Former officials: CIA politicized intelligence on Benghazi

Of course, the liberal handlers must approve what comes out of the CIA, DoD, etc before it hits the public. They redline words that don't perpetuate the White House lies.

Then when conservatives point out the White House is lying....they call us racists.

How any white person can support these scum is beyind me.
Granny says, "Dat's right - she gonna sing like a canary when dey get her under dat bright light...

State Department: Clinton not dodging Benghazi hearings
December 18th, 2012 - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is "on the mend" and working from home, the State Department’s spokeswoman said Tuesday.
Clinton had been recovering from a bout of stomach flu last week when she fainted and ended up with a concussion. Clinton informed the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees this weekend that she would be unable to testify at upcoming hearings about the deadly events in Benghazi, Libya, at the advice of her doctors. In her place, deputies Thomas Nides and Bill Burns will testify on Thursday. Clinton was finishing her cover letter to Congress to accompany the independent Benghazi review that was just completed, as she recuperates at home from her concussion injury and stomach virus, spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.

The classified version of the independent review is being sent to Congress Tuesday afternoon, and an unclassified version could be released for public consumption as early as Wednesday, the same day that former Ambassador Thomas Pickering and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, who led the review, brief congressional committees about their findings. Nuland said that it was "completely untrue" that Clinton was using her illness to avoid testifying this week about Benghazi, allegations made in the New York Post opinion page and on Fox News by former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton. "She's going to be absolutely fine. She is working at home," Nuland said. "She's been on the phone and in e-mail contact with senior staff. She's been working on other issues - Syria, the DPRK [North Korea] today. These are people that don't know what they are talking about."

In a statement from Clinton's doctors released over the weekend, Clinton was told to "rest and avoid any strenuous activity." The doctors said the "strongly advised her to cancel all work events for the coming week." Typically, a concussion will lead to doctors’ ordering “brain rest,” said Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent. "You almost want to give the brain rest as well. Doctors will literally say don't read anything, don't watch television, don't get on a computer. You really want to put the brain to rest for a while to allow the brain to recover from a concussion," Gupta said. "The best way to get recovery, full recovery, from a concussion is to really not do anything."

Gupta said the fact Clinton is at home, and not the in the hospital, suggests the nature of the injury may not be too severe. "I think they obviously would have a low threshold for having her in the hospital. In this case, she's not. So I think the antenna is lowered here," Gupta explained over the weekend. Gupta, a neurosurgeon, guessed that recovery would take about a week, though he was not privy to her specific case. "What you want to do is you slowly reintroduce activity, you know, allow someone to start reading, maybe engaging in some exercise, and seeing if any of those symptoms come back. If they come back, then, you're sort of back on rest again. So, it can be back and forth for a little bit. My guess is a week. That's typical with a mild concussion," he said. Nuland said Tuesday that Clinton’s doctors “and all the people close to her are trying to encourage her to take the time she needs to be well.” In a letter to the Senate and House foreign affairs committees, Clinton said she "looks forward to continuing to engage them in January, and she will be open to whatever they consider appropriate in that regard," Nuland said earlier this week.


See also:

Clinton to testify before House panel in January
December 19th, 2012 - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will testify in January before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen told CNN on Wednesday.
Clinton was slated to testify on the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya before the panel on Thursday, but canceled her scheduled Capitol Hill appearances after her office acknowledged on Saturday she had recently suffered a concussion and would be working from home this week. Her medical absence this week would not get her off the hook for testifying, Republicans on the panel said over the weekend.

Ros-Lehtinen issued a statement saying, "We still don't have information from the Obama Administration on what went so tragically wrong in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four patriotic Americans. We have been combing through classified and unclassified documents and have tough questions about State Department threat assessments and decision-making on Benghazi. This requires a public appearance by the Secretary of State herself. Other cabinet secretaries involved should also be held publicly accountable."

A date has not yet been set for the mid-January testimony, Ros-Lehtinen said Wednesday, but said Clinton's adviser Cheryl Mills told her the secretary would not be traveling and would be available. The State Department released late Tuesday the results of an independent investigation into the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Libya which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Republicans have questioned the administration's public statements in the wake of the attack, which contained incorrect information. Their criticism of comments made by U.S Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice led to Rice withdrawing her name from consideration to replace Clinton, who plans to step down. Three department officials resigned on Wednesday after the report found "systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department" resulting in a security operation that was "inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place."

Pubs screwed up the CIA's efforts to not tip off Alqaeda...

ONE LIE, dupes?
No one needed to tip off AQ there asshole. You don't think AQ doesn't know they are being watched??

They were the ones doing the attacking.

I kinda sorta think they knew all about it.

As for shit for brains Hilary? She needs to be subpeaned to testify when she's able. Of course she's probably able now but hey, who wants to let the world know just incompetant your State Department is??
Hillary has a concussion but doesn't go to the hospital................right.

Asking questions about an obvious Obama administration not telling the truth tipped off the perpetrators......right.

Obama is going to vigorously pursue who did this..................right.
Pubs screwed up the CIA's efforts to not tip off Alqaeda...

ONE LIE, dupes?

Maybe you are entirely right but that does not change the failure of Obama to protect our people. A complete and utter fail on his and Hillary's part but you and the left could care less.

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