Former VP Biden claims Glock handguns are a “weapon of war”

I know but to imply that some flavor of Glock is not used by various .mils is also a lie.

This old French musket started life as a Model 1728 French Inf. Musket of the French and Indian War era and was later restocked in American Hickory and used in both the Revolution and the War of 1812.....As such it's a "weapon of war" carried by patriots.

I just think as gun owners we should be very precise in dealing with the left and make them understand that any weapon in the hands of patriots can be a "weapon of war".

But hell, they already know that and that's why they don't really want to see free men armed with much more than a butter-knife.....Even then patriots would sharpen them and do our damnest with them against our oppressors. ;)

I dont think anyone is saying Glocks are not used in war.

What people are objecting to is leftists saying “WEAPONS OF WAR“ MUST BE BANNED FROM PRIVATE OWNERSHIP.

If one is declaring all WEAPONS OF WAR must be banned, then knives and axes and arrows should be banned as well.

No infringement on 2A should be permitted.

That is the issue, not whether or not the Austian military uses Glocks.
I dont think anyone is saying Glocks are not used in war.

What people are objecting to is leftists saying “WEAPONS OF WAR“ MUST BE BANNED FROM PRIVATE OWNERSHIP.

If one is declaring all WEAPONS OF WAR must be banned, then knives and axes and arrows should be banned as well.

No infringement on 2A should be permitted.

That is the issue, not whether or not the Austian military uses Glocks.
Meh, I guess I just don't get all hung-up on the dog-whistle words/phrases leftists use. I just go on the assumption they want us disarmed and take it from there. ;)
Meh, I guess I just don't get all hung-up on the dog-whistle words/phrases leftists use. I just go on the assumption they want us disarmed and take it from there. ;)

You should get “hung-up” on their dog whistles because they manipulate the public with their changing of definitions to fit their political goals and it works.
You should get “hung-up” on their dog whistles because they manipulate the public with their changing of definitions to fit their political goals and it works.
It doesn't work on me nor anyone else I know and given the gun sales/training/cc permits issued over the last decade it's "working" on fewer people all the time.

That said It's certainly no sin in remaining vigilant and active through whichever national and state pro-2A .org you happen to favor though. ;)
Welllll, they are not wrong in one sense.....Many country's .mil use a model of the Glock not to mention countless police forces:


Austrian Armed Forces,

Azerbaijani Special Military Services,

Bangladesh Army,

Finland Defence Forces,



Israeli Defense Forces,

Kosovo Security Force,

Latvian Military

Lithuanian Armed Forces

Luxembourg Army

Malaysian Armed Forces

Mexican navy

Military of Montenegro

Military of the Netherlands

New Zealand Defence Force

Norwegian Armed Forces

Romanian Armed Forces

Saudi Arabian Army

Swedish Armed Forces

Swiss Armed Forces

British Armed Forces

Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command

United States Navy SEALs

Uruguayan National Army

Venezuelan Armed Forces

Military of Yemen

And this is just the pure military groups. Far more counter-terror or Special Ops groups use the Glock also.

SEALs carry the Sig Sauer P226 and the H&K HK45CT
It doesn't work on me nor anyone else I know and given the gun sales/training/cc permits issued over the last decade it's "working" on fewer people all the time.

That said It's certainly no sin in remaining vigilant and active through whichever national and state pro-2A .org you happen to favor though. ;)

I understand. You shouldnt be worried about yourself if you know you support the Constituton. You should be concerned about those who fall for the lies from the left.
I dont think anyone is saying Glocks are not used in war.

What people are objecting to is leftists saying “WEAPONS OF WAR“ MUST BE BANNED FROM PRIVATE OWNERSHIP.

If one is declaring all WEAPONS OF WAR must be banned, then knives and axes and arrows should be banned as well.

No infringement on 2A should be permitted.

That is the issue, not whether or not the Austian military uses Glocks.
Most of the Army's communications equipment has to use AC is a weapon of war.
I've no issue with it, just pointing out it is a issue sidearm in a lot of .mils.....Some here act like it isn't for some reason.
Curious how to describe a gun that holds 40 rounds
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Curious how to describe a gin that holds 40 rounds
Dear lord…

The handgun holds one bullet in the chamber at a time. Weather or not the mag holds 15, 30, or 50.

So, how would I describe it?

A handgun, because that is what it is.
The military also uses shotguns bolt action sniper rifles, knives and other edged weapons and have hand to hand combat training so I don’t really get the point of talking about a Glock being a weapon of war.

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