Former Proud Boys leader had a plan to occupy several federal buildings

Yup, the attack on January 6th was a coordinated attack. It was not a random riot. It was a proven sedition attempt by a group of maniacs. All of those involved in the planning and execution must be held accountable...or they will try it again.
Yes tie up the prisoners by wrapping them in US flags, oh the horror!
Am I missing something? They wanted to protest in side capital buildings? That’s Arrestable now?
When the Bundy's were allowed to capture government buildings it signalled anybody could go ahead and try

Your fellow DemoKKKrats bombed the US Capitol long before the Bundy incident. I'm sure you cheered.

Call them whatever makes you feel better Soy Boy they are the legal authority in this land and you have no right to storm the Capitol and change election results because you can't accept defeat.
It all happened because a spoiled old man with the social skills of an eight year old cannot accept defeat. For months, the man stirred up his rabid cult with lies about election fraud. Then when it blew up on January 6th, he sat back and enjoyed the show. Finally, after hours, he relinquished and told his mob to go home....but that "we love you."

He actually told a mob that had just attacked the United States Capitol, including defecating on the wall.....that "WE LOVE YOU!"

What a gross, smelly, pile of sh*t this human sewage mouth is!
It all happened because a spoiled old man with the social skills of an eight year old cannot accept defeat. For months, the man stirred up his rabid cult with lies about election fraud. Then when it blew up on January 6th, he sat back and enjoyed the show. Finally, after hours, he relinquished and told his mob to go home....but that "we love you."

He actually told a mob that had just attacked the United States Capitol, including defecating on the wall.....that "WE LOVE YOU!"

What a gross, smelly, pile of sh*t this human sewage mouth is!
Well, goofus, there WAS elaborate election fraud and real Americans know it whether they listen to President Trump or not. And protesting is an American right, which of course Dimmers hate, as well as the American flag which you piss on at every opportunity.
The Praetorian Guard in action.

To protect and serve .... Senators.

Common folk just get tossed in jail

This is how lefties roll.
While the lead instigator flies around the country telling his cult that he won in a landslide in November 2020. He is leading the repub party, his party, down the road to another loss in 2024. No person who has a brain is going to vote for a seditionist as President in 2024.
While the lead instigator flies around the country telling his cult that he won in a landslide in November 2020. He is leading the repub party, his party, down the road to another loss in 2024. No person who has a brain is going to vote for a seditionist as President in 2024. one person who has a brain will vote to remove Poopeypants, about 200 million will.
Call them whatever makes you feel better Soy Boy they are the legal authority in this land and you have no right to storm the Capitol and change election results because you can't accept defeat.
Progs stole the election with the help of some RINOS and the globalists endless money stream.

Yup, the attack on January 6th was a coordinated attack. It was not a random riot. It was a proven sedition attempt by a group of maniacs. All of those involved in the planning and execution must be held accountable...or they will try it again.
And what the fuck would occupying a few government building do? Lol you morons really think that would overturn an election or take down the US government… not too long ago BLM was occupying government buildings and private establishments; you guys called that peaceful protest…

Then you have one similar one committed by the right and you scream foul! Can’t have it both ways moron!
Progs stole the election with the help of some RINOS and the globalists endless money stream.
And until a Court rules that all that is are your adorably weak and ineffectual pleas to an uninterested audience. Other than the entertainment value of course.
And what the fuck would occupying a few government building do? Lol you morons really think that would overturn an election or take down the US government… not too long ago BLM was occupying government buildings and private establishments; you guys called that peaceful protest…

Then you have one similar one committed by the right and you scream foul! Can’t have it both ways moron!
It's the Sad Boys who thought that was all it took to over turn an election. What a bunch of clown boy cosplayers. 😂
And what the fuck would occupying a few government building do? Lol you morons really think that would overturn an election or take down the US government… not too long ago BLM was occupying government buildings and private establishments; you guys called that peaceful protest…

Then you have one similar one committed by the right and you scream foul! Can’t have it both ways moron!
When did BLM try to overturn an election? When did BLM try to stop a constitutional process? When did BLM defecate on the walls of the People's House.

The trump cult is a mindless group of fanatics that are worshipping trump like much of 1930's Germany worshipped Hitler. trump is an arrogant, grifter that has enriched himself with your money.
Your fellow DemoKKKrats bombed the US Capitol long before the Bundy incident. I'm sure you cheered.

I wasn't born yet you old piece of shit
This is how thoroughly brainwashed and cucked AND HYPOCRITICAL lefties have become:

Call them whatever makes you feel better Soy Boy they are the legal authority in this land and you have no right to storm the Capitol and change election results because you can't accept defeat.
I have no right to question the law?

Really, brain dead libtard?

I *make* the law in this country, dimtard.

NOT Biden.

You want to tell me all those BLM protesters running around last summer were not questioning the law?

That's what we have today, a bunch of idiotic dimtards doing ALL the things they tell other people not to do.

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