Former President Trump Says Biden Is Responsible For Creating Thousands of American Hostages and Humiliating America

The Americans in Afghanistan either have real guts (lots of reporters out there deserve credit for sticking it out) or completely lack common sense to not leave earlier.

What usually happens in these evacuations is that the husband sends the wife and kids home and sticks around if he is essential personnel.
What usually happens in these evacuations is that the husband sends the wife and kids home and sticks around if he is essential personnel.
Essential to what? Government personnel were already evacuated (and they didn’t ever have their families present).
you are the one passing the buck .

Nope. Joe is responsible for not re-arming our forces and for not pulling out of the Trump negotiated withdrawal. He is not responsible for the Taliban being in the position to take control.
Like head of oil operations essential.
Oil operations? Afghanistan? Maybe you’re just giving an example. There’s not a lot of US investment in Afghanistan and even if there was, the time to shut down operations was when Biden announced a withdrawal.
Biden's handling of this is a disgrace, and only Biden is responsible. It's still a little too early see just how this ends, there is still room for a greater disaster to unfold. Personally I have little faith that the Taliban rushed to Kabul to measure the drapes and usher foreigners out of the country peacefully. Biden's little speech did not inspire confidence that he US can actually do anything to protect those still in Afghanistan.

The real problem liberals have is that Harris is disliked more than the walking failure that is Biden. Expect the next three years to be one debacle after another unless Republicans take the House and Senate and limit the damage to things only the executive branch can screw up on their own and without funding.
If the Republicans manage to take both the Senate and House, it would be entertaining to watch them impeach and remove Biden, immediately turn around and impeach and remove Harris and install the Republican Speaker of the House as president. The Democrat's collective heads would explode. After all, the Democrats established the new rule that the party controlling the congress can impeach a sitting president without him or her performing any illegal acts at all.
If the Republicans manage to take both the Senate and House, it would be entertaining to watch them impeach and remove Biden, immediately turn around and impeach and remove Harris and install the Republican Speaker of the House as president. The Democrat's collective heads would explode. After all, the Democrats established the new rule that the party controlling the congress can impeach a sitting president without him or her performing any illegal acts at all.
It will be much more amusing when the Democrats gain in both the House and the Senate.
It will be much more amusing when the Democrats gain in both the House and the Senate.
If that happens, it will be the first time in modern history that the party of a sitting president has increased it's numbers in congress. The president's party always loses seats in the midterm.
And since US forces weren't there in a combat role, how many troops do YOU think we needed? To my understanding, most of the remaining troops were REMFs handling supply and support for the ANA, not combat troops.
"No exit from Afghanistan was going to be easy or without a sense of pain and betrayal from Americans who served and sacrificed there and Afghans who have come to rely on the US and its allies and have been left to fend for themselves.

And any regeneration of Afghanistan as a staging area for al Qaeda, ISIS and acts of terrorism against Americans or our allies also will invite new debate about the President’s decision.

But as Biden argued, and events have proven, to remain after the Trump administration’s withdrawal agreement with the Taliban last year, and Trump’s subsequent drawdown of US troops, would have required reengaging and placing more Americans in harm’s way to shore up a corrupt and feckless government."


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