Former VP Biden claims Glock handguns are a “weapon of war”

Every time the left say they are not trying to repeal 2A THEY ARE LYING.


Wake up, dumbasses.

If you dont like the 2A, I willtake my 1 A and tell you to suck my balls.
This is a lie.

Liberals support Second Amendment jurisprudence and defend the right to possess a firearm.

Conservatives are liars and demagogues, this thread is proof of that.
ROCKS can be "weapons of war".

Leftists are weapons grade stupid and are used to wage war against the USA by global collectivist sociopaths.

LOL....My Micro-Roni should really make dem heads explode.....No better place to park a spare gen-3 G-17. ;)

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I'm certain the term "weapon of war" was tested to determine if the audience knew what it meant and how strong of a reaction it got.


...Isn't it the left who are the ones pushing for war?
Welllll, they are not wrong in one sense.....Many country's .mil use a model of the Glock not to mention countless police forces:


Austrian Armed Forces,

Azerbaijani Special Military Services,

Bangladesh Army,

Finland Defence Forces,



Israeli Defense Forces,

Kosovo Security Force,

Latvian Military

Lithuanian Armed Forces

Luxembourg Army

Malaysian Armed Forces

Mexican navy

Military of Montenegro

Military of the Netherlands

New Zealand Defence Force

Norwegian Armed Forces

Romanian Armed Forces

Saudi Arabian Army

Swedish Armed Forces

Swiss Armed Forces

British Armed Forces

Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command

United States Navy SEALs

Uruguayan National Army

Venezuelan Armed Forces

Military of Yemen

And this is just the pure military groups. Far more counter-terror or Special Ops groups use the Glock also.

The "WEAPON OF WAR" designation is bullshit because liberals lie. An AXE is a weapon of war....a spear, an arrow...
Irrelevant. The 2nd does NOT SAY "The right to keep and bear arms except those used in war"
This is a lie.

Liberals support Second Amendment jurisprudence and defend the right to possess a firearm.

Conservatives are liars and demagogues, this thread is proof of that.
you're a fucking liar.

there is PLENTY of evidence out there proving the left wants to take away our right to bear arms.

so fuck you.
That sonofabitch Biden said the other day that civilians couldn't own cannons during the Revolutionary War.

Dumb bastard.

Biden Fails Fact Check on Revolutionary War Cannon Ownership ::
The left is very good and getting us to argue this topic on THEIR terms.

We only have to remember ONE SINGLE THING to defeat them. The 2nd places absolutely ZERO CONSTRAINTS on we the people. ITS ONLY PURPOSE IS TO PLACE RESTRAINTS ON THE GOVT.

Once you know and remember that, everything else the left brings up about the 2A is completely void and worthless.
This is a lie.

Liberals support Second Amendment jurisprudence and defend the right to possess a firearm.

Conservatives are liars and demagogues, this thread is proof of that.

Then why attack Glocks, likely they single most common pistols owned?
Why would we be arming police with Glocks if they were a "weapon of war"?
Irrelevant. The 2nd does NOT SAY "The right to keep and bear arms except those used in war"

In fact, the implication of the 2nd amendment, according to the SCOTUS, is that weapons of war are the ones that are to be ensured private citizens have access to.
The SCOTUS ruled against private ownership of sawed off shotguns because they were not used by the military.
Where are the fact checkers on this one?

A Glock is now a “WEAPON OF WAR” to the left.


This is what communists do….look at the history of every totalitarian state.

Yup, he said the quiet part out loud. The left wants ALL civilian ownership of firearms banned. Period.
The "WEAPON OF WAR" designation is bullshit because liberals lie. An AXE is a weapon of war....a spear, an arrow...
I know but to imply that some flavor of Glock is not used by various .mils is also a lie.

This old French musket started life as a Model 1728 French Inf. Musket of the French and Indian War era and was later restocked in American Hickory and used in both the Revolution and the War of 1812.....As such it's a "weapon of war" carried by patriots.

I just think as gun owners we should be very precise in dealing with the left and make them understand that any weapon in the hands of patriots can be a "weapon of war".

But hell, they already know that and that's why they don't really want to see free men armed with much more than a butter-knife.....Even then patriots would sharpen them and do our damnest with them against our oppressors. ;)
Where are the fact checkers on this one?

A Glock is now a “WEAPON OF WAR” to the left.


This is what communists do….look at the history of every totalitarian state.

Technically, any spitball shooter could be deemed a weapon of war if future wars were to be fought only with spitballs. Lucky for We the People our Second Amendment does not distinguish between or ban us from possessing any weapon in existence. Not so lucky for We the People we have allowed our local, state and federal governments to define the Second Amendment for us and use it against us at every turn to restrict our natural right to keep and bear arms.

Personally, I would absolutely choose a Glock as a sidearm if I were heading back into some kind of armed conflict. Glocks are simple, cheap, modular and rugged as hell. Nowadays, with all the lower receivers and barrels and parts kits floating around for sale choosing a Glock in some form for SHTF is a no brainer.

All of that being said, the American People need to hold in their possession civilian armories of all manner of weapons of war, now more than ever, just to keep our increasingly tyrannical governments honest.
Putting all the histrionics of the posts in this topic aside, here is what Biden is proposing:

Biden is not proposing a ban on Glocks. He is proposing a crackdown on those who break the law.

You and order. Something the right used to insist upon. Punish the crooks, not the law-abiding citizens.

  • Prioritize combating violent crime by directing every U.S. Attorney’s Office nationwide to increase resources dedicated to district-specific violent crime strategies. The Justice Department will work with state and local law enforcement to address the most significant drivers of violence in each district, including to get repeat gun violence offenders off of our streets. New York City’s Gun Violence Strategic Partnership – which the President and Attorney General will visit today with Mayor Eric Adams – is one model of the strategies Justice will help expand nationwide.
  • Crack down on the “Iron Pipeline” – the illegal flow of guns sold in the south, transported up the East Coast, and found at crime scenes in cities from Baltimore to New York City – and other firearms trafficking by adding personnel and other resources to strengthen the Justice Department’s multijurisdictional task forces that target interstate firearms trafficking.
  • Launch a National Ghost Gun Enforcement Initiative, which will train a national cadre of prosecutors and disseminate investigation and prosecution tools to help bring cases against those who use ghost guns to commit crimes.
  • Pursue unlawful gun sellers that put firearms in the wrong hands by taking steps such as prioritizing federal prosecutions of those who criminally sell or transfer firearms that are used in violent crimes, including unlicensed dealers who sell g

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