Former trump organization CFO gave Bragg a road map to accouting fraud

Trump broke the law to not pay taxes. Look at you worshiping Trump.

He also broke the law not turning over all his classified documents. At what point will you admit Trump is a criminal? Al Capone, Putin, Bush, Trump.
i mentioned hillary too,does that mean i worship her too? are one stupid person havent changed since back in the old forum when Gunny told me watch this guy he is one of bigger dipshits in this forum...
You're falling for the classic defense guys like Trump and Harvey Weinstein always use. Or Michael Jackson.

The "they're just after my money" defense.

It's so clear cut that Michael Cohen broke the law for Trump.

You know who else broke the law for Trump and went to jail for it? His CFO. Trump paid for the guys kids private school as part of his pay in a way to avoid paying taxes. GUILTY!

Now is when you argue "they all do it" or admit you believe Trump is above the law. Because Trump sure believes he's above the law. He's gotten away with so much I would too if I were him.

Trump might actually get prosecuted for his corporation not paying taxes. Right now the only ones who got in trouble were his CFO and Trump Corporation. But I believe Trump and his kids might be in some trouble. Is this another witch hunt too?

You guys went after Hillary for 1 witch hunt. Trump's crime spree are not going to be allowed. He's counting on the fact he can't be touched. He's teflon. Like John Gotti. No different only he has more power than Gotti. But less than Putin. Elect him again maybe he will become a Putin now that he has Oathkeepers running the House of Reps.
you sound like a little girl whining....
i mentioned hillary too,does that mean i worship her too? are one stupid person havent changed since back in the old forum when Gunny told me watch this guy he is one of bigger dipshits in this forum...
How you doing today Harry? Are you having fun? If you aren't then you aren't doing it right.
The Biden's? LOL. Joe has a vacation house in Delaware. DELAWARE! Trump is a crime boss with literal ties to the mob.

You're a conspiracy theorist. Even Fox News thinks you are a terrorist cousin F'er.
The trump dominoes are falling and the cult is becoming restless and stressed. We have all predicted this would happen. trump not only broke the law on multiple occasions, he did it in plain sight. I guess he thought his public demonstration of criminality would make law enforcement hesitate to react. Maybe they did....but NY will be the first to say, "Enough is Enough."

I predict Georgia and he DOJ will follow. If trump has three felony indictments hanging over his head, he will not have time to campaign for the WH.
im doing great bobo....nice bowl of pot later today will make it better....see im doing it right...
In Michigan it's legal. So I purchased this dab machine you put wax in. It heats it up and you suck and omg the high is so much better than rego weed.

I've been getting by weekly on my local pot shop has $1.99 pre rolls on Tuesdays. Limit 5. Usually. Occasionally the special is $10 for an 8th PLUS 1 pre roll. That's a pretty good special. But bottom line is I've been getting by on $13 a week in joints. When I used to buy illegal weed by the ounce I was going through a lot more weed than I do now.

But I have help. That dab machine. I take 2 hits I don't need to smoke a joint.

Gummies and other edibles.

I have a vape pen where you put cartridges. I got them on special $5 each. They are $25 usually and I'm down to my last one. It's been great. Instead of smoking a stinky joint I just take 2 hits off the pen, done. High enough.

I love it when the news has Republicans on the defense. Instead of Hunter Biden it's Trump Trump Trump and more Trump. What laws hasn't Trump broken? Can't say we didn't tell you so.

Do you still think he's a innocent man and these are all witch hunts?
In Michigan it's legal. So I purchased this dab machine you put wax in. It heats it up and you suck and omg the high is so much better than rego weed.

I've been getting by weekly on my local pot shop has $1.99 pre rolls on Tuesdays. Limit 5. Usually. Occasionally the special is $10 for an 8th PLUS 1 pre roll. That's a pretty good special. But bottom line is I've been getting by on $13 a week in joints. When I used to buy illegal weed by the ounce I was going through a lot more weed than I do now.

But I have help. That dab machine. I take 2 hits I don't need to smoke a joint.

Gummies and other edibles.

I have a vape pen where you put cartridges. I got them on special $5 each. They are $25 usually and I'm down to my last one. It's been great. Instead of smoking a stinky joint I just take 2 hits off the pen, done. High enough.

