Former President Trump Says Biden Is Responsible For Creating Thousands of American Hostages and Humiliating America

I'm just a better person than you. That isn't saying much. I understand that you, being a conservative, have zero empathy for labeling a woman as a victim of sexual assault to satisfy some sick and bizarre fable.... Others don't have your deformed mind. Thank God.
So, you're saying Cuomo shouldn't be impeached?

Not to believe the women that have come forward?
Wow...your opinion is that the blob was a better president.... Your opinion is no better or worse than mine.

As for "math is racist"...what in the hell are you talking about?

Biden is a superior man, President, father, person than your blob ever dreamed of being. Hence the multiple scandals that have always circled around him (before during and after his presidency), the payoffs to porn stars, the incubation of violence at every turn during his tenure.... You guys are just sick.
1. Trump was competent and had real press conferences, he misspoke occasionally, but his policies were all solid. His list of accomplishments is outstanding:

2. My "math is racist" comment comes from:

3. Xiden is NOT a superior man, he plagiarized, he extorted Ukraine, he's senile, and most importantly has never been right about anything in foreign policy, as per SecDef Gates.
Now that he's old and senile, he's a walking disaster:
Totall7y fucked-up the US withdrawal from AFG, a disaster that will live "in infamy"
Open Borders and lax immigration policies, created a disaster on the border
Russia First Energy policies, gave Putin Nord Stream 2 while shutting down the KeystoneXL pipeline
Lax Military posture, pushing CRT that hurts readiness
The Green New Deal, wants to waste $Trillions
"Wokeness" most racist president in history
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogrammed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
China First trade policies, Hunter got a cool $1.5b on an AF-2 trip to China
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate, GM is building their new EV in Mexico

4. You want to compare the Biden organization (that sells influence) to the Trump organization?

5. As for the Trump "scandals" there are none, they were all "fake news" by the democrats, like "Russia Collusion" and other nonsense. You guys are low-IQ who believe and repeat the lies about Trump. The MSM was proven to be 95% negative on Trump, but ask Biden deep questions like "what flavor of ice cream do you like". Partisan idiot.
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No. He said something that was very true. You don't want to believe it cause you voted for that incompetent idiot.

You love those lies you believe. You voted for a guy who hasn't got a clue about being POTUS. Hope you enjoy cause no American tax payer will.
democrats like candycorn know that Biden owns the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan ... but lying is part of what being a leftist is all about .
Good, maybe that'll learn the imperialist that their folly will not be tolerated...Fuck Trump he could have ended it all yet he didn't he left the mess up to someone else and now the braggart has the balls to brag about what he didn't do.
what mess did he leave idiot ? i dont recall the chaos we are seeing today in Afghanistan when Trump was POTUS.
Wow...your opinion is that the blob was a better president.... Your opinion is no better or worse than mine.

As for "math is racist"...what in the hell are you talking about?

Biden is a superior man, President, father, person than your blob ever dreamed of being. Hence the multiple scandals that have always circled around him (before during and after his presidency), the payoffs to porn stars, the incubation of violence at every turn during his tenure.... You guys are just sick.
Ahh... So you think the election was fair...right? A simple yes or no.
So you think the talk of Biden being a pedophile is wrong? Why don't you use your moderation powers to remove this disgusting content? Apparently you're down with letting people be labeled as victims of sexual assault.

Fuck off loser.
are you talking about Kavanaugh ?
Trump's opinion of things is of no matter. It never was. He is nothing but an egoistic rich brat. He should never have been President.
The present administration has handled Afghanistan remarkably poorly. It has handled the border poorly. Some of us expected no better from Biden. We do not expect Harris to be better. Neither is fit to be President. In fact, memory barely goes back to anyone truly fit for the post.
Good, maybe that'll learn the imperialist that their folly will not be tolerated...Fuck Trump he could have ended it all yet he didn't he left the mess up to someone else and now the braggart has the balls to brag about what he didn't do.
Yesterday at the White House press briefing, Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, said that Biden was left a force of only 2500 in Afghanistan (true by all accounts). But then he went on to say that Biden had to choose between going to zero, or ramping up significantly, so he chose to go to zero.

What a complete load of BS. It is not a binary choice. Biden has chosen to focus on the calendar (August 31 arbitrary withdrawal date), as opposed to protecting American citizens and our allies. In doing so, while creating yet another crisis, he has had to ramp up our troops to 6000. And it will go higher when Americans are threatened by the Taliban.

