Former Prosecutor: Why I'm skeptical about Reade's sexual assault claim against Biden:

The Dems are somewhat painted into a corner on this one.

That's what you get when you try to leverage everything for political gain.

Wingers on both ends sure fail to grasp that one. Another one of their many shared characteristics.


I am consistent on this.

If Reade files a complaint with a sworn statement (to he police or other body), I think it should be properly investigated discretely. That would mean Reade would be interviewed as well. I would expect that Biden would be interviewed and give a sworn statement on the matter too.

Blassy Ford made a sworn statement and was questioned by congress.. I would expect a proper investigation with the same as above.

I would also expect Trump to answer all the allegations against him in the same manner.. And that could 20+ investigataions. in the same way.

Any hush money should be prosecuted immediately as an illegal donation,

No Hypocrisy, but it was the GOP that set these standards and these are the new rules (don't like them) and every has to play under them until you can change them. It is shit but them the card GOP are dealing...
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:
Believe all women!!
And she waited 27 years because she "respected" a man who did that to her? Come on....

Come on... Reade never said that. Her mother, (allegedly) calling a TV-show host said so. Assuming it was her mother, you think that was a carefully crafted press statement, cleared with lawyers and advisors?

I am not trying to be persnickety, just attempting to fathom how much of an argument that possibly ill-chosen word can carry. Maybe (maybe) she tried to convey something like "out of the respect she previously had for Biden, she did not choose to go to the press", and that was too complex properly to lay out in what must have been an emotionally testing time during a stressful call. I don't know - just that kind of gotcha-argument - But her mom said "respect"! - doesn't get you anywhere, I think.
I don’t know what you’re babbling about, but let me help you out. The fundamental problem with #meetoo is assumption of guilt based on nothing but an accusation and gender. A six year old boy is developed enough to understand the flaw in that thinking. Innocent before proven guilty is the core principle of our justice system. #Metoo is fundamentally unfair to the accused and it encourages baseless accusations that Negatively affect views of real cases of sexual misconduct.

I have a lot of issues with PoundMeToo. But the biggest problem I have with it is that Republicans don't care what their guys get caught doing while Democrats eat their own over minor incidents...
How on earth do you investigate a 30 year old case, where the alleged victim can’t give a correct year, a neighborhood, how she got there, how she left, and the only other potential witness she lists says she never remembered anything like what was described or being at a party with Kavanaugh. That was your one potential witness.

Well, you could look into other women who told similar stories about Judge Angry Drunk. Those were ignored.

You could interview everyone who was in their social circle at the time.

you could interview the guy who was the accomplice, meaning you really sweat the guy.

But naw, we just fumbled around for a week, and said it was fine.
Come on... Reade never said that. Her mother, (allegedly) calling a TV-show host said so. Assuming it was her mother, you think that was a carefully crafted press statement, cleared with lawyers and advisors?

I am not trying to be persnickety, just attempting to fathom how much of an argument that possibly ill-chosen word can carry. Maybe (maybe) she tried to convey something like "out of the respect she previously had for Biden, she did not choose to go to the press", and that was too complex properly to lay out in what must have been an emotionally testing time during a stressful call. I don't know - just that kind of gotcha-argument - But her mom said "respect"! - doesn't get you anywhere, I think.

Let's look at what "That was my Mom, Trust Me!" actually said.

"I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington? My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him."

So unspecified problems which she didn't want to got to the press about out of respect for the Senator.

Um. If the Senator was the guy who caused the problems, why would you "respect" him at all.

Now, you combine that with Her earlier statements about "Being against American Imperialism" or saying "She quit because someone made her serve drinks", and her statement becomes a lot m ore questionable.

But by all means, you guys keep piling on Biden for FemiNazi bullshit, hoping that the Democrats will have a major Brain Fart and put Commie Bernie up there.
Why would Ms. Reade accuse J. Biden if it were not true?

No apparent reason. She is a lifelong Democrat who has supported Biden, even after the event in question. She has NOTHING TO GAIN by the accusation, and much to lose.

Actually...there are so many inconsistencies in her story that contradict her claim, including her "support" of Biden.

So was Ford lying?

Lied about

  • Teaching someone to take lie detector test
New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph

  • A separate door in her house
Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door AccountFord testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of “claustrophobia” and “panic attacks" she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

"Is that the reason for the second door — front door -- is claustrophobia?” asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. “Correct,” Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.” Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door Account | RealClearInvestigations


Being afraid to fly, “…it was presented as a terror so overwhelming, so uncontrollable, as to prevent her from traveling by air under any circumstances. No – Professordoktor Ford, we were led to believe, would need to drive from Palo Alto to Washington to testify before the Senate Judicial Committee.

