Former Teen Pageant Contestants Claim Trump Would Walk In On Them While Changing

Now let's focus on the nasty freak that is accusing Trump of rape 25 years after the fact.

Trump Accuser Admits to Sexually Harassing Roger Ailes​

Journalist E. Jean Carroll, who has accused former President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in the mid-1990s, admitted to sexually harassing the late Roger Ailes.
During a 2019 interview, only one week after accusing Trump of the crime, Carroll told Vanity Fair that "I did it" when asked if she sexually harassed Ailes on the set of her former show "Ask E. Jean."
Ailes, the former chairman and CEO of Fox News, was president of CNBC at the time and helped launch the short-lived network America's Talking, which hosted Carroll's show.
"Oh, I did it. Every day I had a chance," Carroll said of the harassment. "I call him the pearl of his sex. Right on the air. I roll up my trouser legs. I would wait for the camera to come over. Then I would slowly pull up the right and then the left trouser leg. It would say Roger Ailes."
"I would say, 'He's my future husband.' It never stopped. I'd ask him to twirl for me. I adored him," she added, later admitting that what she did was wrong but paling in comparison to Ailes allegedly ruining America.
The revelation comes as her civil battery and defamation lawsuit against the former president heats up, with Carroll recalling the alleged event in the face of cross-examination by Trump's attorney on Thursday.
Trump has accused Carroll of lying about the interaction, which she says occurred over 25 years ago in a New York Department store, to boost sales for her then-upcoming memoir, "What Do We Need Men For?"
Carroll was initially hesitant to use the word "rape" to describe the interaction and preferred to describe it as a "fight" publicly. However, she has since claimed Trump raped her.
"I'm telling you — he raped me whether I screamed or not," she told the jury this week. "I don't need an excuse for not screaming."

If that is sexual harassment I bet you have charges pending against your auntie kissing you at Thanksgiving.
3)"I don't think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine. Although she does have a very nice figure. I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her." — This one deserves a longer explanation: In 2006, Trump and Ivanka appeared on ABC's "The View," where the hosts asked what Trump would do if Playboy put Ivanka, then 24 and a former model, on the cover.

4)"Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father ..." — Trump said this in a 2015 interview with Paul Solataroff for the September issue of Rolling Stone.
In a dressing room in busy Bloomingdales and no one noticed a large man walking into the women's dressing rooms, and then Carroll when asked why she didn't scream says he would have done it anyway.

And then no one noticed a large man walking out of the women's dressing rooms (NB This was in the 1990s).

This allegedly happened in a Bergdorf Goodman. Anyone that has ever been in a high end store like BG knows this is a phony story. Starting with Trump shopping for anything.
Floor sales people are assistant shoppers. They will come into dressing rooms over and over. A polite knock on the door ( do you want another color? Another size? I have something similar you might like better.) The idea that a customer would be wandering around unnoticed is laughable.
I heard trump, on tape, tell Howard Stern, he did it....

That's not a lie.
Did you really? Then there must be video.

Trump did acknowledge the really bad locker room talk with Billy Bush egging him on. He didn't actually say he did that stuff. He just said the women let it happen. He was describing a sexually charged immoral world that entertainment too often is. And he acknowledged that his words were inappropriate and an embarrassment to him and his family. But locker room talk was all it was. I imagine there aren't too many men who haven't engaged in something similar at some time in their lives. They just didn't have it secretly recorded and played by the national media.

He has NEVER admitted to raping anybody. I can't imagine a scenario in which that would happen.

And I think there are few among us who would not be lying if they said they never said anything or did anything that wouldn't look good on the front page of the newspaper or on the evening news.

The founder of the company has been interviewed by federal prosecutors​

Did they pay well or was it all threats to cooperate or else?

investigating the former president’s efforts to overturn the 2020 results​

Overturn an election or simply try to get at the truth of who really won to stop future elections from being stolen too?
3)"I don't think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine. Although she does have a very nice figure. I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her." — This one deserves a longer explanation: In 2006, Trump and Ivanka appeared on ABC's "The View," where the hosts asked what Trump would do if Playboy put Ivanka, then 24 and a former model, on the cover.

4)"Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father ..." — Trump said this in a 2015 interview with Paul Solataroff for the September issue of Rolling Stone.
My husband has told our beautiful daughter on more than one occasion that she looked really good and if he were a young guy he would date her. Whether he ever said that to anybody else I don't know. But for damn sure there was never anything in appropriate between him and our daughter.

Twisting an innocent remark into something sinister or bad is as evil and immoral as any other form of bearing false witness.
My husband has told our beautiful daughter on more than one occasion that she looked really good and if he were a young guy he would date her. Whether he ever said that to anybody else I don't know. But for damn sure there was never anything in appropriate between him and our daughter.

Twisting an innocent remark into something sinister or bad is as evil and immoral as any other form of bearing false witness.
I have 2 daughters. I never even talked or thought about dating either. I dunno, I think it is weird.
My husband has told our beautiful daughter on more than one occasion that she looked really good and if he were a young guy he would date her. Whether he ever said that to anybody else I don't know. But for damn sure there was never anything in appropriate between him and our daughter.

Twisting an innocent remark into something sinister or bad is as evil and immoral as any other form of bearing false witness.
That’s what troll-boy does.
I have 2 daughters. I never even talked or thought about dating either. I dunno, I think it is weird.
You never ever assured them that they were beautiful, smart, amazing, looked good? Never took them out on daddy/daughter dates? How sad.
.Now let's watch sindy :scared1:

The funny/sad thing is that I've asked the rape question countless times as well as the Tucker lie question, among many other accusations from the Left, and 99 out of 100 times, I never hear back from the accuser. Even if I persue them. The one time I do, it turns out to be "he said she said" third party claims with obvious gaping holes in it with no actually backing up with proof.

That is how the democrats operate, according to Cloward/Piven and Rules For Radicals:

They start lies then hope that if they tell them often enough, enough people will believe them to change the election outcome.

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