Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

Shokin as corrupt and unwilling to help stop the corruption
I've seen that exact phrase repeated ad nauseum as the Democrats circle their wagons around Biden.

Got any evidence to support it, or are you just mindlessly parroting it?
Shokin as corrupt and unwilling to help stop the corruption
I've seen that exact phrase repeated ad nauseum as the Democrats circle their wagons around Biden.

Got any evidence to support it, or are you just mindlessly parroting it?

It was the US position at the time, how accurate it I have no idea. Probably as accurate as everything else the government tells us.

I am curious why you are more hung up on this guy being fired than us interfering with their election

It matters not what Zelensky claims to feel. What matters is whether or not trump solicited his help in going after Trumo's political rival.

And the phone transcript reveals trump did indeed solicit Zelensky's help.
No it doesn't. But Biden's video sure shows him doing just that, Even worse. Biden made a baldfaced THREAT.

Biden was just the messenger passing along the position of the US government.

I don't buy that. If that was the actual position, then they would not have sent Biden to announce the billion dollars in loan guarantees to begin with, until the guy was fired.

You don't send someone to the other side of the planet to specifically announce that we were guaranteeing loans, if you have no intention of doing so until some guy is removed from government, when you know for a fact they still had him employed.

Obama would have said "Yeah no one is coming until that guy is gone. If you remove him, I'll send Biden to announce the guarantee".

Instead, Obama already sent Biden to the Ukraine for the purpose of saying we were giving them loan guarantees. Then out of the blue, by Bidens own statement.... No money unless you fire that guy. And they even responded to him "You can't make that call. You are not the president". Implying it was clear Obama had already cleared this before hand... which again is obvious since he shipped Biden to the opposite side of the planet for that purpose.

Why else would Biden be bragging about it? Why else would he be openly stating "I told them, no money unless that guy his gone" if really he didn't do jack, and it was just Obama who said it? Are you claiming Biden was bragging that someone else did something, and he was just in the vicinity when it happened?

That makes no sense.

Have you never bragged about something and retold the story in a way that was not quite how it happened? Have you not ever known anyone that has done so?

No. Because if I were to lie, without any doubt people would find out it was a lie, and I would look worse than if I had simply told the story accurately.

That said, I do remember someone about 15 years ago, who most certainly did retell stories with lies to make himself look good, and we fired him for incompetence. You couldn't trust the guy. So we obviously didn't want to work with him.

We certainly wouldn't have him in charge of the company, or the country.

Look you guys have in the past, correctly pointed out when Trump has made incorrect statements or lies.
I agree with those criticisms.

The problem is, you can't make those criticism, and yet give a pass to every person on your side that lies constantly.
You can't give Biden a complete pass, and then say it's bad when Trump lies.
You can't give Hillary a complete pass, and then say it's bad when Trump lies.

So either lying is bad, and you need to stop supporting liars, or I never want to hear you whine about Trump again.

The hypocrisy I see on your side is sickening, the way for months and months "Lying is bad! Trump can't be trusted! He makes up stuff all the time!"

And then the moment it benefits you politically.... "Well.... don't you know someone that retold a story not quite how it happened?"

So which is it? Can you retell what actually happened, however you want, and that's fine? Or does truth matter? Sorry, you can't play it both ways.
If that's true, then Biden conspired with the Obama administration to get Shokin fired.

Seems fishy.

There was no conspiracy. The US and many of our allies viewed Shokin as corrupt and unwilling to help stop the corruption that is prevalent in the Ukriane. Thus we got rid of him.

Shokin as corrupt and unwilling to help stop the corruption
I've seen that exact phrase repeated ad nauseum as the Democrats circle their wagons around Biden.

Got any evidence to support it, or are you just mindlessly parroting it?

It was the US position at the time, how accurate it I have no idea.
That's not a very strong argument to back up your contention in post #260 that Biden and the Obama administration did not conspire to get Shokin fired, because... well.... "I have no idea" is never a strong argument.

It's very suspicious. The Trump administration should look into it and demand cooperation from the Ukrainian government, IMO.
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“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,

Look at the above MORON.........Even if remotely "true"....Biden was "acting as an individual...."

