Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

Ok, then I apologize to you for making an assumption based on your post.

Honestly, no one I like is running for office.

Warren is a liar, and she is going to bankrupt the government with her policies.
Bernie is beyond a liar, he's just flat out crazy. Supporting fight for $15, and then when his own staff complains they are not paid $15, he cuts their hours back, in order to pay them $15 an hour.
Beto, not sure if he lies, but he sits around screaming America sucks.
Pete, is a hypocritical liar, that claims to be Christian, and then makes claims that are completely the opposite of 2,000 years of Christian history.
Harris, is a racists bigot, pro-genocide Palestine terrorist supporter.

I can't think of a single Democrat that is an alternative for Trump, that I would vote for. There are a couple of independents perhaps, but no Democrat that is being offered, is anything but garbage.

I cannot disagree with that. I assume Trump is going to win. I am a fan of Gabbard, but not sure enough to vote for her.

My view is that the country is best off when the White House and the Senate are controlled by separate parties. With that said all I want from the Dems is someone that will generate down ballot votes. Biden is not that person, the thought of choosing between two 70 something white dudes will leave many people sitting at home.

Gabbard is kunt, a leftist kook no different than Warren.

But the fact that you are Marxist had NEVER been in doubt. Not even for a second.
you sheep keep posting this video like it means anything....why is that?

Blackmailing countries to do what we want is an old game, we have been doing it longer than you have been alive.

It is like none of you Trump worshipers ever paid attention to anything till 2 years ago
So then, you think that the newest Democrat witch hunt against Trump is (as Lindsey Graham called it) a "nothingburger", right ?

Maybe L keeps posting Biden's blackmail of the Ukrainians, because Democrats are defining it (Trump's words) as worthy of impeachment, using their whistleblower for a source.
you sheep keep posting this video like it means anything....why is that?

Blackmailing countries to do what we want is an old game, we have been doing it longer than you have been alive.

It is like none of you Trump worshipers ever paid attention to anything till 2 years ago
So then, you think that the newest Democrat witch hunt against Trump is (as Lindsey Graham called it) a "nothingburger", right ?

Maybe L keeps posting Biden's blackmail of the Ukrainians, because Democrats are defining it (Trump's words) as worthy of impeachment, using their whistleblower for a source.

Yes, I do. I am against all this stupid impeachment nonsense.
1. For being on the Board of Directors

2. That is not what he said at all, the billion was already promised to them. The US just added a stipulation to what they had to do to get it. Something we do all the time. Biden had no power to give anyone money, he was just the messenger.

oh, and quit being such a whiny snowflake...grow a set of balls for a change.
1. And he was on the Board of Directors to gain easy access to Biden, Obama, and US money. (as if you don't know).

2. Nice try on the spin of Biden's blackmail threat. Back in the 60's you might have been good a good dancer for Chubby Checkers "Twist" :cool-45: :clap2:
1. And he was on the Board of Directors to gain easy access to Biden, Obama, and US money. (as if you don't know).

2. Nice try on the spin of Biden's blackmail threat. Back in the 60's you might have been good a good dancer for Chubby Checkers "Twist" :cool-45: :clap2:

1. And?

2. Facts are facts. I am sorry you are too stupid to know how our country works, but the VP has pretty much no power nor authority.
I think we all know Hunter Biden's expertise in the business world, especially in the Ukraine. I don't think $80,000 per month is out of whack for what he brought to the table. It had nothing to do with Joe Biden. Hunter is just an expert in the field and can command that kind of money. I don't think many here would argue.
Is this a serious post, or an display of IDIOCY ? Biden knew nothing about the business world, as much as to command a salary 1/10 of what he was getting. Obviously, as we all know, he was there for political power/leverage.

Damn, you have an amazing faith in politicians. I suppose you think not a single one of them lie.

He just recently told the story about trying to pin a silver star on a US solider...I guess you think it was 100% accurate also.

He just recently said that he was against the Iraq war as soon as it started....I guess you think that was 100% accurate also.

Here is a suggestion for you. Go back and get your GED, in the process take a civics class and learn about the powers that the VP has and does not have.
The powers that VPs have, don't get taught in civics classes. :rolleyes:
Another no-nothing. The corrupt prosecutor had concluded his investigation of Burisma by the time Biden came to Ukraine. He was not opposed to Biden's son's company. You are the two bit lying phony and now we can add crooked to that.
FALSE! He WAS opposed and he stood in the way of what Quid Pro Joe wanted. Feeding at the CNN through again huh ? You think you can come in here and turn the truth upside down, and everybody is just going to say Oh Gee?

Want to advance a theory as to way Joey was so opposed to him ? Didn't like his hair style ?
It's better to be gaffe prone than stupid which describes Trump.

Biden has double digit leads in Georgia, Maryland and South Carolina. He is hardly out.
HA HA HA! You imbecile. You don't even know that polls are invalid because only Dmicrats answer them, Republicans don't. Why do you think those stupid things all said Hillary was going to win ?

Would somebody please take this ignorant, poor soul aside and tutor him ? And find something else for him to do other than posting in a computer forum. Maybe pinball machines ? Solitaire ?

And maybe you can call Trump stupid, when you have something like THIS >>

Interesting you defend crooks like this corrupt prosecutor. H3e had every right to do so and was supported by the world community and Ukrainians fighting corruption.
I'm not defending him and never said I was. I was, and am, condemning Biden for threatening the Ukrainians over retaining him. Those are 2 different things.
Here is the Biden debacle staring Everyone in the face yet they are chasing Trump. Same as when Mules was supposed to gather Trumps Russians paperwork while Hillary stood there waving hers around.
Here is the Biden debacle staring Everyone in the face yet they are chasing Trump. Same as when Mules was supposed to gather Trumps Russians paperwork while Hillary stood there waving hers around.
And it will all come back to bite them in 2020. American people aren't as stupid as they think.

Damn, you have an amazing faith in politicians. I suppose you think not a single one of them lie.

He just recently told the story about trying to pin a silver star on a US solider...I guess you think it was 100% accurate also.

He just recently said that he was against the Iraq war as soon as it started....I guess you think that was 100% accurate also.

Here is a suggestion for you. Go back and get your GED, in the process take a civics class and learn about the powers that the VP has and does not have.
The powers that VPs have, don't get taught in civics classes. :rolleyes:

VPs have no power. The only power they have is to be the deciding vote if there is a tie in the Senate.
VPs have no power. The only power they have is to be the deciding vote if there is a tie in the Senate.
You are ignorant in the extreme. The vice president presides over joint sessions of Congress, and is a statutory member of the National Security Council, and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

Especially over the past 100 years, the vice presidency has evolved into a position of domestic and foreign policy political power, and is now widely seen as an integral part of a president's administration. No one has greater influence on the POTUS.

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