Fort Worth Mayor Apologizes For Police Shooting; Officer Resigns

You know, there are several things here...........

First off, the police weren't called in for an emergency or criminal call, they were called on a non emergency number for a routine welfare check.

Second, if you saw the video footage on television from the cop's body cam, you would have seen that he fired his weapon before he finished telling her to show him her hands. Matter of fact, he fired his weapon just before he said the final word.

The woman was in her own house, and the doors were open, which is why a neighbor called in a welfare check. Since the lights were on in the house, and the door was open, why in the hell didn't they go in through the front door where they could actually see what was going on? And, considering the fact that there was an 8 year old boy in the house that the woman was watching, it's lucky he didn't get shot as well.

Personally? I think the cop was wrong to fire as soon as they did, and there might need to be a trial to see if he is guilty of manslaughter or murder.
dude, it was called in as a burglar might be present. please stop fking up the facts. The fact is from the woman's own family she pointed a gun at the cop. Now, this is tragic to say the least, but to say the cop was in the wrong is plain bullshit. BULLSHIT. stop with making up shit. he felt threatened. PERIOD. He's allowed to DEFEND HIMSELF. It's tragic. there is nothing wrong however. not one damn thing. I will also call out the chief shame on him.

Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
You know, there are several things here...........

First off, the police weren't called in for an emergency or criminal call, they were called on a non emergency number for a routine welfare check.

Second, if you saw the video footage on television from the cop's body cam, you would have seen that he fired his weapon before he finished telling her to show him her hands. Matter of fact, he fired his weapon just before he said the final word.

The woman was in her own house, and the doors were open, which is why a neighbor called in a welfare check. Since the lights were on in the house, and the door was open, why in the hell didn't they go in through the front door where they could actually see what was going on? And, considering the fact that there was an 8 year old boy in the house that the woman was watching, it's lucky he didn't get shot as well.

Personally? I think the cop was wrong to fire as soon as they did, and there might need to be a trial to see if he is guilty of manslaughter or murder.
dude, it was called in as a burglar might be present. please stop fking up the facts. The fact is from the woman's own family she pointed a gun at the cop. Now, this is tragic to say the least, but to say the cop was in the wrong is plain bullshit. BULLSHIT. stop with making up shit. he felt threatened. PERIOD. He's allowed to DEFEND HIMSELF. It's tragic. there is nothing wrong however. not one damn thing. I will also call out the chief shame on him.

Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
And the gun lobby told her she was safer, nope,
You know, there are several things here...........

First off, the police weren't called in for an emergency or criminal call, they were called on a non emergency number for a routine welfare check.

Second, if you saw the video footage on television from the cop's body cam, you would have seen that he fired his weapon before he finished telling her to show him her hands. Matter of fact, he fired his weapon just before he said the final word.

The woman was in her own house, and the doors were open, which is why a neighbor called in a welfare check. Since the lights were on in the house, and the door was open, why in the hell didn't they go in through the front door where they could actually see what was going on? And, considering the fact that there was an 8 year old boy in the house that the woman was watching, it's lucky he didn't get shot as well.

Personally? I think the cop was wrong to fire as soon as they did, and there might need to be a trial to see if he is guilty of manslaughter or murder.
dude, it was called in as a burglar might be present. please stop fking up the facts. The fact is from the woman's own family she pointed a gun at the cop. Now, this is tragic to say the least, but to say the cop was in the wrong is plain bullshit. BULLSHIT. stop with making up shit. he felt threatened. PERIOD. He's allowed to DEFEND HIMSELF. It's tragic. there is nothing wrong however. not one damn thing. I will also call out the chief shame on him.

Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
exactly. and again, why it was a tragic scenario or no win one.
You know, there are several things here...........

First off, the police weren't called in for an emergency or criminal call, they were called on a non emergency number for a routine welfare check.

Second, if you saw the video footage on television from the cop's body cam, you would have seen that he fired his weapon before he finished telling her to show him her hands. Matter of fact, he fired his weapon just before he said the final word.

The woman was in her own house, and the doors were open, which is why a neighbor called in a welfare check. Since the lights were on in the house, and the door was open, why in the hell didn't they go in through the front door where they could actually see what was going on? And, considering the fact that there was an 8 year old boy in the house that the woman was watching, it's lucky he didn't get shot as well.

Personally? I think the cop was wrong to fire as soon as they did, and there might need to be a trial to see if he is guilty of manslaughter or murder.
dude, it was called in as a burglar might be present. please stop fking up the facts. The fact is from the woman's own family she pointed a gun at the cop. Now, this is tragic to say the least, but to say the cop was in the wrong is plain bullshit. BULLSHIT. stop with making up shit. he felt threatened. PERIOD. He's allowed to DEFEND HIMSELF. It's tragic. there is nothing wrong however. not one damn thing. I will also call out the chief shame on him.

Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
exactly. and again, why it was a tragic scenario or no win one.
The gun lobby told her to reach for that gun, she’s safer. But no she wasn’t . More guns, more get shot,
dude, it was called in as a burglar might be present. please stop fking up the facts. The fact is from the woman's own family she pointed a gun at the cop. Now, this is tragic to say the least, but to say the cop was in the wrong is plain bullshit. BULLSHIT. stop with making up shit. he felt threatened. PERIOD. He's allowed to DEFEND HIMSELF. It's tragic. there is nothing wrong however. not one damn thing. I will also call out the chief shame on him.

Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
exactly. and again, why it was a tragic scenario or no win one.
The gun lobby told her to reach for that gun, she’s safer. But no she wasn’t . More guns, more get shot,
the gun lobby didn't say she wouldn't die if she attempted to use it. you're lost son.

