Former Teen Pageant Contestants Claim Trump Would Walk In On Them While Changing

So the question is, is it OK for men to go into female dressing rooms while they are in there changing or not?

I mean, it's either OK or it isn't? It's OK for Trump but no one else?
This thread is actually about it's ok for everyone else but not Trump?
I've seen no evidence any were underage but that is irrelevant. The argument has long been it's wrong for a many to go into the ladies restroom/changing room. I'm asking those who have argued that, why it doesn't seem to apply to Trump.
This thread is about the exact opposite. Why is it not ok for Trump but it is ok for other males?
The trial will end soon. And after he loses you will still believe him, because you're a weak man.
Unfortunately, the trial is a civil trial so if one side garners 51% and the other side garners 49%, the one side loses, whether they were really guilty or not.
For the record, the "accusation" is that the promoter of these vile exhibitions would occasionally walk into the girls dressing rooms and when he did so, he SAW THEM IN THEIR UNDERWEAR (presumably bra and panties).

These are young women who, a day or two later, would be walking down the aisle in public wearing 2-piece bathing suits made of, essentially, dental floss. So they are horrified that the promoter of the event saw exactly as much flesh as they exposed publicly, enthusiastically, during the course of the exhibition.

Like a lot of the accusations leveled against Donald Trump, this is bullshit.

And some of you people need to figure out what a "pervert" is. Enjoying the sight of beautiful young women partially clothed is not perverse. It is what rational people consider normal.
Right back at you for thinking it's ok for males to walk in on females in bathrooms and dressing rooms.

I do not think that, I have never posted in support of it and often posted against it.

Unlike you and Trump walking in on undressed teens.

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