I love it when the news has Republicans on the defense. Instead of Hunter Biden it's Trump Trump Trump and more Trump. What laws hasn't Trump broken? Can't say we didn't tell you so.

Do you still think he's a innocent man and these are all witch hunts?
trump has been thumbing his nose as the legal system for years. The trump cult has been laughing and saying, "If he is so crooked, why hasn't he been charged."

Well, the justice system in the US moves at a snails pace, especially when the person who is committing the crimes uses the systems to to delay, delay, and delay, Well, trump's free ride is coming to an end. And whether they admit it or not, the majority of repubs are happy. Yes, they will groan and moan about a political indictment, but they know he is a serial criminal.

They know if they can get trump out of the way, little Ronnie desantis is free to move into the top spot for 2024. But they need to keep from appearing to cheer for trump's demise. So they will use the moment to smash the Dems and call for the NY DA to be investigated. They will put up a good show, while praying trump goes away in handcuffs.
In Michigan it's legal. So I purchased this dab machine you put wax in. It heats it up and you suck and omg the high is so much better than rego weed.

I've been getting by weekly on my local pot shop has $1.99 pre rolls on Tuesdays. Limit 5. Usually. Occasionally the special is $10 for an 8th PLUS 1 pre roll. That's a pretty good special. But bottom line is I've been getting by on $13 a week in joints. When I used to buy illegal weed by the ounce I was going through a lot more weed than I do now.

But I have help. That dab machine. I take 2 hits I don't need to smoke a joint.

Gummies and other edibles.

I have a vape pen where you put cartridges. I got them on special $5 each. They are $25 usually and I'm down to my last one. It's been great. Instead of smoking a stinky joint I just take 2 hits off the pen, done. High enough.

I love it when the news has Republicans on the defense. Instead of Hunter Biden it's Trump Trump Trump and more Trump. What laws hasn't Trump broken? Can't say we didn't tell you so.

Do you still think he's a innocent man and these are all witch hunts?
his big mouth got him into many of his predicaments,lets see if it can get him out of it.....

Wow! I guess trump won't be paying for his private school anymore...huh?

And that is why this will be a felony. Bragg is not depending on Cohen alone. He has all the documents he needs to justify a Felony.
Let's not forget the current 4 cases against Trump and the civil suits should not overshadow this case that happened late 2022/early 2023

A jury convicted the company of tax fraud on Dec. 6. The Trump Organization was charged through two corporate entities: The Trump Corporation, which was fined $810,000; and Trump Payroll Corporation, which was fined $800,000.Jan 13, 2023
i mentioned hillary too,does that mean i worship her too? are one stupid person havent changed since back in the old forum when Gunny told me watch this guy he is one of bigger dipshits in this forum...
Can you believe what a little deal you cons made of this case? Imagine if the Biden Corporation were found guilty of this.

A jury convicted the company of tax fraud on Dec. 6. The Trump Organization was charged through two corporate entities: The Trump Corporation, which was fined $810,000; and Trump Payroll Corporation, which was fined $800,000.Jan 13, 2023

And still you want to vote for him?
Can you believe what a little deal you cons made of this case? Imagine if the Biden Corporation were found guilty of this.

A jury convicted the company of tax fraud on Dec. 6. The Trump Organization was charged through two corporate entities: The Trump Corporation, which was fined $810,000; and Trump Payroll Corporation, which was fined $800,000.Jan 13, 2023

And still you want to vote for him?
Gunny was right....
Dems being dems...

"Bragg’s office reportedly pressured Weisselberg into flipping on Trump when about one month before his own indictment, prosecutors suggested that if he did not cooperate, one of his sons might also face charges that could land him in jail."
Chinese money laundering


Trump’s Conflicts of Interest in China​

China has been busy buying Trump properties since the election and has granted Trump a long-sought series of trademarks in the country—just days after Trump reversed his position on Taiwan.
Look it up. They have 20 LLC's.

What do all 500 of Trump's corporations do? Trump knows about Shell corporations because he has 480 of them.
No need to look it up. They provide nothing except access.

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