Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job. Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.

At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.

“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But did Trump TALK to the PM about this blatant corruption by the current DemonRAT presidential front runner....which is more important to AMERICANS TO KNOW???
However, Vitaly Kasko, who had been Shokin's deputy overseeing international cooperation before resigning in February 2016 citing corruption in the office, provided documents to Bloomberg News indicating that under Shokin, the investigation into Burisma had been dormant.[34][35] Also, the investigation into Burisma only pertained to events happening before Hunter Biden joined the company.[36]
Another no-nothing. The corrupt prosecutor had concluded his investigation of Burisma by the time Biden came to Ukraine. He was not opposed to Biden's son's company. You are the two bit lying phony and now we can add crooked to that.
FALSE! He WAS opposed and he stood in the way of what Quid Pro Joe wanted. Feeding at the CNN through again huh ? You think you can come in here and turn the truth upside down, and everybody is just going to say Oh Gee?

Want to advance a theory as to way Joey was so opposed to him ? Didn't like his hair style ?

LIE! Shokin's deputy has confirmed that there was no open investigation of Burisma or Hunter Biden at the time Biden went to Ukraine. The ousting of Shokin was supported by the world community and Ukrainians. You feed at the Trump news trough. You are the one who is lying and the fact you are a Trump supporter proves that. Trump is the most dishonest President I have seen in my lifetime.
I will vote for anyone who is not named Trump and has a chance of winning. I voted for a independent candidate in 2016. This country has gone way too far to the right and maybe it is time to go left of center to try and balance it out. I disagree on Biden. At this point in time, Biden runs better against Trump than any other Democrat. He is left of center but not hard left.
You're totally lost. :rolleyes:
“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,

Look at the above MORON.........Even if remotely "true"....Biden was "acting as an individual...."

Whereas, the orange clown was "acting as the fucking president" threatening to withhold MILLIONS if Ukraine did not do his bidding .......

Trump is scared shitless of being kicked to the curb next year......and the statutes of limitations cannot svae his sorry, fat, orange ass.......LMAO
So Biden wasn't acting as the vice president?

Yep, he was acting as an individual. The Ukraine had no idea he was Vice President of the United States. It's quite amazing actually.
Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:

Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.
LIE! Shokin's deputy has confirmed that there was no open investigation of Burisma or Hunter Biden at the time Biden went to Ukraine. The ousting of Shokin was supported by the world community and Ukrainians. You feed at the Trump news trough. You are the one who is lying and the fact you are a Trump supporter proves that. Trump is the most dishonest President I have seen in my lifetime.
Oh, and what "time" was that ? (since you are basing your point on that "time" you must know WHEN it was, right ?) Just the year will do :biggrin:
Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:

Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.
No, I am not accusing Biden of doing what Trump did.

Biden was threatening to hold money unless the Ukraine president sacked a corrupt prosecutor who several countries and international bodies wanted out. That served the United States.

Trump held money unless the Ukraine president agreed to investigate Trump's political rival. That served Trump.
It's better to be gaffe prone than stupid which describes Trump.

Biden has double digit leads in Georgia, Maryland and South Carolina. He is hardly out.
HA HA HA! You imbecile. You don't even know that polls are invalid because only Dmicrats answer them, Republicans don't. Why do you think those stupid things all said Hillary was going to win ?

Would somebody please take this ignorant, poor soul aside and tutor him ? And find something else for him to do other than posting in a computer forum. Maybe pinball machines ? Solitaire ?

And maybe you can call Trump stupid, when you have something like THIS >>

View attachment 282031 :biggrin:

We have more than polls. We have the 2018 elections which was a wipeout for Republicans in the House as well as states like Texas. The polls were dead on in predicting that.

You are the one who posts his ignorance. You need more than tutoring. You need to be in a nice padded room somewhere. Trump is stupid. He thinks you can nuke hurricanes.
Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.
FOOL! It doesn't matter whether it's Obama, or Biden, or both of these rogues. The simple point here is that the money is US taxpayer money. Biden has no right to toss it around for his own private interests.

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:
Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:

Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

So you are saying that Obama is clearly guilty of what you are accusing Trump of?

If you really want to claim that Obama is the one who created the Quid Pro Quo.... then that's fine.

WTF? Idiot if you are going to post at least do everyone a favor and try to understand the position you are arguing against.

Biden's position is that he APROPRIATELY conducted sound foreign policy by forcing Ukraine to finally fire a corrupt prosecutor (as per the IMF, DoJ, EU, Ukranian anti-corruption groups and his very own deputy who quit).

Trump on the other had been prooven to have INAPROPRIATELY abused his position to try to force Ukraine (and other countries) to open investigation on his political opponents.
Interesting you defend crooks like this corrupt prosecutor. H3e had every right to do so and was supported by the world community and Ukrainians fighting corruption.
I'm not defending him and never said I was. I was, and am, condemning Biden for threatening the Ukrainians over retaining him. Those are 2 different things.

No it is not. It is the same thing. To oppose what Biden did means the corrupt prosecutor would have remained in power. You lose.
Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.
FOOL! It doesn't matter whether it's Obama, or Biden, or both of these rogues. The simple point here is that the money is US taxpayer money. Biden has no right to toss it around for his own private interests.

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:
Dumbfuck, the president is authorized on whether or not to spend Congressionally approved funding.
Democrats see no problem with Democrats selling access and taking bribes.

Its stunning how many Democrats family members end up working in the Ukrainian for huge salaries.
Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.
FOOL! It doesn't matter whether it's Obama, or Biden, or both of these rogues. The simple point here is that the money is US taxpayer money. Biden has no right to toss it around for his own private interests.

Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:


Forcing Ukraine to clean up it's act including firing a corrupt investigator who was lining his pockets by refusing to prosecute cases against the wealthy IS IN DIRECT INTEREST OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY.
“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,

Look at the above MORON.........Even if remotely "true"....Biden was "acting as an individual...."

Whereas, the orange clown was "acting as the fucking president" threatening to withhold MILLIONS if Ukraine did not do his bidding .......

Trump is scared shitless of being kicked to the curb next year......and the statutes of limitations cannot svae his sorry, fat, orange ass.......LMAO
No matter what Evil Weapons you form against President Trump, they will fail. President Trump was hand picked by God to help restore Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel, and he will be protected by God for being a friend to Israel.

“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
- Genesis 12:1-3

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
– Isaiah 62:6-7

Psalm 9:15-18

15 The nations have fallen into a pit of their making; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden (for others).

16 The LORD is known by the justice He brings; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. Higgaion Selah

17 The wicked will return to Sheol—all the nations who forget God.

18 For the needy will not always be forgotten; nor the hope of the oppressed forever dashed.

19 Rise up, O LORD, let not man prevail; let the nations be judged in Your presence.

20 Lay terror upon them, O LORD; let the nations know they are but men. Selah

Isaiah 54:16-17

16 Behold, I have created the craftsman who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its task; and I have created the destroyer to wreak havoc.

17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the LORD’s servants, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD.

Trump is the only candidate to have been condemned by Jesus the Son of God.

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