Former Prosecutor: Why I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim against Biden:

Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:

I'm not skeptical that there was probably something improper that happened. However, something that wasn't assault 30 years ago doesn't become assault 30 years later. The victim has rights but so does the accused.

I don't recall you saying that about Kavanaugh on these boards....hypocrite much?

And yeah, I'm pretty sure forcing yourself upon someone else was considered assault back then too...

Here ya go. I would expect you to apologize but we all know you have zero character and, of course won’t.

Remember this verse from Longfellow?
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Two things came up today that put the Biden-Tara Reade kerfuffle in a very different light.

1. This, from conservative newsletter NOQ:
"Why I don’t believe Tara Reade
Going to the police is what credible accusers do rather than appeal to the court of public opinions, but there are details about this police report that are a bit of a red herring. Two facts to consider. One, Reade’s criminal complaint is past the statute of limitations. So police will not pursue this investigation. So this criminal complaint is inconsequential, although it’s what a real victim would do at this point, I suppose. Second, is that there are no consequences for falsely accusing someone of rape or sexual assault.
Conveniently, Conservative Inc has forgotten that Tara Reade initially accused Joe Biden of inappropriate touching early in the primary process along with several other women. We should be asking why these serious allegations never came up then and suddenly when Bernie Sanders’ campaign went down in flames it does."

2. And this fits what three decades should have taught us about the person who might be the beneficiary of a Biden demise....politically.
Radio host Chris Plante gave a number of cases of folks who stood in the way of the Clinton Crime Family, meeting an untimely demise.

Can anyone imagine the Clinton's stabbing a fellow Democrat in the back......or the front???

You betcha'!!!


Bill and Hill spotting a juicy meal??????

“His hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And then, he went, he went down my skirt and then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers … and um … He was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me,” she also told Halper.

“He got finished doing what he was doing and I, how I was pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ And that phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might have said. And I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘I thought’ or if ‘I heard.’ It’s like he implied that I had done this.”
The unasked question, in contrast:

Why would Dr. Ford accuse Judge K if it were not true? Answer: She was an emphatic Trump hater who purged her own social media in order to hide her political slant, before going public. She was (and presumably remains) terrified that a "Justice Kavanaugh" would be the deciding vote in a case to overturn RvW. Surely there are other issues on which she would emphatically oppose Kavanaugh's positions on the Court.


Why would Ms. Reade accuse J. Biden if it were not true?

No apparent reason. She is a lifelong Democrat who has supported Biden, even after the event in question. She has NOTHING TO GAIN by the accusation, and much to lose.
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:
Trump supporters accept accusations against Biden, curiously reject allegations against Trump even though he admitted sexual misconduct.

Why would Ms. Reade accuse J. Biden if it were not true?

No apparent reason. She is a lifelong Democrat who has supported Biden, even after the event in question. She has NOTHING TO GAIN by the accusation, and much to lose.

Actually...there are so many inconsistencies in her story that contradict her claim, including her "support" of Biden.


“His hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And then, he went, he went down my skirt and then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers … and um … He was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me,” she also told Halper.

“He got finished doing what he was doing and I, how I was pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ And that phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might have said. And I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘I thought’ or if ‘I heard.’ It’s like he implied that I had done this.”

And she waited 27 years because she "respected" a man who did that to her? Come on....
I doubt Biden raped anyone, but the responses to the claims have exposed the #metoo movement as political weapon used by democrats. The causalities in their efforts? Women who are really sexually assaulted. I guess democrats would consider them collateral damage.
One thing about the collective minds of politicians. They’re very short sighted. Who wouldn’t have seen the #metoo movement boomeranging back in the faces of democrats?! The democrats created this monster and now the don’t support it. It makes them look horrible.
Why would Ms. Reade accuse J. Biden if it were not true?

No apparent reason. She is a lifelong Democrat who has supported Biden, even after the event in question. She has NOTHING TO GAIN by the accusation, and much to lose.

Actually...there are so many inconsistencies in her story that contradict her claim, including her "support" of Biden.

So was Ford lying?
Having re-read the OP article, I am having some misgivings, as it seems to be following a very familiar pattern (albeit in a less egregious manner than many other instances thereof). What on earth, we should ask, has her praise for Russia to do with that alleged assault? Or her critical view of "traditional American democracy", for that matter? If she's infatuated with Putin, does that prove anything? Why mention any of that at all? Other than throwing anything at Reade in order to discredit her (and her allegation) in the eyes of readers who aren't really paying attention if non-pertinent nonsense is brought up.

You don't see a link between her love for Putin and her flaky behavior. Or that she's a supporter of Commie Bernie, and didn't come up with these new charges until it was pretty clear Commie Bernie was going to lose?

Look, I get it, buddy. Hard Core Liberal, POUNDMeToo is a religion, that women, never ever lie about these sorts of things.

