Former VP Biden claims Glock handguns are a “weapon of war”


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Where are the fact checkers on this one?

A Glock is now a “WEAPON OF WAR” to the left.


This is what communists do….look at the history of every totalitarian state.

“You know, the future is cut short by a man with a stolen Glock with 40 rounds — a magazine with 40 rounds. And it’s really a weapon of war.

One of the things I was proudest of years ago, when I was in the Senate — I was able to get these weapons and the size of magazines outlawed. That got changed. It got overruled. But I don’t see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment rights to deny that.”

Hey Joe…..where you going with that gun in your hand?
Allow me to channel my inner liberal...

1. Drinks a whole sixpack of PBR

2. Hits self in head with hammer five times.

3. Glocks are made in Austria.

4. Hitler was born in Austria.

5. Hitler made war.

6. Therefore, Glocks are weapons of war.

Being a liberal is so easy, even a Neanderthal could do it. :04:
Where are the fact checkers on this one?

A Glock is now a “WEAPON OF WAR” to the left.


This is what communists do….look at the history of every totalitarian state.

Finally, a democrat comes out and labels a handgun a 'weapon of war'.
Everyone on the right have known for years what the real intent of the far leftwing was.
It's good to see a little honesty slip through the filters and exposed.
First they said that AR's should be banned but they dont have a problem with handguns which kill far more people than the AR. :cuckoo:
Now they're coming for Glock's which are no different than any other semi auto handgun.

We all knew this was coming.

The left will not stop until the 2A is repealed, but the leaders on the left will be protected by armed guards that we pay for with our taxes paid from our hard work.

We will receive no such protection.
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“You know, the future is cut short by a man with a stolen Glock with 40 rounds — a magazine with 40 rounds. And it’s really a weapon of war.

One of the things I was proudest of years ago, when I was in the Senate — I was able to get these weapons and the size of magazines outlawed. That got changed. It got overruled. But I don’t see any rationale to why there should be such a weapon able to be purchased. It doesn’t violate anybody’s Second Amendment rights to deny that.”

Hey Joe…..where you going with that gun in your hand?
He told everyone to use a shotgun.....which is a weapon of war.
Just like when they claimed for years that the media wasn't liberally biased.

The pivot by the lying left on that was AMAZING.

They went from, "We are not biased, it's just that OBAMA ISS PERFECT!!!" to "Fuck yes we are reporting for social change!"
Welllll, they are not wrong in one sense.....Many country's .mil use a model of the Glock not to mention countless police forces:


Austrian Armed Forces,

Azerbaijani Special Military Services,

Bangladesh Army,

Finland Defence Forces,



Israeli Defense Forces,

Kosovo Security Force,

Latvian Military

Lithuanian Armed Forces

Luxembourg Army

Malaysian Armed Forces

Mexican navy

Military of Montenegro

Military of the Netherlands

New Zealand Defence Force

Norwegian Armed Forces

Romanian Armed Forces

Saudi Arabian Army

Swedish Armed Forces

Swiss Armed Forces

British Armed Forces

Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command

United States Navy SEALs

Uruguayan National Army

Venezuelan Armed Forces

Military of Yemen

And this is just the pure military groups. Far more counter-terror or Special Ops groups use the Glock also.
Welllll, they are not wrong in one sense.....Many country's .mil use a model of the Glock not to mention countless police forces:


Austrian Armed Forces,

Azerbaijani Special Military Services,

Bangladesh Army,

Finland Defence Forces,



Israeli Defense Forces,

Kosovo Security Force,

Latvian Military

Lithuanian Armed Forces

Luxembourg Army

Malaysian Armed Forces

Mexican navy

Military of Montenegro

Military of the Netherlands

New Zealand Defence Force

Norwegian Armed Forces

Romanian Armed Forces

Saudi Arabian Army

Swedish Armed Forces

Swiss Armed Forces

British Armed Forces

Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command

United States Navy SEALs

Uruguayan National Army

Venezuelan Armed Forces

Military of Yemen

And this is just the pure military groups. Far more counter-terror or Special Ops groups use the Glock also.
Just like when they claimed for years that the media wasn't liberally biased.
Omg do you remember the leftists of usmb sinking every thread about liberal bias in the flame zone/taunting room etc?
I do.
I also remember Jillian scoriating me for saying it was stupid to touch the doors and faucets of public restrooms and saying I didn't let my kids splash around in the sinks at walmart, I'd rather risk a little urine on their hands than the shit they could pick up in public restrooms.
And I was ruthlessly attacked for saying human trafficking was COMMON in the US.

So many memories.
Where are the fact checkers on this one?

A Glock is now a “WEAPON OF WAR” to the left.


This is what communists do….look at the history of every totalitarian state.

President Biden is correct, US Special Forces use Glocks.
LOL....My Micro-Roni should really make dem heads explode.....No better place to park a spare gen-3 G-17. ;)

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