Former Trump aide Rick Gates to plead guilty; agrees to testify against Manafort, sources say


A former top aide to Donald Trump's presidential campaign will plead guilty to fraud-related charges within days – and has made clear to prosecutors that he would testify against Paul J. Manafort Jr., the lawyer-lobbyist who once managed the campaign.

The change of heart by Trump's former deputy campaign manager, Richard W. Gates III, who had pleaded not guilty after being indicted in October on charges similar to Manafort's, was described in interviews by people familiar with the case.

"Rick Gates is going to change his plea to guilty,'' said a person with direct knowledge of the new developments, adding that the revised plea will be presented in federal court in Washington "within the next few days.''

That individual and others who discussed the matter spoke on condition of anonymity, citing a judge's gag order restricting comments about the case to the news media or public.

More: Former Trump aide Rick Gates to plead guilty; agrees to testify against Manafort, sources say - Los Angeles Times

I've heard various experts say over the past few weeks that Gates was in a position to know a lot of stuff. Trump should probably be a little more worried. We'll see...

Apparently a lot of people didn't read the indictment from Mueller. He laid it out very specifically. This is no longer about collusion. It is now the crime of conspiracy against the United States, and anybody that gets touched by this indictment, for any reason, nomatter who that may be, is caught up in a conspiracy indictment, and that goes for everyone already that has been indicted, entered into a plea, is further cooperating with investigation, to the un named co conspirators listed in the indictment we don't even know yet, to everyone in the Trump campaign including Manafort, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., right up the to the top of the food chain.

And that's not even including the money laundering charges and who that may end up touching. All of the supporters of the orange ass clown on usmb, and elsewhere can keep their heads buried up his ass all they want, but their support can't help him, and this doesn't even take into consideration down the line what Mike Pence's exposure is, or Jeff Sessions, or any Congressional Republicans, or media sources that let their alligator mouths overload their canary assholes.

Trump did not even know Manafort! What part of that are you not getting?

I guess we could tie you into the JFK assassination too, even though you never met Oswald or Kennedy!
Trump did not even know Manafort! What part of that are you not getting?



He was Trump's campaign chairman, dope.

Is there anyone who worked for the campaign that Trump actually knew and spoke to? :laugh2:
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Yeah, it seems Manafort lied to the court about his assets, and is facing more charges.

Has nothing to do with Trump.

I'm sure the Money Laundering at the Golden Douche Shower Tower in NY, DOES!

All ownerships in Douche Towers around the world is Money Laundering for the most part.

Paul Manafort's Trump Tower condo becomes the latest sticking point for prosecutors

"In 1980, Manafort, Charles Black, and Roger Stone (all Ronald Reagan campaign officials) opened a lobbying shop in Washington, D.C. One of their very first clients: Donald Trump, who employed the lobbying firm of Black, Manafort & Stone through the early 1990s."

Plus, both men have mutual close friends, including Barrack and Stone, whom Manafort and Trump have been close with for decades. Both Manafort and Trump were active in the New Jersey political scene in the 1980s, and later, both men were involved in lobbying Capitol Hill on American Indian gaming issues.Since 2006, Manafort has owned a condo in Trump Tower in Manhattan, and around the same time, became involved in the Manhattan real estate scene.

...Read more.
The Not-So-Brief History Of Paul Manafort And His Relationship With Trump | HuffPost
Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Have Known Each Other for a Very, Very Long Time

Yep, and Jared Kushner in hock up to his eyeballs.

Funny he and Ivanka weren't able to be cleared by the FBI for clearances. There's a whole other story there.

I also heard some experts talking today that Mueller won't likely be offering any plea deals to anyone in the Trump family. Meantime, Mueller is picking the low-hanging fruit - before he cuts down the tree.

Yup...Mueller established a crime was committed with the indictment of the Russians. Now he will establish the Trump connection to that crime. Brilliant!

While Trump mumbles...."No Collusion...."
Give it a break Donnie...
Yeah, it seems Manafort lied to the court about his assets, and is facing more charges.

Has nothing to do with Trump.

I'm sure the Money Laundering at the Golden Douche Shower Tower in NY, DOES!

All ownerships in Douche Towers around the world is Money Laundering for the most part.

Paul Manafort's Trump Tower condo becomes the latest sticking point for prosecutors

"In 1980, Manafort, Charles Black, and Roger Stone (all Ronald Reagan campaign officials) opened a lobbying shop in Washington, D.C. One of their very first clients: Donald Trump, who employed the lobbying firm of Black, Manafort & Stone through the early 1990s."

Plus, both men have mutual close friends, including Barrack and Stone, whom Manafort and Trump have been close with for decades. Both Manafort and Trump were active in the New Jersey political scene in the 1980s, and later, both men were involved in lobbying Capitol Hill on American Indian gaming issues.Since 2006, Manafort has owned a condo in Trump Tower in Manhattan, and around the same time, became involved in the Manhattan real estate scene.