At least the author avoided rummaging through Reade's past sex life - good on him. And yet, why isn't it established victims come forward on their own volition, according to their own timeline, when they are ready, not when self-righteous onlookers think the time is right?
Why then should we assume Stern adds anything to the discussion by pointing to the delay? He writes movingly about victims' fortitude coming forward, even admitted he couldn't match it. Victims struggle for years and even decades with competing emotions and motives, and different motives winning out at different times might make the resulting behavior and statements seem erratic. That is to say, it is no surprise to find "contradictions". Stern should have kept that in mind more while writing his piece. Mind you, I still think the case is pretty strong, warts and all.

Whose case? The contradictions are the problem. Last year, she said she quit in a huff because someone asked her to serve drinks at a fundraiser. This year, she claims she was fired because Biden groped her. Come on, seriously?

I found Reade's opinion piece, originally published here - since deleted - and preserved here. If I may suggest, give it a close read, paying attention to coherence and structure, and the kind of mind emerging from that thing. For I found it telling.

Um, yeah, her love letter to Vlad is kind of creepy and offputting. There were people in the 1930's who thought Hitler was doing the world a solid, too.
One thing about the collective minds of politicians. They’re very short sighted. Who wouldn’t have seen the #metoo movement boomeranging back in the faces of democrats?! The democrats created this monster and now the don’t support it. It makes them look horrible.

No, guy, the problem is, the people who it nailed largely deserved to be nailed. Weinstein and Mac's Hero, Bill Cosby, they really needed to be held to account. The difference is in THOSE cases, they actually built up a case and found multiple witnesses.

The real problem here is the reluctance to go after her on a personal level, the way Clinton left most of the Bimbo Eruptions as greasy smears outside their trailer parks.
Again, the ability to selectively remove memories and insert delusions is amazing. Kavanaugh was investigated as thoroughly as a 30 year old case could be. I

How do you investigate a 30 year old case in a week? Without talking to any of the main witnesses, including Kavanaugh's accomplice. The idea of Kavanaugh was NOT to investigate him, to limit the investigation to just Ford and not the other women who came forward.
Pretty amazing watching the hardcore Left make an absolute mockery out of the Me Too, we-must-believe-the-woman narrative.

Just another example of why a person should do whatever they can to avoid being infected by a hardcore partisan ideology.

It makes people UGLY inside, and it oozes out into their behaviors.

Oh, lighten up, Francis... Personally, I've been critical of PoundMeToo since they made poor Al Franken resign on the word of a stripper. (He probably should have given her a bigger tip)
Maybe she’s a Bernie supporter.
She is a big Bernie supporter. She was also an actress. Heavy has an article that covers a lot of background.
Nope. We don't attack her character.

That's what THEY do

We look at the FACTS. And the facts do not support her claims
One thing about the collective minds of politicians. They’re very short sighted. Who wouldn’t have seen the #metoo movement boomeranging back in the faces of democrats?! The democrats created this monster and now the don’t support it. It makes them look horrible.

No, guy, the problem is, the people who it nailed largely deserved to be nailed. Weinstein and Mac's Hero, Bill Cosby, they really needed to be held to account. The difference is in THOSE cases, they actually built up a case and found multiple witnesses.

The real problem here is the reluctance to go after her on a personal level, the way Clinton left most of the Bimbo Eruptions as greasy smears outside their trailer parks.

I don’t know what you’re babbling about, but let me help you out. The fundamental problem with #meetoo is assumption of guilt based on nothing but an accusation and gender. A six year old boy is developed enough to understand the flaw in that thinking. Innocent before proven guilty is the core principle of our justice system. #Metoo is fundamentally unfair to the accused and it encourages baseless accusations that Negatively affect views of real cases of sexual misconduct.

“His hands were on me and underneath my clothes. And then, he went, he went down my skirt and then up inside it, and he penetrated me with his fingers … and um … He was kissing me at the same time and he was saying something to me,” she also told Halper.

“He got finished doing what he was doing and I, how I was pulled back and he said, ‘Come on man, I heard you liked me.’ And that phrase stayed with me because I kept thinking what I might have said. And I can’t remember exactly if he said ‘I thought’ or if ‘I heard.’ It’s like he implied that I had done this.”
So leftists somehow have to bring themselves to vote for the p---- grabber? :auiqs.jpg:
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:

I agree! Sounds fishy to me!
Again, the ability to selectively remove memories and insert delusions is amazing. Kavanaugh was investigated as thoroughly as a 30 year old case could be. I

How do you investigate a 30 year old case in a week? Without talking to any of the main witnesses, including Kavanaugh's accomplice. The idea of Kavanaugh was NOT to investigate him, to limit the investigation to just Ford and not the other women who came forward.
How on earth do you investigate a 30 year old case, where the alleged victim can’t give a correct year, a neighborhood, how she got there, how she left, and the only other potential witness she lists says she never remembered anything like what was described or being at a party with Kavanaugh. That was your one potential witness.

I believe something like what she described happened, but it wasn’t with Kavanaugh, and she knew it. The real person who did it is probably in the therapist notes she didn’t want released. If you named Kavanaugh years before he was, and it shows up in therapists notes, Kavanaugh is dead in the water.

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