THEY have pathetically repeatedly tried to accuse the GOP / Trump of what THEY were caught doing / being.

It's to the point now where when you hear Liberals accusing the GOP of something or calling the GOP a name you automatically know they are really talking about themselves. Sad.
No I'm pretty sure that Bannon's own statements about not wanting his kids in school with Jews is about where it started.
Well well well. This explains a lot. The ADL has always been left wing but now we have a link to Obama.

Check it out this statement that is completely false. This has been one of the biggest whoppers evah! But on the bright side we've been able to shred this to smithereens in world record time.

I"n a statement noting that the ADL “strongly opposes” Bannon’s new White House appointment, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt — a former aide to President Barack Obama — called Bannon “a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”

Anti-Defamation League Backs Down on False Stephen Bannon Claims

Oh, fuck, more fake news from Breitbart. Bannon's own words, and his ex-wife under oath, have labeled him as racist garbage. Breitbart is racist garbage. Andrew Breitbart was racist garbage.

Is Steve Bannon racist? Let's find out!
Well well well. This explains a lot. The ADL has always been left wing but now we have a link to Obama.

Check it out this statement that is completely false. This has been one of the biggest whoppers evah! But on the bright side we've been able to shred this to smithereens in world record time.

I"n a statement noting that the ADL “strongly opposes” Bannon’s new White House appointment, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt — a former aide to President Barack Obama — called Bannon “a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”

Anti-Defamation League Backs Down on False Stephen Bannon Claims
Nobody needed to start it... anybody who is familiar with Breitbart can put 2 and 2 together

Are you saying the website that was started by a Jew and run by Jews is racist and run by anti Semites? Even though the whole upper echelon is Jewish?

No that's not what i'm saying... I'm saying that Breitbart is an alt-right nationalist extremely partisan news outlet and the contents of its news stories do reflect on the man that that was their executive chairman and now right hand man of our next president. The Anti-Semitic and racists claims are overblown in my opinion, they do print things that can be spun that way, but "carlessly insensitive" is as far as I'd go with the labels
Well well well. This explains a lot. The ADL has always been left wing but now we have a link to Obama.

Check it out this statement that is completely false. This has been one of the biggest whoppers evah! But on the bright side we've been able to shred this to smithereens in world record time.

I"n a statement noting that the ADL “strongly opposes” Bannon’s new White House appointment, ADL president Jonathan Greenblatt — a former aide to President Barack Obama — called Bannon “a man who presided over the premier website of the Alt Right, a loose-knit group of white nationalists and unabashed anti-Semites and racists.”

Anti-Defamation League Backs Down on False Stephen Bannon Claims

Oh, fuck, more fake news from Breitbart. Bannon's own words, and his ex-wife under oath, have labeled him as racist garbage. Breitbart is racist garbage. Andrew Breitbart was racist garbage.

Is Steve Bannon racist? Let's find out!

A pissed off ex wife in the midst of a bitter divorce and custody battle. Oh there's one for the freaking record. Bannon's life story tells an entirely different tale.


You and others are totally busted over your lies. Busted big time.

I know that many on the left are anti Semetic but to try to pin Breitbart news, Breitbart, his CEO and the upper echelon of Breitbart as racist garbage just confirms what I've always known about you. You are anti Semitic.

You hate Israel and therefore would detest and disparage anyone and everyone who supports Israel. Well that would be Bannon and the Jewish personnel at Breitbart. And of course Andrew himself.

Now the part that Greenblatt served Obama is true as well.

"Prior to heading ADL, Greenblatt served in the White House as Special Assistant to Barack Obama and Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation"

Jonathan Greenblatt - Wikipedia
The ADL and SPLC need more diversity! Racist double standards exhibited by racist groups that spy on society to seek out alleged racism toward their racist group is racist.
The ADL and SPLC need more diversity! Racist double standards exhibited by racist groups that spy on society to seek out alleged racism toward their racist group is racist.

This is about where a decade and a half of 'diversity workshops' in the workplace has gotten us. 'Diversity' turned out to be a catchphrase and philosophy, in order to indoctrinate Americans to accept 'globalism' and 'open borders' with little question. When, in fact, it turns out to be quasi-Stalinistic and at odds with American tradition. Thank God for Trump and the majority of Americans who have seen through this scam! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
The ADL and SPLC need more diversity! Racist double standards exhibited by racist groups that spy on society to seek out alleged racism toward their racist group is racist.

Okay, that one's LOL funny while being incredibly stupid.

Wonder why nazis, kkk, ISIS, Putin, China and other anti-America slime are celebrating. Hell, trumpkins are even having parties dressed in kkk bed sheets, spraying the swastika all over, attacking innocent people and infesting message boards like this one.

Bannon said Brietbart is the 'premier platform' for alt-right but as I remember, Brietbart himself was not as racist as those who came after his death or quite as utterly crooked and vile as lil Jimmy O'Keefe.
The ADL and SPLC need more diversity! Racist double standards exhibited by racist groups that spy on society to seek out alleged racism toward their racist group is racist.

This is about where a decade and a half of 'diversity workshops' in the workplace has gotten us. 'Diversity' turned out to be a catchphrase and philosophy, in order to indoctrinate Americans to accept 'globalism' and 'open borders' with little question. When, in fact, it turns out to be quasi-Stalinistic and at odds with American tradition. Thank God for Trump and the majority of Americans who have seen through this scam! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

No, this is where hundreds of years of a certain segment (now its the trumpkins, fundie thumpers, etc) always blaming others for their own shortcomings.

They're too lazy, stupid and ill educated to take charge of their own lives and don't have the gumption to do any better. The GOP/Repubs have encouraged that with their attacks on education as being "elitist" and even outlawing "critical thinking". Even trump himself said he liked uneducated voters and called his followers stupid.
You fools voted against the US, against jobs, equality, rights and freedoms and you'll get exactly what you want. Or do you really believe that trump will suddenly change his entire life and work FOR the US and FOR jobs for Americas? C'mon, you can't be THAT stupid.

Connecticut officials: Donald Trump supporters partied in KKK garb to celebrate election



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