Former Ukrainian Prosecutor: ‘No Doubt’ Joe Biden Forced Me Out to Protect Hunter Biden

You are ignorant in the extreme. The vice president presides over joint sessions of Congress, and is a statutory member of the National Security Council, and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

All of which means he basically has no power.

Especially over the past 100 years, the vice presidency has evolved into a position of domestic and foreign policy political power, and is now widely seen as an integral part of a president's administration. No one has greater influence on the POTUS.

Influence yes, power now.
You are ignorant in the extreme. The vice president presides over joint sessions of Congress, and is a statutory member of the National Security Council, and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

All of which means he basically has no power.

Especially over the past 100 years, the vice presidency has evolved into a position of domestic and foreign policy political power, and is now widely seen as an integral part of a president's administration. No one has greater influence on the POTUS.

Influence yes, power now.

Influence is what the Burisma was buying from Quid Pro Joe.
Ok, then I apologize to you for making an assumption based on your post.

Honestly, no one I like is running for office.

Warren is a liar, and she is going to bankrupt the government with her policies.
Bernie is beyond a liar, he's just flat out crazy. Supporting fight for $15, and then when his own staff complains they are not paid $15, he cuts their hours back, in order to pay them $15 an hour.
Beto, not sure if he lies, but he sits around screaming America sucks.
Pete, is a hypocritical liar, that claims to be Christian, and then makes claims that are completely the opposite of 2,000 years of Christian history.
Harris, is a racists bigot, pro-genocide Palestine terrorist supporter.

I can't think of a single Democrat that is an alternative for Trump, that I would vote for. There are a couple of independents perhaps, but no Democrat that is being offered, is anything but garbage.

I cannot disagree with that. I assume Trump is going to win. I am a fan of Gabbard, but not sure enough to vote for her.

My view is that the country is best off when the White House and the Senate are controlled by separate parties. With that said all I want from the Dems is someone that will generate down ballot votes. Biden is not that person, the thought of choosing between two 70 something white dudes will leave many people sitting at home.

Gabbard is kunt, a leftist kook no different than Warren.

But the fact that you are Marxist had NEVER been in doubt. Not even for a second.

Democrats are really foolish people

The anger is rising fast on their crooked criminal mindset

Democrats not hiding is disaster for them
You are ignorant in the extreme. The vice president presides over joint sessions of Congress, and is a statutory member of the National Security Council, and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

All of which means he basically has no power.

Especially over the past 100 years, the vice presidency has evolved into a position of domestic and foreign policy political power, and is now widely seen as an integral part of a president's administration. No one has greater influence on the POTUS.

Influence yes, power now.

Trump has all the power
“Biden was acting not like a U.S. vice president, but as an individual,

Look at the above MORON.........Even if remotely "true"....Biden was "acting as an individual...."

Whereas, the orange clown was "acting as the fucking president" threatening to withhold MILLIONS if Ukraine did not do his bidding .......

Trump is scared shitless of being kicked to the curb next year......and the statutes of limitations cannot svae his sorry, fat, orange ass.......LMAO
No matter what Evil Weapons you form against President Trump, they will fail. President Trump was hand picked by God to help restore Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel, and he will be protected by God for being a friend to Israel.

“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
- Genesis 12:1-3

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
– Isaiah 62:6-7

Psalm 9:15-18

15 The nations have fallen into a pit of their making; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden (for others).

16 The LORD is known by the justice He brings; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands. Higgaion Selah

17 The wicked will return to Sheol—all the nations who forget God.

18 For the needy will not always be forgotten; nor the hope of the oppressed forever dashed.

19 Rise up, O LORD, let not man prevail; let the nations be judged in Your presence.

20 Lay terror upon them, O LORD; let the nations know they are but men. Selah

Isaiah 54:16-17

16 Behold, I have created the craftsman who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its task; and I have created the destroyer to wreak havoc.

17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the LORD’s servants, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD.
Influence is what the Burisma was buying from Quid Pro Joe.
And they paid a lot of money for it. The American people aren't stupid. They'll see all of this quite clear, and in 2020, the US map will be even redder than it was in 2016.

After the illegal aliens are all kicked out.
No matter what Evil Weapons you form against President Trump, they will fail. President Trump was hand picked by God to help restore Jerusalem as The Capital of Israel, and he will be protected by God for being a friend to Israel.
Plenty of people say that, SO WHAT ? Lots of people lie to just don't have their facts straight. what matters is what Quid Pro Joe said, and what his son has been doing.
And what also matters is what the Ukrainian prosecutor WHO BIDEN ORDERED TO BE FIRED (Shokin) said, not somebody else.

Hate to tell you this, but this latest Democrat witch hunt laughingstock has already fallen apart, but the Bidens are still on the hook.
Spits a crazed poster who can't actually show Biden doing something wrong with Ukraine.
But all you can do is come in here and stupidly PRETEND that I didn't "show Biden doing something wrong with Ukraine" - when all I did was post a VIDEO of him doing it (as did other posters. You are sick.
Spits a crazed poster who can't actually show Biden doing something wrong with Ukraine.
But all you can do is come in here and stupidly PRETEND that I didn't "show Biden doing something wrong with Ukraine" - when all I did was post a VIDEO of him doing it (as did other posters. You are sick.
Lying gramps. You did not show a video of Biden doing anything wrong. The evidence you didn't is because all Biden did was threaten to pull a $1 billion guaranteed loan unless they took out the General Prosecutor. For Biden to have done something wrong, the prosecutor would have had to be actively investigating either Biden's son or the Ukraine company by which he was employed.