...Read more.
The Not-So-Brief History Of Paul Manafort And His Relationship With Trump | HuffPost
Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Have Known Each Other for a Very, Very Long Time

Yep, and Jared Kushner in hock up to his eyeballs.

Funny he and Ivanka weren't able to be cleared by the FBI for clearances. There's a whole other story there.

I also heard some experts talking today that Mueller won't likely be offering any plea deals to anyone in the Trump family. Meantime, Mueller is picking the low-hanging fruit - before he cuts down the tree.

Yup...Mueller established a crime was committed with the indictment of the Russians. Now he will establish the Trump connection to that crime. Brilliant!

While Trump mumbles...."No Collusion...."
Give it a break Donnie...

Well, I don't expect those indicted Russians will be travelling to any of Trump's properties in the U.S. anytime soon. They are now pretty much confined to Russia. Unless Trump demands that Putin extradite them to the U.S. to stand trial (ha, ha).
Unless something else big breaks - I expect this Gates story will dominate the news tomorrow (Monday).
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As Gobmint in DC is away. LOL!
Tuesday should be more painful for some.
As they HIDE!
Unless something else big breaks - I expect this Gates story will dominate the news tomorrow (Monday).

No. The shooting will still dominate.

Gates testifying against Manafort is an attempt to get Manafort to say
something against Trump. That's all that is.

It'll take a week and finally somebody is going to point out that Mueller
knew all about those Russians and what they were doing long ago. He
just went and retrieved the file that they had compiled when he was Head
of the FBI and Zero wouldn't let them do anything about it.
The detail and depth of Mueller's investigations is evident in the indictment of the 13 Russians. It runs over 300 pages, and has a wealth of evidence in it.
You can bet he's got similar amounts of evidence regarding many in the Trump Swamp. Including the Orange Clown.
And, with his regard for the law, he'll have plenty of insurance against being shut down by the people he's investigating.
If they manage to nobble him, it would be delicious irony if damning evidence of Trump's criminality turned up on Wikileaks...
The detail and depth of Mueller's investigations is evident in the indictment of the 13 Russians. It runs over 300 pages, and has a wealth of evidence in it.
You can bet he's got similar amounts of evidence regarding many in the Trump Swamp. Including the Orange Clown.
And, with his regard for the law, he'll have plenty of insurance against being shut down by the people he's investigating.
If they manage to nobble him, it would be delicious irony if damning evidence of Trump's criminality turned up on Wikileaks...

I'm sure Mueller is taking all possible precautions. After all, he's a great and patriotic American who loves his country.
Now we'll be learning some stuff about money laundering.
/——-/ How did Hildabeast launder moneyfor her fake charity?

There it is, it took awhile bbbbbbbbbut Hillary made it's appearance. Thank You, I knew you wouldn't let us down:1peleas:
/——/ I ask because she got away with it and maybe Trump can do the same. Just asking for advice.

Well, perhaps you can show us the evidence you've gathered. After all, the financial statements of the foundation and the Clinton's personal taxes are publicly available.
The detail and depth of Mueller's investigations is evident in the indictment of the 13 Russians. It runs over 300 pages, and has a wealth of evidence in it.
You can bet he's got similar amounts of evidence regarding many in the Trump Swamp. Including the Orange Clown.
And, with his regard for the law, he'll have plenty of insurance against being shut down by the people he's investigating.
If they manage to nobble him, it would be delicious irony if damning evidence of Trump's criminality turned up on Wikileaks...

I'm sure Mueller is taking all possible precautions. After all, he's a great and patriotic American who loves his country.

He actually fought for this country. He didn't hide behind bone spurs which have since disappeared.
Now we'll be learning some stuff about money laundering.
/——-/ How did Hildabeast launder moneyfor her fake charity?

There it is, it took awhile bbbbbbbbbut Hillary made it's appearance. Thank You, I knew you wouldn't let us down:1peleas:
/——/ I ask because she got away with it and maybe Trump can do the same. Just asking for advice.

Well, perhaps you can show us the evidence you've gathered. After all, the financial statements of the foundation and the Clinton's personal taxes are publicly available.

Donald is now involved in the longest tax audit in US history....or did he lie...again and again and again....
Now we'll be learning some stuff about money laundering.
/——-/ How did Hildabeast launder moneyfor her fake charity?

There it is, it took awhile bbbbbbbbbut Hillary made it's appearance. Thank You, I knew you wouldn't let us down:1peleas:
/——/ I ask because she got away with it and maybe Trump can do the same. Just asking for advice.

Bbbbbbbbbuuuuuuttttttt Hillary!

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