Whereas, the orange clown was "acting as the fucking president" threatening to withhold MILLIONS if Ukraine did not do his bidding .......

Trump is scared shitless of being kicked to the curb next year......and the statutes of limitations cannot svae his sorry, fat, orange ass.......LMAO
So Biden wasn't acting as the vice president?

No he wasn't. He was using his position as a vice President for personal business gains.

No he wasn't. The firing of this prosecutor was supported by the world community and people in Ukraine. This prosecutor was enabling corruption and his deputy confirmed there was no investigation of Hunter Biden.

No, there wasn't an investigation of Biden, there was an investigation of the company he got a job with. Hunter was hired by the company for $50,000 a month; hired with no experience in the field or industry. Dumb luck huh? I mean, what are the chances of landing a job with a company being investigated where your father has influence with the government that fired the investigator?

What is the crime? There is no evidence that Hunter attempted to intercede with his father. Trump himself has not been shy about buying politicians to get what he wants.
That's not a very strong argument to back up your contention that Biden and the Obama administration did not conspire to get Shokin fired.

It's very suspicious. The Trump administration should look into it and demand cooperation from the Ukrainian government, IMO.

My contention is that Biden and the Obama administration openly worked to get Shokin fired. To say they "conspired" to do it implies it was done in secret, but that is clearly not the case.

Why is it suspicious? Is it suspicious to you that we interfered with their election to get an pro-American government elected?
According to Rudy the other night on Laura's show, the law is when you use money to force somebody into an action, that is bribery.

Rudy is a crooked lawyer. If that is so then Trump is committing bribery. When will Trump's arraignment be?

No, an official can request that we don't provide loans or aid to a country to shape policy for US interests. An official cannot request we don't provide money so the officials son can keep his job in that country.

You are a liar. The fact is that Hunt6er Biden had nothing to do with Joe Biden's mission. Get rid of a corrupt public official who the world community and Ukrainians knew was corrupt. Apparently you want to defend this corrupt public official.
No. Because if I were to lie, without any doubt people would find out it was a lie, and I would look worse than if I had simply told the story accurately.

That said, I do remember someone about 15 years ago, who most certainly did retell stories with lies to make himself look good, and we fired him for incompetence. You couldn't trust the guy. So we obviously didn't want to work with him.

We certainly wouldn't have him in charge of the company, or the country.

Look you guys have in the past, correctly pointed out when Trump has made incorrect statements or lies.
I agree with those criticisms.

The problem is, you can't make those criticism, and yet give a pass to every person on your side that lies constantly.
You can't give Biden a complete pass, and then say it's bad when Trump lies.
You can't give Hillary a complete pass, and then say it's bad when Trump lies.

So either lying is bad, and you need to stop supporting liars, or I never want to hear you whine about Trump again.

The hypocrisy I see on your side is sickening, the way for months and months "Lying is bad! Trump can't be trusted! He makes up stuff all the time!"

And then the moment it benefits you politically.... "Well.... don't you know someone that retold a story not quite how it happened?"

So which is it? Can you retell what actually happened, however you want, and that's fine? Or does truth matter? Sorry, you can't play it both ways.

How am I giving him a complete pass? I am saying he is a liar and you call that a complete pass, that makes no sense.

Lying is bad, that is why I do not support Biden, or Hilary as you seem to assume. I think Biden is a terrible choice and I wish he would just go away. If I had a gun to my head and had to choose between Trump and Biden I would pick Trump 99 times out of 99.

Where have I ever one supported Biden?
No he wasn't. The firing of this prosecutor was supported by the world community and people in Ukraine. This prosecutor was enabling corruption and his deputy confirmed there was no investigation of Hunter Biden.

No, there wasn't an investigation of Biden, there was an investigation of the company he got a job with. Hunter was hired by the company for $50,000 a month; hired with no experience in the field or industry. Dumb luck huh? I mean, what are the chances of landing a job with a company being investigated where your father has influence with the government that fired the investigator?
Shokin was not investigating Burisma Holdings. He said so himself. He says now that he was planning to investigate them when he was fired.

