Former President Trump Says Biden Is Responsible For Creating Thousands of American Hostages and Humiliating America

So trump says, "

"We will negotiate directly with the Taliban.... and no need to get the government involved. You know, the government that we have financed and propped up for nearly 20 years."

"Oh...and we will release 5,000 Taliban prisoners. Well, cause they asked us to."

"So, that should screw Joe over if he wins in November."

"Of course, he won't win and if he does, I will shout massive fraud!"

Joe didn't seem to think that was a problem. He could have sent more if he wanted to.

The more you people try to blame trump, the more pathetic Biden looks.
trump loves the Taliban cause it reminds him of the repub party.
Joe didn't seem to think that was a problem. He could have sent more if he wanted to.

The more you people try to blame trump, the more pathetic Biden looks.
And if he had, the repub party would be screaming and crying....."WE GOTTA GET OUT NOW!
Joe didn't seem to think that was a problem. He could have sent more if he wanted to.

The more you people try to blame trump, the more pathetic Biden looks.

Trump is a liar and a trouble maker.. The Taliban have taken no Americans or Westerners hostage.
Trump says that Biden has humiliated America more than Jimmy Carter did with the Iranian hostage crisis.

Thousands of Americans stranded. Afghans falling off American planes in flight.

And now we have the potential for thousands of American hostages now that the Taliban has closed the Kabul airport off.

It's too bad that so many Americans are going to suffer or lose their lives.

Biden was handed:
  • Afghanistan where we had not lost an American life in 18 months.
  • The most secure Southern border ever.
  • US energy independence
  • Super low inflation
  • Three vaccines
He turned it all to crap.

Biden Admin said recently that the Taliban had promised secure passage to the airport. The Biden Admin actually believed them?

Evacuation flights out of Kabul are taking off near-empty after the Taliban formed a ring of steel around the airport.

There are reportedly about 80,000 Americans and American-friendly Afghans awaiting departure, but we only airlifted out about 1000 yesterday.

As Trump points out, any leader with a brain takes out the civilians first. Then the weaponry. Then the military. Biden did it in reverse.

Americans are going to die.

Trump points out that the Biden Admin spin that it was a surprise that the Afghans would not fight was a lie. They stop fighting when we stop paying the fighters. Biden lies.

The Democrats finally have a way to get Kamala installed. We all knew this was coming at some point. There is no way that Biden is going to survive this abject failure of leadership.

Attack mode when Trump is correct . Watch the Biden humpers attack.
This is from my earlier link:

Although Trump and his allies are unlikely to let hypocrisy stop them pinning the Afghan debacle on Biden, a cynic might conclude that he has little to fear because most Americans either support his rationale or simply do not care. He is more likely to be judged at the ballot box by his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the economy or healthcare than a war whose moral purpose has long since become shrouded in fog
Trump's opinion of things is of no matter. It never was. He is nothing but an egoistic rich brat. He should never have been President.
The present administration has handled Afghanistan remarkably poorly. It has handled the border poorly. Some of us expected no better from Biden. We do not expect Harris to be better. Neither is fit to be President. In fact, memory barely goes back to anyone truly fit for the post.
Maybe, but now he and America will suffer for Bidens incompetence.

Democrats be like... Biden didn't send more troops because Republicans would have cried...

The Taliban have taken no hostages. Trump is just running his mouth for a headline.
The Americans in Afghanistan either have real guts (lots of reporters out there deserve credit for sticking it out) or completely lack common sense to not leave earlier.

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