And as your posts reveal -- you failed to show that.
"Since Chris Cuomo for some reason doesn't like the name "Fredo," would he be willing to pass that moniker along to Hunter Biden?" - Coulter
Lying gramps. You did not show a video of Biden doing anything wrong. The evidence you didn't is because all Biden did was threaten to pull a $1 billion guaranteed loan unless they took out the General Prosecutor. For Biden to have done something wrong, the prosecutor would have had to be actively investigating either Biden's son or the Ukraine company by which he was employed.

And as your posts reveal -- you failed to show that.
No, the prosecutor would NOT have had to be "actively investigating either Biden's son or the Ukraine company by which he was employed"

Just the mere fact that Biden used US taxpayer money to threaten the Ukranians over something that was important to HIM (not to the American people), is evidence enough of his wrongdoing.

And the idea that, as a presidential candidate, Biden should be immune from blame, is ridiculous. As a presidential candidate, that's all the more reason to blame him for his wrongs, as we don't want to get a POTUS who is corrupt (like Biden and his son).

Trump was right to ask for help from the Ukranians about the Bidens, and right to suggest we get help from China too (or anywhere or anyone we could get help from) :biggrin:
Lying gramps. You did not show a video of Biden doing anything wrong. The evidence you didn't is because all Biden did was threaten to pull a $1 billion guaranteed loan unless they took out the General Prosecutor. For Biden to have done something wrong, the prosecutor would have had to be actively investigating either Biden's son or the Ukraine company by which he was employed.

And as your posts reveal -- you failed to show that.
No, the prosecutor would NOT have had to be "actively investigating either Biden's son or the Ukraine company by which he was employed"

Just the mere fact that Biden used US taxpayer money to threaten the Ukranians over something that was important to HIM (not to the American people), is evidence enough of his wrongdoing.

And the idea that, as a presidential candidate, Biden should be immune from blame, is ridiculous. As a presidential candidate, that's all the more reason to blame him for his wrongs, as we don't want to get a POTUS who is corrupt (like Biden and his son).

Trump was right to ask for help from the Ukranians about the Bidens, and right to suggest we get help from China too (or anywhere or anyone we could get help from) :biggrin:
Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:
A former Ukrainian prosecutor general is speaking out after Vice President Joe Biden forced him out of his job.

Lol yea, it's not like this corrupt asshole could POSSIBLY have a motive to talk shit about Joe. :rolleyes:
Ok, then I apologize to you for making an assumption based on your post.

Honestly, no one I like is running for office.

Warren is a liar, and she is going to bankrupt the government with her policies.
Bernie is beyond a liar, he's just flat out crazy. Supporting fight for $15, and then when his own staff complains they are not paid $15, he cuts their hours back, in order to pay them $15 an hour.
Beto, not sure if he lies, but he sits around screaming America sucks.
Pete, is a hypocritical liar, that claims to be Christian, and then makes claims that are completely the opposite of 2,000 years of Christian history.
Harris, is a racists bigot, pro-genocide Palestine terrorist supporter.

I can't think of a single Democrat that is an alternative for Trump, that I would vote for. There are a couple of independents perhaps, but no Democrat that is being offered, is anything but garbage.

I cannot disagree with that. I assume Trump is going to win. I am a fan of Gabbard, but not sure enough to vote for her.

My view is that the country is best off when the White House and the Senate are controlled by separate parties. With that said all I want from the Dems is someone that will generate down ballot votes. Biden is not that person, the thought of choosing between two 70 something white dudes will leave many people sitting at home.

I will vote for anyone who is not named Trump and has a chance of winning. I voted for a independent candidate in 2016. This country has gone way too far to the right and maybe it is time to go left of center to try and balance it out. I disagree on Biden. At this point in time, Biden runs better against Trump than any other Democrat. He is left of center but not hard left.
You are ignorant in the extreme. The vice president presides over joint sessions of Congress, and is a statutory member of the National Security Council, and the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.

All of which means he basically has no power.

Especially over the past 100 years, the vice presidency has evolved into a position of domestic and foreign policy political power, and is now widely seen as an integral part of a president's administration. No one has greater influence on the POTUS.

Influence yes, power now.

Influence is what the Burisma was buying from Quid Pro Joe.


Wrong as always, gramps. Biden had every right to impose reasonable conditions on that money if they wanted it.
No he didn't, puppy. That money is US taxpayer money. He has no right to toss it around for his own private interests, and Trump was right to call him out on it. Biden is toast. :biggrin:

Dumbfuck, he was given authority by the president to handle the situation.

Biden: I said we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.

Poroshenko: You have no authority. You’re not the president.

Biden: Call him.

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