This claim fell apart in short order after it was revealed that Ford had lived for a year in Honolulu, a city effectively unreachable except by air, had vacationed in Tahiti and other areas of the Pacific, and regularly flew from California to the east coast to visit family. In light of all this, the “driving” claim became a running social media joke, with bogus reports of which was the last town she had driven through. “The Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford

4. Blasey Ford allowed the public and the committee to believe that she was a psychologist in the full meaning of the term. She specifically told the committee that she was a “research psychologist”. She also made the claim on her university web site page, and in several other cases. The legacy media (for instance, theWashington Post and the Atlantic) dropped the “research’ part and repeatedly asserted that she was a licensed psychologist, with no request for a correction from the Blasey Ford camp.

In fact, she is no such thing. While she has done the course work, and was awarded a doctorate in the field, she still lacks certification. To qualify as a “psychologist” in the state of California (and every other state in the union), an individual must serve a one-year residency and pass several rigorous examinations. Blasey Ford has not done so. She is, ipso facto, not a psychologist. The Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford
I don’t know what you’re babbling about, but let me help you out. The fundamental problem with #meetoo is assumption of guilt based on nothing but an accusation and gender. A six year old boy is developed enough to understand the flaw in that thinking. Innocent before proven guilty is the core principle of our justice system. #Metoo is fundamentally unfair to the accused and it encourages baseless accusations that Negatively affect views of real cases of sexual misconduct.

I have a lot of issues with PoundMeToo. But the biggest problem I have with it is that Republicans don't care what their guys get caught doing while Democrats eat their own over minor incidents...

Republicans don’t believe in #meetoo. Besides there have been republican taken down in the face of strictly allegations, as have there been democrats. I find it amazing that you’re critical of Republicans right now when it’s democrats that are the ones showing flagrant partisanship and hypocrisy.
Republicans don’t believe in #meetoo. Besides there have been republican taken down in the face of strictly allegations, as have there been democrats. I find it amazing that you’re critical of Republicans right now when it’s democrats that are the ones showing flagrant partisanship and hypocrisy.

I guess if you have no standards, you have nothing to meet.

I mean, it's funny to watch you guys scream about family values, while supporting a man who has to pay porn stars for sex.

Republicans don’t believe in #meetoo. Besides there have been republican taken down in the face of strictly allegations, as have there been democrats. I find it amazing that you’re critical of Republicans right now when it’s democrats that are the ones showing flagrant partisanship and hypocrisy.

I guess if you have no standards, you have nothing to meet.

I mean, it's funny to watch you guys scream about family values, while supporting a man who has to pay porn stars for sex.

View attachment 330840

Nice deflection. It’s the democrats that set the bar and the refuse to live up to it, but it’s the republicans with no standards. Only through the prism of an Uber partisan.
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:
Trump supporters accept accusations against Biden, curiously reject allegations against Trump even though he admitted sexual misconduct.

Incorrect? How?
How on earth do you investigate a 30 year old case, where the alleged victim can’t give a correct year, a neighborhood, how she got there, how she left, and the only other potential witness she lists says she never remembered anything like what was described or being at a party with Kavanaugh. That was your one potential witness.

Well, you could look into other women who told similar stories about Judge Angry Drunk. Those were ignored.

You could interview everyone who was in their social circle at the time.

you could interview the guy who was the accomplice, meaning you really sweat the guy.

But naw, we just fumbled around for a week, and said it was fine.
You’re delusional. Go back and look into all the other cases. The only credible one was Fords. The other accuser were offered to go on record and they didn’t, because they knew their Jussie Smollete-esk stories wouldn’t hold up and it’d com back to bite them. And where is angry drunk coming from? I thought it was handsy drunk? The fact that you’re resorting to to casting aspersions based on nothing but the word of a few people who knew him 30 years ago that don’t like his politics is telling. And the best the left can come up with is he allegedly like to drink and get drunk in college. Jesus fucking Christ it’s the most bizarre rational. He did what over 90% of the nation does while they’re in college....shocker.
Nice deflection. It’s the democrats that set the bar and the refuse to live up to it, but it’s the republicans with no standards. Only through the prism of an Uber partisan.

Nobody "lives up to their standards"... Real life gets in the way.

But you guys are kind of desprate if you've pinned your hopes on the crazy cat lady.
Nice deflection. It’s the democrats that set the bar and the refuse to live up to it, but it’s the republicans with no standards. Only through the prism of an Uber partisan.

Nobody "lives up to their standards"... Real life gets in the way.

But you guys are kind of desprate if you've pinned your hopes on the crazy cat lady.

