Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor

You have NO EVIDENCE AT ALL to use the word "corrupt."

Biden was kicking back US foreign aid to his kid, and this prosecutor was looking into it.

That served the United States

You do not care at all about the US, Zionist Traitor. You only care about ISRAEL.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.
It was serving HUNTER BIDEN, in a corrupt relationship between corrupt Ukranians and the corrupt Bidens, and everyone knows it. And Trump requesting assistance to expose the Biden quid pro quo, served the United States, as does his requesting the same of China. It works to keep a corrupt, creepy pervert, idiot from becoming president of the US.

Just like the assinine Russian collusion hoax, you lost sheep are going nowhere with this laughingstock.
Trump is the only candidate to have been condemned by Jesus the Son of God

Fraud Jesus died 2000 years ago. Get over it. The fraud bilked 5000 people out of "everything" and ran out of food and money, because he and the Disciples were spending it down at the BROTHEL....
Dumbfuck, the president is authorized on whether or not to spend Congressionally approved funding.

That, in one sentence, makes all this "impeachment" crap out to be what it really is = CRAP.

You think it should be illegal to INVESTIGATE corruption by DEMOCRATS, because most Democrat corruption is from folks like you...


and those who were long


on 9/10
Plenty of people say that, SO WHAT ? Lots of people lie to just don't have their facts straight. what matters is what Quid Pro Joe said, and what his son has been doing.
And what also matters is what the Ukrainian prosecutor WHO BIDEN ORDERED TO BE FIRED (Shokin) said, not somebody else.

Hate to tell you this, but this latest Democrat witch hunt laughingstock has already fallen apart, but the Bidens are still on the hook.

You are the one who does not have any facts. Obama made the decision and a President has every right to make sure that American tax dollars do not fall in the hands of a corrupt country. Shokin was corrupt.

It has not fallen apart as opposition to impeachment has dropped. Biden still beats Trump.
Trump is the only candidate to have been condemned by Jesus the Son of God.
Is there doctor in the house ? I mean really.

Obama made the decision and a President has every right to make sure that American tax dollars do not fall in the hands of a corrupt country

The cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief made $9 trillion US dollars VANISH, and you do not want Trump or anyone else "investigating" why or how....
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.
It was serving HUNTER BIDEN, in a corrupt relationship between corrupt Ukranians and the corrupt Bidens, and everyone knows it. And Trump requesting assistance to expose the Biden quid pro quo, served the United States, as does his requesting the same of China. It works to keep a corrupt, creepy pervert, idiot from becoming president of the US.

Just like the assinine Russian collusion hoax, you lost sheep are going nowhere with this laughingstock.
Nope, you're lying again. We've already established you failed miserably to prove Hunter Biden benefited from Shokin's ouster.
Democrats see no problem with Democrats selling access and taking bribes.

Its stunning how many Democrats family members end up working in the Ukrainian for huge salaries.
Yeah, stunning

AP's key findings about Ukraine gas deal Trump allies sought

The AP is vastly more interested in getting Trump than it is telling the truth, for the same reasons you are, Zionist.

The AP is 100% pure hypocritical Zionist bullshit, and so are you.
Democrats see no problem with Democrats selling access and taking bribes.

Ok, for those born just yesterday:

It's how the world works. You can openly and legally buy access. You can donate some big bucks to a Senator's campaign and get a personal access to his/her ear in no time. Selling access is COMPLETELY LEGAL and is upheld by courts as a freedom of speech issue.

Illegal is to sell actual POLICY.

Surely those that hire kids of powerful people, know that access is one possible upside of employing them. That DOES NOT mean that anything improper took place and there is so far ZERO evidence Biden pressing on Ukraine to fire this corrupt investigator had anything to do with his son's employment.
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We've already established you failed miserably to prove Hunter Biden benefited from Shokin's ouster

1. the investigation was canceled
2. the Biden family kept the KICKBACK

and Democrats and Zionists smiled....
It is no wonder snowflakes refuse the word of this man. Hell, Biden himself gave a video-taped confession, and snowflakes say HE is a liar and tell JOE BIDEN that Joe Biden never did any such thing.

:p. lol
Democrats see no problem with Democrats selling access and taking bribes.

Its stunning how many Democrats family members end up working in the Ukrainian for huge salaries.
Yeah, stunning

AP's key findings about Ukraine gas deal Trump allies sought

The AP is vastly more interested in getting Trump than it is telling the truth, for the same reasons you are, Zionist.

The AP is 100% pure hypocritical Zionist bullshit, and so are you.
Fortunately for the AP, you're batshit crazy. Stick to Osman hallucinations.
Trump is the only candidate to have been condemned by Jesus the Son of God

Fraud Jesus died 2000 years ago. Get over it. The fraud bilked 5000 people out of "everything" and ran out of food and money, because he and the Disciples were spending it down at the BROTHEL....

Trump said his favorite Bible passage was 'a eye for a eye'. This is what Jesus said about that.

"You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

— Jesus Christ, English Standard Version (Matthew 5:3842)
so far ZERO evidence Biden pressing on Ukraine to fire this corrupt investigator had anything to do with his son's employment.


Hunter Biden had ZERO qualifications to be on the "board."

The only reason why he was put on the board was to get Joe Biden on board for the US to give Ukraine $1 billion, before KICKBACKS.

Biden wasn't the only one getting the kickbacks, either. Those others are the ones screaming the loudest now for impeachment....
It is no wonder snowflakes refuse the word of this man. Hell, Biden himself gave a video-taped confession, and snowflakes say HE is a liar and tell JOE BIDEN that Joe Biden never did any such thing.

:p. lol

Donald Trump wants the Ukraine and China to investigate a political opponent. He said it on the White House lawn.

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