I guess that depends on the sources you read. I have read that the investigation was ongoing when he was fired. Of course the replacement didn't pursue the investigation. In fact I also read where the investigation officially reopened about a year ago, but of course, Hunter is out of the company now.
WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son

Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s motivation was to protect his son, a lawyer who has been involved in several investment and consulting firms, although Mr. Shokin had already completed his investigation of Burisma Group before he left office.

Yeah, that's what the government said. And we all know the integrity and honesty level of the Ukraine government. Given the conflicting reports on that, the first step is to see if that was actually true, which the investigator claims it wasn't.

A corrupt investigator. The fact is that there is no scintilla of evidence to support your claim. There are Ukrainians who have been fighting corruption. You resort to the claim they are lying. You lie to support a lie.
My fellow progressives, we are falling into the perpetual Trump cult diversion tactic......

Here's the orange clown having been caught asking a foreign country to help him get elected AGAIN.....and his ass kissers divert the debate into something to cover Trump's fat ass.

If the corrupt Trump administration had, objectively, SOMETHING on Biden, then how come its coming out NOW that Biden is whopping Trump's ass in the polls???.......................LOL

Do you really believe Gaff man stands a chance against such a successful President? Give us a break. Trump laughs at those polls just as the rest of us do. It's the last thing on his mind. That's besides the fact Biden is slipping down anyway, and likely won't get past the primaries. Face facts, he's not going to be the nominee.

Gaff man is better than stupid man. The only thing that Trump has been successful at is showing man's inhumanity to other men. Voters oppose nearly every Trump policy. You are laughing at these polls because you are taking the typical loser stance. The polls are wrong. Biden is retaining his lead among black voters which was enough to win the nomination for Clinton.
Translation: NOTHING.
Thank you.
We ALL know what he did. He threatened to withhold US aid (1 Billion) from Ukraine, if they did not fire the prosecutor, that he didn't like. Who was opposed toi Biden's son's company.

AS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW - you cheap, 2 bit phony.

Another no-nothing. The corrupt prosecutor had concluded his investigation of Burisma by the time Biden came to Ukraine. He was not opposed to Biden's son's company. You are the two bit lying phony and now we can add crooked to that.
But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

Giuliani has been manufacturing bullshit.

Fucking moron, the Wall Street Journal is not Ukrainian...

WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son[/B]

Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s motivation was to protect his son, a lawyer who has been involved in several investment and consulting firms, although Mr. Shokin had already completed his investigation of Burisma Group before he left office.
Your problem is when the dog is dead, you're still trying to get him to do new tricks. Biden is out.

What's happening with Pochahontas and the Sandroid ?

Hey, What's your favorite Biden gaffe ? Mine is the condolences one. :auiqs.jpg: That was hilarious.

It's better to be gaffe prone than stupid which describes Trump.

Biden has double digit leads in Georgia, Maryland and South Carolina. He is hardly out.
A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job. Speaking to ABC News, former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he has “no doubt” Biden wanted him gone to help protect Hunter Biden’s employer.

At the time, Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings while Biden’s son Hunter was on the board earning as much as $50,000 a month.

“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,” he said to ABC News, “like the individual interested in having me removed — having me gone so that I did not interfere in the Burisma investigation.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

But did Trump TALK to the PM about this blatant corruption by the current DemonRAT presidential front runner....which is more important to AMERICANS TO KNOW???

Still, the refrain from the Stalinists is "Joe Biden is corrupt, we MUST impeach Trump!"
EdTheCommunist with more bullshit and FAKE NEWS...

Source says whistleblower didn't have 'firsthand knowledge' of Trump call with ...
View attachment 280666
2 hours ago · The source said that it is made clear in the complaint itself that the whistleblower did not have direct knowledge of the July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. ... Democrats, meanwhile, have seized on allegations that Trump pressured Zelensky to
They grasp at anything they think they can twist into a smear on Trump. Backfired big on them with Kavanagh, Russian hoax, and now with Ukraine. They're not very good at bullshitting.

Is that why suburban women voted strongly against Republicans in 2018? Or well educated voters? You are pure bullshit.
But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,” Kasko said in an interview last week. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.”

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

Giuliani has been manufacturing bullshit.


You do love you some corruption.

