Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

Should we even be talking about Biden and what he did ? He's an imbecile who gaffes 100 times a week, and creeps out women and children every where he goes.

Remember the press conference when he expressed deep, heartfelt condolences to the South Korean Prime Minister, for the death of his wife. Only trouble is she was very much alive at the time. :rolleyes:

And unhinged Democrats actually want to make this sap POTUS ? Wow!


Should we even be talking about Biden and what he did ?

Why don't you ask Trump, who just may have hinged his Presidency on trying to go after Biden.

What corruption was involved in Biden supposedly getting $3 million?

The $3 million is a KICKBACK for Joe Biden's support for $1 billion in US taxpayer funded foreign aid to Ukraine.

Complete bullshit. The case against the company Bidden worked for covered period of 2010-2012, well before he joined.
Democrats see no problem with Democrats selling access and taking bribes.

Its stunning how many Democrats family members end up working in the Ukrainian for huge salaries.
Yeah, stunning

AP's key findings about Ukraine gas deal Trump allies sought

The AP is vastly more interested in getting Trump than it is telling the truth, for the same reasons you are, Zionist.

The AP is 100% pure hypocritical Zionist bullshit, and so are you.
Fortunately for the AP, you're batshit crazy. Stick to Osman hallucinations.
Democrats like this are either...

1... so vile and corrupt in their own lives they give the bidens a total pass for selling access and would do the same if in their shoes...

2... so fucking stupid they literally believe Hunter Biden is worth 50,000+ a month to work for you.
Here is the deal the proof is in the pudding

There is a transcript and a tape of Trump

There is a guy who was fired because Biden was acting on behalf of the US government and other European allies. They were going to give the country billions of dollars and they wanted assurances that money sent was not going to end in the pockets of corrupt politicians

He is now making the rounds with no proof but saying things that the right likes to hear

Biden makes threats of withholding money due to corruption in late 2015

he was fired for lack of progress on corruption. IMF had threaten to withhold money in early 2016

Since 2012 the owner of Burisma had been under investigations

in early 2015 Shokin became prosecutor general for Ukraine

So in fact Shokin was fired because of no progress in the investigation of the owner and Burisma

The US was going to investigate the company for money laundering

Dec 2015 Biden delivers the message of withholding money because of lack of progress against government crack down on corruption

At that time the investigation was dead

Republican senators Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson co-signing a Senate Ukraine Caucus letter in February 2016 urging then-President Poroshenko to implement reforms, including "to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office

In the same time in the early 2016, there were demonstrations in the streets of UK and even the US ambassador and other were calling for the removal of reform of the prosecutor generals office which usually translates into the head of that organization which was Shokin

The IMF threaten to withold money 40 billion

A month later Shokin was removed, he wasn't removed during Bidens last visit it was with the added pressure of the IMF and protesters in the street

Thus Biden was involved but there were others also and the IMF threats and the demonstrations was more effective. Also the investigation was going on 4 years with no progress or convictions. At least a year under Shokin.

Sure Biden likes his Trump moment when he takes credit for stuff

If I was Biden I would reign it in a little

Now Shokin has a pulpit and its name is Fox and Trump

Did Shokin get a raw deal well I can't say but its obvious he can shine for a few minutes

Still show the proof if you have any but otherwise it just conjecture
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You do not conspire with foreign countries to investigate your political enemies. There is a procedure for that. Open up a criminal investigation but there have to be some evidence to open one up.
You do not conspire with foreign countries to FIRE your political enemies. No need for investigation. Biden did it in front of the cameras. Nobody ever did accuse him of being smart.
Wrong as always, gramps. We shouldn't be giving money to corrupt governments.
What corruption was involved in Biden supposedly getting $3 million?

The $3 million is a KICKBACK for Joe Biden's support for $1 billion in US taxpayer funded foreign aid to Ukraine.

This is why so many Dems are angry. They steal from the US taxpayer every day. They just don't want anyone "investigating" that....
Dumbfuck, why would a private company give a kickback to an employee so the government can get money from another country?
What corruption was involved in Biden supposedly getting $3 million?
Are you reading this thread? Are you really this ignorant ? I don't think so. Watch the video, and don't insult our intelligence.
Without benefitting Biden or his son, there is nothing wrong with that video. And you failed miserably to show Biden or his son benefited.
Biden confessed it and the man it was done upon says it happened yet libs maintain “no proof”
g5000 is living proof that the only thing PARROTING ever proves is that the individual doing the parroting has a


Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

Back in March 2016, Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees if Ukraine failed to address corruption and remove its Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, who soon after left office amid widespread calls for his dismissal. Though Shokin had begun a probe into Burisma, it was dormant when he departed, according to a former prosecutor.​
I squashed that silly line a week ago.

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I have no doubt your senility leads you to b'lieve that, gramps. :badgrin:

Meanwhile, I just quoted evidence there was no active investigation when Shokin was fired.
Biden has never said he got the thoroughly corrupt prosecutor fired to protect his son.


That's a figment of your idiot brains. You have once again been lied to. Yet you keep going back to your propagandists for refills of your piss cups.

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