Former President Trump Says Biden Is Responsible For Creating Thousands of American Hostages and Humiliating America

"No exit from Afghanistan was going to be easy or without a sense of pain and betrayal from Americans who served and sacrificed there and Afghans who have come to rely on the US and its allies and have been left to fend for themselves.

And any regeneration of Afghanistan as a staging area for al Qaeda, ISIS and acts of terrorism against Americans or our allies also will invite new debate about the President’s decision.

But as Biden argued, and events have proven, to remain after the Trump administration’s withdrawal agreement with the Taliban last year, and Trump’s subsequent drawdown of US troops, would have required reengaging and placing more Americans in harm’s way to shore up a corrupt and feckless government."

Please. Biden cancelled many of Trump's EOs in his first days. Biden has had the keys for seven months. To argue that it is Trump's fault, as Biden was simply honoring the agreement signed by Trump is complete vapor.

Biden addressed the nation and said that what we are witnessing was his decision, he owns it, the buck stops with him, and he stands by his decision.

Biden had limitless possibilities. He chose one, and we are seeing his decision play out.
Trump says that Biden has humiliated America more than Jimmy Carter did with the Iranian hostage crisis.

Thousands of Americans stranded. Afghans falling off American planes in flight.

And now we have the potential for thousands of American hostages now that the Taliban has closed the Kabul airport off.

It's too bad that so many Americans are going to suffer or lose their lives.

Biden was handed:
  • Afghanistan where we had not lost an American life in 18 months.
  • The most secure Southern border ever.
  • US energy independence
  • Super low inflation
  • Three vaccines
He turned it all to crap.

Biden Admin said recently that the Taliban had promised secure passage to the airport. The Biden Admin actually believed them?

Evacuation flights out of Kabul are taking off near-empty after the Taliban formed a ring of steel around the airport.

There are reportedly about 80,000 Americans and American-friendly Afghans awaiting departure, but we only airlifted out about 1000 yesterday.

As Trump points out, any leader with a brain takes out the civilians first. Then the weaponry. Then the military. Biden did it in reverse.

Americans are going to die.

Trump points out that the Biden Admin spin that it was a surprise that the Afghans would not fight was a lie. They stop fighting when we stop paying the fighters. Biden lies.

The Democrats finally have a way to get Kamala installed. We all knew this was coming at some point. There is no way that Biden is going to survive this abject failure of leadership.

He'soften right, this is a right.
Yup, the trump regime is going to have to explain how they freed 5,000 dangerous prisoners and cut a deal exclusively with the Taliban. trump and pompeo were pretty sure that a deal to get out of Afghanistan would help the Liar in Chief win in November 2020. But it failed....but in the process they screwed the United States.
Try as you may . This is all on Biden... keep trying though...
The agreement to withdraw was signed by Trump a year an a half ago. They had plenty of warning to get out. Trump's good buddies the Taliban, took over from the Afghan Army in Kabul without firing a shot.

Thanks to Trump we would have to re-invade to counter the Taliban takeover.
are you saying that this inept final phase of the drawdown carried out poorly by Biden is nothing more than a ruse to cause choas so Biden and the neocons have an excuse to reinvade ?
I disagree. Had he raise the troop level and tried to reassert power then he would own it. Right now the Afghan War is owned by Bush, Obama and Trump to a less extent, in that order. Trump handed Biden a hot turd and everyone knows it.
the drawdown disaster going on right now belongs to the admin overseeing it .
Those thousands of American civilians got themselves over there, knew when the troops were expected to pull out, but wanted to milk their $130/hr. security jobs until the very end, not knowing how bad the very end was going to be.

Our government and military have no responsibility to get those people out of Afghanistan.
maybe they believed Biden when he said the Taliban wouldnt take over the country .
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repubs lie with the greatest ease! Like the man on the flying trapeze!
as far as a i can recall the Afghan gov ,the US embassy and the airbases [along with our military equipment] werent in the hands of the Taliban when Trump left office .... Biden own the mess ... you know it, i know it, the world knows it .
Good, maybe that'll learn the imperialist that their folly will not be tolerated...Fuck Trump he could have ended it all yet he didn't he left the mess up to someone else and now the braggart has the balls to brag about what he didn't do.
Trump had a plan pedo joe did the opposite. See how that went?
Trumpybear signed the surrender agreement with the Taliban in Feb of last year. He pulled all but 2500 troop out, which led to massive defection from the Afghan Army and an easy take over for the Taliban in the outer provinces. Did you want us to re-invade to retake the territory Trumpybear gave up? How many more sons and daughters should be sacrificed?
Trump had a plan that was working and Biden totally screwed it up.
Trump says that Biden has humiliated America more than Jimmy Carter did with the Iranian hostage crisis.

Thousands of Americans stranded. Afghans falling off American planes in flight.

And now we have the potential for thousands of American hostages now that the Taliban has closed the Kabul airport off.

It's too bad that so many Americans are going to suffer or lose their lives.

Biden was handed:
  • Afghanistan where we had not lost an American life in 18 months.
  • The most secure Southern border ever.
  • US energy independence
  • Super low inflation
  • Three vaccines
He turned it all to crap.

Biden Admin said recently that the Taliban had promised secure passage to the airport. The Biden Admin actually believed them?

Evacuation flights out of Kabul are taking off near-empty after the Taliban formed a ring of steel around the airport.

There are reportedly about 80,000 Americans and American-friendly Afghans awaiting departure, but we only airlifted out about 1000 yesterday.

As Trump points out, any leader with a brain takes out the civilians first. Then the weaponry. Then the military. Biden did it in reverse.

Americans are going to die.

Trump points out that the Biden Admin spin that it was a surprise that the Afghans would not fight was a lie. They stop fighting when we stop paying the fighters. Biden lies.

The Democrats finally have a way to get Kamala installed. We all knew this was coming at some point. There is no way that Biden is going to survive this abject failure of leadership.

Again, everything President Trump said is true.

The exit out of Afghanistan has been planned and executed poorly, and that is an understatement.

40,000 US citizens were left behind when the military was pulled out, at the 'mercy' of our terrorist enemies. There are Americans scattered all over Afghanistan out govt has told, 'We have no plan to come rescue you - you make it to us in Kabul if you want to be rescued, no matter how far away you are - You are on your own.'

IF the Taliban chose to do so, they COULD slaughter hundreds if not thousands of them, and Biden's administration could not stop them - that's what it means to be at the mercy of the Taliban.

Bottom line, again, is that the exit out of Afghanistan was poorly planned and poorly executed. That is what President Trump is saying, and he is right. So many people - USMB members - irrationally hate the man so much they can not bring themselves to admit TRUMP IS RIGHT.
There needs to be an investigation. I would like to see the facts. Like....why did trump and Pompeii free 5,000 Taliban prisoners? Why did trump and Pompeii refuse to sit down with both the Taliban and the Afghan government?

Will the repub party run from the truth....AGAIN?
Clusterfuck Joe just freed all the taliban prisoners.

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