Oh and you fucking little liar, you have the video of Biden BRAGGING about blackmailing Ukrain to fire the prosecutor investigating his son.
Shokin (the corrupt prosecutor) was NOT investigating Biden or the company he worked for when Biden pushed to have him removed.

In fact Biden demanding that a REAL prosecutor be appointed actually put his own son at risk

The facts behind Trump’s bogus accusations about Biden and Ukraine
It's pretty :lame2: for Democrats to try to defend Biden's threat to the Ukrainians. Nothing was ever more clear cut.

He threatened to cut off $ one Billion of aid to Ukraine, if they didn't fire Shokin, and he did it on video. Simple as that.

Interesting you defend crooks like this corrupt prosecutor. H3e had every right to do so and was supported by the world community and Ukrainians fighting corruption.
No. Because if I were to lie, without any doubt people would find out it was a lie, and I would look worse than if I had simply told the story accurately.

That said, I do remember someone about 15 years ago, who most certainly did retell stories with lies to make himself look good, and we fired him for incompetence. You couldn't trust the guy. So we obviously didn't want to work with him.

We certainly wouldn't have him in charge of the company, or the country.

Look you guys have in the past, correctly pointed out when Trump has made incorrect statements or lies.
I agree with those criticisms.

The problem is, you can't make those criticism, and yet give a pass to every person on your side that lies constantly.
You can't give Biden a complete pass, and then say it's bad when Trump lies.
You can't give Hillary a complete pass, and then say it's bad when Trump lies.

So either lying is bad, and you need to stop supporting liars, or I never want to hear you whine about Trump again.

The hypocrisy I see on your side is sickening, the way for months and months "Lying is bad! Trump can't be trusted! He makes up stuff all the time!"

And then the moment it benefits you politically.... "Well.... don't you know someone that retold a story not quite how it happened?"

So which is it? Can you retell what actually happened, however you want, and that's fine? Or does truth matter? Sorry, you can't play it both ways.

How am I giving him a complete pass? I am saying he is a liar and you call that a complete pass, that makes no sense.

Lying is bad, that is why I do not support Biden, or Hilary as you seem to assume. I think Biden is a terrible choice and I wish he would just go away. If I had a gun to my head and had to choose between Trump and Biden I would pick Trump 99 times out of 99.

Where have I ever one supported Biden?

Ok, then I apologize to you for making an assumption based on your post.

Honestly, no one I like is running for office.

Warren is a liar, and she is going to bankrupt the government with her policies.
Bernie is beyond a liar, he's just flat out crazy. Supporting fight for $15, and then when his own staff complains they are not paid $15, he cuts their hours back, in order to pay them $15 an hour.
Beto, not sure if he lies, but he sits around screaming America sucks.
Pete, is a hypocritical liar, that claims to be Christian, and then makes claims that are completely the opposite of 2,000 years of Christian history.
Harris, is a racists bigot, pro-genocide Palestine terrorist supporter.

I can't think of a single Democrat that is an alternative for Trump, that I would vote for. There are a couple of independents perhaps, but no Democrat that is being offered, is anything but garbage.
Ok, then I apologize to you for making an assumption based on your post.

Honestly, no one I like is running for office.

Warren is a liar, and she is going to bankrupt the government with her policies.
Bernie is beyond a liar, he's just flat out crazy. Supporting fight for $15, and then when his own staff complains they are not paid $15, he cuts their hours back, in order to pay them $15 an hour.
Beto, not sure if he lies, but he sits around screaming America sucks.
Pete, is a hypocritical liar, that claims to be Christian, and then makes claims that are completely the opposite of 2,000 years of Christian history.
Harris, is a racists bigot, pro-genocide Palestine terrorist supporter.

I can't think of a single Democrat that is an alternative for Trump, that I would vote for. There are a couple of independents perhaps, but no Democrat that is being offered, is anything but garbage.

I cannot disagree with that. I assume Trump is going to win. I am a fan of Gabbard, but not sure enough to vote for her.

My view is that the country is best off when the White House and the Senate are controlled by separate parties. With that said all I want from the Dems is someone that will generate down ballot votes. Biden is not that person, the thought of choosing between two 70 something white dudes will leave many people sitting at home.

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