If the standard is nobody lives up to their standards why the fuck are you bring up the party of family values???

I have no dog in this fight. I believe all these accusations after decades of silence are politically motivated. Democrats want to pick and chose when these #metoo standards apply. You and them seem to believe it should be applied when it helps them politically, but not when it hurts them. So in essence they have no standards and will use whatever dirty tactics it takes to gain power.
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:

I'm not skeptical that there was probably something improper that happened. However, something that wasn't assault 30 years ago doesn't become assault 30 years later. The victim has rights but so does the accused.

I don't recall you saying that about Kavanaugh on these boards....hypocrite much?

And yeah, I'm pretty sure forcing yourself upon someone else was considered assault back then too...

Here ya go. I would expect you to apologize but we all know you have zero character and, of course won’t.

Ok, I went back & looked again & it appears you weren't being a hypocrite during the Kavanaugh discussion, so I retract my statement accordingly & apologize. Guess I have a little more character than you realize....

That said, your side has a lot to answer to with being hypocritical & setting double standards.
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:

I'm not skeptical that there was probably something improper that happened. However, something that wasn't assault 30 years ago doesn't become assault 30 years later. The victim has rights but so does the accused.

I don't recall you saying that about Kavanaugh on these boards....hypocrite much?

And yeah, I'm pretty sure forcing yourself upon someone else was considered assault back then too...

Here ya go. I would expect you to apologize but we all know you have zero character and, of course won’t.

Ok, I went back & looked again & it appears you weren't being a hypocrite during the Kavanaugh discussion, so I retract my statement accordingly & apologize. Guess I have a little more character than you realize....

That said, your side has a lot to answer to with being hypocritical & setting double standards.

You were shamed into apologizing. To your credit, you cratered and did so
The Dems are somewhat painted into a corner on this one.

That's what you get when you try to leverage everything for political gain.

Wingers on both ends sure fail to grasp that one. Another one of their many shared characteristics.


I am consistent on this.

If Reade files a complaint with a sworn statement (to he police or other body), I think it should be properly investigated discretely. That would mean Reade would be interviewed as well. I would expect that Biden would be interviewed and give a sworn statement on the matter too.

Blassy Ford made a sworn statement and was questioned by congress.. I would expect a proper investigation with the same as above.

I would also expect Trump to answer all the allegations against him in the same manner.. And that could 20+ investigataions. in the same way.

Any hush money should be prosecuted immediately as an illegal donation,

No Hypocrisy, but it was the GOP that set these standards and these are the new rules (don't like them) and every has to play under them until you can change them. It is shit but them the card GOP are dealing...

You apparently forgot about the statute of limitations. Other than politicians, no one in law enforcement is looking nor cares.
Expert explains how going from uncomfortable touching to vaginal penetration (both version told 27 years after the fact) damage Tara Reade's credibility..
Not to mention the people who say it didn't happen (in court the corroborators wouldn't be the only ones to take the stand,. In conservative message boards the contradictors aren't mentioned).

There are more reasons why Reade's dubious claim seems outlandish. Read here for more:

I'm not skeptical that there was probably something improper that happened. However, something that wasn't assault 30 years ago doesn't become assault 30 years later. The victim has rights but so does the accused.

I don't recall you saying that about Kavanaugh on these boards....hypocrite much?

And yeah, I'm pretty sure forcing yourself upon someone else was considered assault back then too...

Here ya go. I would expect you to apologize but we all know you have zero character and, of course won’t.

Ok, I went back & looked again & it appears you weren't being a hypocrite during the Kavanaugh discussion, so I retract my statement accordingly & apologize. Guess I have a little more character than you realize....

That said, your side has a lot to answer to with being hypocritical & setting double standards.

You were shamed into apologizing. To your credit, you cratered and did so

Shamed??? .:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Thanks, I needed a good laugh....I went back & corrected. Your side should take notes....:cool:
If the standard is nobody lives up to their standards why the fuck are you bring up the party of family values???

Because you're the ones who keep trying to legislate morality. (Abortion, gay Marriage, etc.)

I have no dog in this fight. I believe all these accusations after decades of silence are politically motivated. Democrats want to pick and chose when these #metoo standards apply. You and them seem to believe it should be applied when it helps them politically, but not when it hurts them. So in essence they have no standards and will use whatever dirty tactics it takes to gain power.

If there was a real investigation of Kavanaugh, I'd be the first to apologize to him. I've also spoken up about how I really thought the Anita Hill stuff was utter bullshit. (He was harassing her, but she still quit her job to follow him to another agency?)

and frankly, if they come up with any real evidence for Crazy Cat Lady who Loves Putin, then I think Biden should go, too.

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