The US did not lose one American in Afghanistan in Trump's final 18 months, despite pulling troops out. Don't forget, Trump thought he was going to win the election, so he was pulling troops with nothing but excellent intentions.

You're supposed to get the Americans and the weaponry out, and then withdrawal the troops and blow up the forts.

At some point, Biden might end up delivering pallets of cash to the Taliban, or closing Gitmo in exchange for American hostages, with the way he has handled things.
what mess did he leave idiot ? i dont recall the chaos we are seeing today in Afghanistan when Trump was POTUS.

Trumpybear signed the surrender agreement with the Taliban in Feb of last year. He pulled all but 2500 troop out, which led to massive defection from the Afghan Army and an easy take over for the Taliban in the outer provinces. Did you want us to re-invade to retake the territory Trumpybear gave up? How many more sons and daughters should be sacrificed?
I dont understand how you could have botched this.
Get everyone out and then pull the military.
OH YEAH! I forgot. He is a senile old fool that has been fucking this country up for decades.
Thanks federal supremacists. You stupid mother fuckers.
If Biden was in charge of abandoning the titanic not a single person would have lived.
Trumpybear signed the surrender agreement with the Taliban in Feb of last year. He pulled all but 2500 troop out, which led to massive defection from the Afghan Army and an easy take over for the Taliban in the outer provinces. Did you want us to re-invade to retake the territory Trumpybear gave up? How many more sons and daughters should be sacrificed?
why didnt Biden get American citizens out before he removed the remaining troops 1st ... try and deflect commie but Biden owns this debacle .
Trump says that Biden has humiliated America more than Jimmy Carter did with the Iranian hostage crisis.

Thousands of Americans stranded. Afghans falling off American planes in flight.

And now we have the potential for thousands of American hostages now that the Taliban has closed the Kabul airport off.

It's too bad that so many Americans are going to suffer or lose their lives.

Biden was handed:
  • Afghanistan where we had not lost an American life in 18 months.
  • The most secure Southern border ever.
  • US energy independence
  • Super low inflation
  • Three vaccines
He turned it all to crap.

Biden Admin said recently that the Taliban had promised secure passage to the airport. The Biden Admin actually believed them?

Evacuation flights out of Kabul are taking off near-empty after the Taliban formed a ring of steel around the airport.

There are reportedly about 80,000 Americans and American-friendly Afghans awaiting departure, but we only airlifted out about 1000 yesterday.

As Trump points out, any leader with a brain takes out the civilians first. Then the weaponry. Then the military. Biden did it in reverse.

Americans are going to die.

Trump points out that the Biden Admin spin that it was a surprise that the Afghans would not fight was a lie. They stop fighting when we stop paying the fighters. Biden lies.

The Democrats finally have a way to get Kamala installed. We all knew this was coming at some point. There is no way that Biden is going to survive this abject failure of leadership.

President Trump is absolutely right.
Trump's opinion of things is of no matter. It never was. He is nothing but an egoistic rich brat. He should never have been President.
The present administration has handled Afghanistan remarkably poorly. It has handled the border poorly. Some of us expected no better from Biden. We do not expect Harris to be better. Neither is fit to be President. In fact, memory barely goes back to anyone truly fit for the post.
1. Trump got vaccines developed, tested, approved, and manufactured in record time, you're welcome.
2. Trump had the southern border solved, you're welcome
3. Trump had the US economy running well with unemployment at 3.5%, you're welcome
4. Trump was taking on China and deadbeat NATO countries, you're welcome
5. Trump killed ISIS after Obama/Biden fucked around with the "JV Team"
6. Trump's accomplishments are outstanding, Xidens are disasters
why didnt Biden get American citizens out before he removed the remaining troops 1st ... try and deflect commie but Biden owns this debacle .
The agreement to withdraw was signed by Trump a year an a half ago. They had plenty of warning to get out. Trump's good buddies the Taliban, took over from the Afghan Army in Kabul without firing a shot.

Thanks to Trump we would have to re-invade to counter the Taliban takeover.
The agreement to withdraw was signed by Trump a year an a half ago. They had plenty of warning to get out. Trump's good buddies the Taliban, took over from the Afghan Army in Kabul without firing a shot.

Thanks to Trump we would have to re-invade to counter the Taliban takeover.
Democrats talk like Trump is still president making the calls.

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