Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

there was no kickback.


Give us the "resume" Hunter Biden submitted to the Ukrainian Board for employment.....

I'll do a sample....

name - Hunter Biden
profession - stooge for father VP Joe Biden to bilk the US taxpayer
leisure activities = DRUG ADDICT
qualifications for job = NONE except being Joe Biden's kid
so far ZERO evidence Biden pressing on Ukraine to fire this corrupt investigator had anything to do with his son's employment.


Hunter Biden had ZERO qualifications to be on the "board."

He had a suit, a functioning brain, a mouth and is a son of the Vice President of the United States of America and all the prestige and connections that comes with it.

I'd say they got their money's worth.

Again, nothing here ammounts to proof of any wrongdoing by the Vice President. There is barely enough circumstatial evidence for straw grasp.

Trump? We have SHITLOAD of proof, including correspondence of administration members questioning why the fuck POTUS is holding up apropriated millitary aid to get a country to open an investigation into his political opposition.
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Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:

Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.

But Trump never said the money would be held until Ukraine agreed.... Ukraine did not agree.... and the money was given without any investigation into Biden.

Biden DID say the money would be held until a prosecutor was fired, who happen to be investigating a company his corrupt drug addicted son was being paid $50,000 a month, without any credentials to be a board member of.... the money was in fact withheld.... the Prosecutor was fired, and only then was the money given.
Nope, you're lying again. We've already established you failed miserably to prove Hunter Biden benefited from Shokin's ouster.
In his investigation, Shokin identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3 Million, in corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company (which HB knows noting about, nor does he know anything about Ukraine). His position on the board was strictly to get favoritism from the US government (at US taxpayer expense)

Quid Pro JOE didn't want this corruption exposed so that's why he went into action using US $$$ hostage while demanding Shokin be fired. Don't believe it ? Watch Quid Pro Joey say it himself in the video. :biggrin:

Stick to Osman hallucinations.

Since we have no "hallicinations" or ACTUAL PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi.... and the Saudi King is a buddy of Epstein.....


Here are the KGB photos of Col Tim Osman, before he became .... Osama.....


Why can't they show us a single photo of Osama in Saudi???

Obama made the decision and a President has every right to make sure that American tax dollars do not fall in the hands of a corrupt country

The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief made $9 trillion US dollars VANISH, and you do not want Trump or anyone else "investigating" why or how....

Donald Trump's deficits are heading even higher. Investigate that.
Donald Trump's deficits are heading even higher. Investigate that

Paul Ryan refused to cut any spending. Trump tried. The Post 1998 GOP refused...

As for Pelosi, yeah.... same thing....

Trump at least tried.

The Cocksucker in Chief actually wanted more spending than the Dems gave her...
there was no kickback.


Give us the "resume" Hunter Biden submitted to the Ukrainian Board for employment.....

I'll do a sample....

name - Hunter Biden
profession - stooge for father VP Joe Biden to bilk the US taxpayer
leisure activities = DRUG ADDICT
qualifications for job = NONE except being Joe Biden's kid
He was a lawyer and Biden's son. That's his resume. That still does not provide you evidence of an active investigation (there wasn't one) or of kickbacks (there weren't any).
He was a lawyer and Biden's son. That's his resume.

Yeah, but he was a lawyer in the US, not Ukraine. The laws there are different. The language is different....

He was a conduit for a KICKBACK, period.
Nope, you're lying again. We've already established you failed miserably to prove Hunter Biden benefited from Shokin's ouster.
In his investigation, Shokin identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3 Million, in corruption involving Burisma Holdings

What corruption was involved in Biden supposedly getting $3 million?
Donald Trump wants the Ukraine and China to investigate a political opponent.

Anyone who wants to investigate a Democrat shall be BEHEADED!!!!!

Pass that as law and we'll take you seriously.....

You do not conspire with foreign countries to investigate your political enemies. There is a procedure for that. Open up a criminal investigation but there have to be some evidence to open one up.
He had a suit, a functioning brain, a mouth and is a son of the Vice President of the United States of America and all the prestige and connections that comes with it.

I'd say they got their money's worth.

Again, nothing here ammounts to proof of any wrongdoing by the Vice President. There is barely enough circumstatial evidence for straw grasp.

Trump? We have SHITLOAD of proof, including correspondence of administration members questioning why the fuck POTUS is holding up apropriated millitary aid to get a country to open an investigation into his political opposition.
It's just the OPPOSITE of that, but if you've been watching CNN, you're beyond help.
Democrats see no problem with Democrats selling access and taking bribes.

Its stunning how many Democrats family members end up working in the Ukrainian for huge salaries.
Yeah, stunning

AP's key findings about Ukraine gas deal Trump allies sought

The AP is vastly more interested in getting Trump than it is telling the truth, for the same reasons you are, Zionist.

The AP is 100% pure hypocritical Zionist bullshit, and so are you.

Get a new script. That one is getting old.
You do not conspire with foreign countries to investigate your political enemies. There is a procedure for that. Open up a criminal investigation but there have to be some evidence to open one up.
You do not conspire with foreign countries to FIRE your political enemies. No need for investigation. Biden did it in front of the cameras. Nobody ever did accuse him of being smart.

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