Former vaccine director says hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved if the trump WH had told the truth

For those whose memories are clouded by their adoration and obedience, the buffoon:
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED supporters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to the sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that needed to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when they knew goddamn well we were not
Clinton caimed he degraded Iraq's WMD's with operation Desert Fox.

President Clinton orders air attack on Iraq - HISTORY
On December 16, 1998, President Bill Clinton announces he has ordered air strikes against Iraq because it refused to cooperate with United Nations (U.N.)

Clinton's Operation Wagging The Dog..
I hate to call you a LIAR. But that's not what you said.

You said blacks were the largest group. Now you're walking it back.

They are, as your link says. Did you need me to include by their percentage? LOL

Again, from your link:

Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine (emphasis added)
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What is a vaccine director?
Anything like a vaccine superintendent or vaccine orderly?
You lib loon liars have been making up titles for over a year and then attributing dire, fake proclamations from your fakely titled
xiden, and the scum demonRATS are criminals who need to be prosecuted. they have killed hundreds of thousands and now, with the help of the scum demonRAT party, are in the process of destroying our country.the scum demonRATS are just that---SCUM
You mean the man who is emblazoned on the t-shirt of little trump in Florida. trump knew in late 2019 that COVID was going to be a killer. He kept downplaying it and promoting stupid and dangerous cures....he is a murderer.
and you are an imbecile 4 implying the scum demonRATS are innocent....remember the TWAT PIG-lousi inviting AMERICANS down to celebrate something chinese, not AMERICAN, w/out masks....and not wanting the borders closed...anything else you need a refresher on?
Reappointed by Bush, who admitted that he and Cheney made up the WMD story.

He was not reappointed. He was held over.

While the Director of Central Intelligence has been replaced by an incoming administration since Jimmy Carter replaced DCI George H. W. Bush, Tenet served through the end of the Clinton administration and well into the term of George W. Bush.

And now repubs are holding all of us back when they refuse to get the shot. They will continue to say NO until a new variant comes along that will cause the vaccine to be ineffective....and then you repubs will say..."SEE, WE TOLD YOU THE VACCINE WOULD NOT STOP COVID!"

Your King hid behind a door and got his shot.....cause he is lunatic.
we need a LINK saying ONLY republicans are not getting the death jab...otherwise, that makes you a LIAR AGAIN
They are, as your link says. Did you need me to include by their percentage? LOL

Again, from your link:

Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine[/U]
(emphasis added)

Now you even prove you lied because that's not what you said.

Blacks are the largest group of unvaccinated.

You do know what the definition of "largest group" is?
Your words you fucking idiot.

"The largest group not vaccinated is blacks."

And that is true. By percentage it is fact, you fucking idiot.

Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine​
The buffoon was afraid of how it would affect HIM and HIS re-election chances, so he played it down and attacked science.

He even ADMITTED he played it down, ON TAPE, but the alternate universe isn't telling the rubes about that.
you must mean like the douche in post #11, a scum demonRAT, saying they are spreading 'misinformation' on the chinese flu....and it calls itself a health commissioner......
and fake-i saying the chinese flu is nothing major.....
so you calling TRUMP a buffoon, makes you the delusional buffoon
Not so

that is absolutely untrue

Yes, it is true.

Bright challenged his transfer, stating that it was retaliation his insistence that the government address the pandemic by investing the billions of dollars allocated by Congress for that purpose in supplies and "safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit."


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