Former RCMP boss Bob Paulson denies protecting alleged spy


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So, the top boss at the RCMP was "friendly" with a Russian spy who was giving access to them about the top National Security issues that impact America and other allies. In fact, it was the FBI who notified Canada that Ortiz was a double agent. Nice work by the good ol' Canadian eh dare bye.

You see, when policing in a country becomes a mirror image of the nations Americans hate (Russia, Iran, N Korea, should be China too but far too many adore them ), they mimic their "leadership style" (abusive, unbending and fascist), which harms both citizens, the nation, and the forces they run. There are allegations about him protecting this spy, let's see what he knew, when he knew it and how he responded to the complaints. I reached out to this guy when he was in his position of power, since he didn't give a F about me, I know what type of character he has. Let's get out the fine toothed comb on his life now, see how he enjoys it.

Just as the Toronto Police protected a cop who cost a kid an eye (his scumbag dad was a higher up with the TPS), the OPP protect creeps (as long as they are their own), we have the former RCMP boss accused of protecting this foreign spy who had access to the highest level of Five Eyes intel.

I'd like to see a polygraph exam and thorough examination of what former Commissioner Paulson knew. We have the most incompetent, self serving, vile police leadership in Canada. What follows, is a culture of creepy, abusive police who only solve crimes as long as THEY are the one conducting them. While citizens like myself are denied liberty, they make out like bandits as the Titanic (Canadas economy and all levels) sinks.

Don't ever become like us. If the NYPD, FBI or state police in your country become like ours, look out, your civil liberties are gone and your biggest enemies will have a field day as they infiltrate your agencies and abuse their unharnessed power.

Former RCMP boss Bob Paulson denies protecting alleged spy.

Former RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson says he had a “friendly” relationship with Cameron Ortis, an alleged mole accused of selling top secret police intelligence. But Paulson denies he tried to protect Ortis, the former head of RCMP’s special intelligence unit.

Paulson is the first prominent RCMP figure to respond to explosive new allegations that senior RCMP managers failed to act on complaints and “repeatedly protected” Ortis for two years after allegations about his “strange and controlling” behaviour toward employees were first reported internally in early 2017.

Ortis, first hired by the RCMP in 2007, was arrested in September 2019 after an internal probe, triggered by an FBI investigation.

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