Former Teen Pageant Contestants Claim Trump Would Walk In On Them While Changing

Tip of the iceberg.

There have been two incidents in our precinct in which people signing the paper register noted that a dead husband has already signed in and voted. Otherwise in our particular area I have not personally observed any such fraud but now we sign in on the computer so we don't see what others have signed in. One more way taken away from us to note fraud.

We went to paper ballots fairly recently, but after we fill them out we feed them into an electronic machine that counts our vote and tallies all the votes. All we see is a change of number of people who have voted when we feed the ballot into the machine. We have no way to know if the machine counted our vote at all or whether it counted it in the way that we voted. Unless there is some reason to challenge the vote, the tally produced by the machine is the official tally and there is no hand count of the paper ballots. And there is little trust and confidence these days.
Donald Trump barged in on underaged beauty queens to catch them naked. And you have to ask if that is wrong?


I've seen no evidence any were underage but that is irrelevant. The argument has long been it's wrong for a many to go into the ladies restroom/changing room. I'm asking those who have argued that, why it doesn't seem to apply to Trump.
Now prove he did it to “catch them naked” retard. And no, your crying, whining TDS is not proof.
He bragged about it on Howard Stern. I linked the story earlier in the topic, dipshit.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
He bragged about it on Howard Stern. I linked the story earlier in the topic, dipshit.

“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
That’s doesn’t prove your claim that that was the sole reason he did so you racist fucktard. He asks if they’re okay. That’s nit just barging in to see naked women. Fail. Dipshit racist.
That’s doesn’t prove your claim that that was the sole reason he did so you racist fucktard. He asks if they’re okay. That’s nit just barging in to see naked women. Fail. Dipshit racist.

LOL, so it's OK for a man to use the women's facilities as long as seeing naked women isn't the sole reason they are there? LOL
The funny/sad thing is that I've asked the rape question countless times as well as the Tucker lie question, among many other accusations from the Left, and 99 out of 100 times, I never hear back from the accuser. Even if I persue them. The one time I do, it turns out to be "he said she said" third party claims with obvious gaping holes in it with no actually backing up with proof.

That is how the democrats operate, according to Cloward/Piven and Rules For Radicals:

They start lies then hope that if they tell them often enough, enough people will believe them to change the election outcome.

Their entire MO is just one big cheap-ass bag of tricks.

You can't possibly hope to be taken seriously when you post retarded shit like this.

Trump lived and still lives in a different reality than the rest of us. All the top celebrities do. Women throw themselves at the men and vice versa. Money Trumps (no pun intended) all moral boundaries for those people. TRUMP included.

But that doesn't make it rape or illegal
He raped E. Jean Carroll. And yes, rape is illegal.
Yes, this is old (unsubstantiated) news but I thought it to be an interesting thing to bring up again during the left's current woke belief that it's OK for teen boys to use girl's bathrooms, change in and take showers with girls and women in female sports, and subject young girls to male sex organs in drag queen events. So, why can't Trump walk in on teen girls changing before pageants? That's now acceptable, right? The MeToo movement has been totally abandoned in the name of wokeness.
Because Trump is a degenerate & a sexual predator.
Anybody who found 'no evidence' of election fraud wasn't looking for any. There has been plenty of evidence of election fraud and irregularities in most states.

Was there enough to swing the election? I honestly don't know so I have never said that there was. But there was certainly enough for me to want the process tightened up and made much more foolproof against fraud so that all the people can have confidence that only those eligible to vote do vote and their vote will be counted in the way they voted.

As it is now most people have doubts or no confidence at all.
Why do they suspect it? because FoxNews continually lied to them and promoted the idea that it was stolen. And for that they are paying $787 million and Tucker is gone. And that's just the beginning.

But continue being a rube. They count on your type.
Yes, this is old (unsubstantiated) news but I thought it to be an interesting thing to bring up again during the left's current woke belief that it's OK for teen boys to use girl's bathrooms, change in and take showers with girls and women in female sports, and subject young girls to male sex organs in drag queen events. So, why can't Trump walk in on teen girls changing before pageants? That's now acceptable, right? The MeToo movement has been totally abandoned in the name of wokeness.
Trump sounds like a pedophile. Why are you supporting pedophiles?
I've seen no evidence any were underage but that is irrelevant.
Some of the girls (now women) have come forward. You have seen no evidence because your MAGA propagandists have kept it from you.

Trump is on tape bragging about barging into dressing rooms.

He is also on tape more than once bragging that he gets away with being a predatory creep because of his celebrity.

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