Are you saying that our military men never die? really? too fking funny.
Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
exactly. and again, why it was a tragic scenario or no win one.
The gun lobby told her to reach for that gun, she’s safer. But no she wasn’t . More guns, more get shot,
the gun lobby didn't say she wouldn't die if she attempted to use it. you're lost son.

Are you saying that our military men never die? really? too fking funny.
I’m saying lots of people die, too many.
the time between his yelling and shooting doesnt allow for any time to pull a gun,,
and it doesnt matter if she did since its her house,,

the cop committed murder plain and simple
Let me post it again, since it appears you missed it the first time.

Atatiana Jefferson’s nephew said she picked up her gun to protect them

the cop still committed murder,,,
That isnt the definition of murder. Quit using words you dont understand.
Perhaps it is you who do not understand that each state gets to write its own penal code; and within that code they get to determine the definitions of certain words. It’s been this way since the beginning of this nation. And it is still this way today, in each, and every state.

Here’s The state of Texas definition...


Sec. 19.01. TYPES OF CRIMINAL HOMICIDE. (a) A person commits criminal homicide if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence causes the death of an individual.

(b) Criminal homicide is murder, capital murder, manslaughter, or criminally negligent homicide.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 1123, ch. 426, art. 2, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.

Sec. 19.02. MURDER. (a) In this section:

(1) "Adequate cause" means cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a person of ordinary temper, sufficient to render the mind incapable of cool reflection.

(2) "Sudden passion" means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.

(b) A person commits an offense if he:

(1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual;

(2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual; or

(3) commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.
The important part being “b.” Wherein criminal homicide is “murder”. Whether you like it. Or not...
That obviously wouldnt apply in this scenario. Quit being dumb. This clearly wasnt murder.
Let me post it again, since it appears you missed it the first time.

Atatiana Jefferson’s nephew said she picked up her gun to protect them

the cop still committed murder,,,
That isnt the definition of murder. Quit using words you dont understand.
Perhaps it is you who do not understand that each state gets to write its own penal code; and within that code they get to determine the definitions of certain words. It’s been this way since the beginning of this nation. And it is still this way today, in each, and every state.

Here’s The state of Texas definition...


Sec. 19.01. TYPES OF CRIMINAL HOMICIDE. (a) A person commits criminal homicide if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence causes the death of an individual.

(b) Criminal homicide is murder, capital murder, manslaughter, or criminally negligent homicide.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 1123, ch. 426, art. 2, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.

Sec. 19.02. MURDER. (a) In this section:

(1) "Adequate cause" means cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a person of ordinary temper, sufficient to render the mind incapable of cool reflection.

(2) "Sudden passion" means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.

(b) A person commits an offense if he:

(1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual;

(2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual; or

(3) commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.
The important part being “b.” Wherein criminal homicide is “murder”. Whether you like it. Or not...
That obviously wouldnt apply in this scenario. Quit being dumb. This clearly wasnt murder.
Texas has other ideas. You seem to be under the erroneous impression, that the decision to charge this officer is a voting issue. It isn't. And as such your opinion is irrelevant.
You know, there are several things here...........

First off, the police weren't called in for an emergency or criminal call, they were called on a non emergency number for a routine welfare check.

Second, if you saw the video footage on television from the cop's body cam, you would have seen that he fired his weapon before he finished telling her to show him her hands. Matter of fact, he fired his weapon just before he said the final word.

The woman was in her own house, and the doors were open, which is why a neighbor called in a welfare check. Since the lights were on in the house, and the door was open, why in the hell didn't they go in through the front door where they could actually see what was going on? And, considering the fact that there was an 8 year old boy in the house that the woman was watching, it's lucky he didn't get shot as well.

Personally? I think the cop was wrong to fire as soon as they did, and there might need to be a trial to see if he is guilty of manslaughter or murder.

He is guilty. He should never have been on the force.
So why do they shoot so easily?

I dont think they do

Out of hundreds of thousands of encounters between cops and black people some go wrong

Most cops are white but black cops shoot people also

Its just the lib news media and black race hustlers who want to make you think that racist white cops are wantoning murdering innocent black people

When was the last time a white cop murdered a white woman in her home shooting through a window?

how do you know he shot her because she was black???

How do you know he didn't??

How do you know he didn't??[

In racist black lib la la land whites are guilty until proven innocent

In a America that is how the Justice System has worked for black folks.

thats racist,,,
I merely insist that those who commit any form criminal homicide be held accountable for their actions.

Including cops.
That is merely stating the obvious

Liberals made this a race issue and I’m asking where you stand?

And I've answered you. I'm for accountability under the law for any form of criminal homicide commited by anyone.
That is a dodge rather than an answer

Do you hate all whites or just the ones in police uniforms?

he never mentioned race,,,as it should be,,,

he never mentioned race,,,as it should be,,,

The national headlines and first op on this forum screamed WHITE COP KILLs BLACK WOMAN!

So the colorblind train has left the station

Liberals made this a race issue and its too late to walk it back now
I wasnt talking about what others said,,I was talking about what skylar said,,,and he never mentioned race,,,
Not really. Firstly, to hear the sherif tell it; they were responding to an open structure call. Not a welfare check. The neighbor wanted a welfare check; however the dispatcher, dispatched an open structure call. So that is what the officers frame of mind was. That’s an important detail.
Secondly given that we know people tend to live in their own homes, and that people are constitutionally allowed to be armed; there is no reasonable presumption that when a person is seen in a home, that they are a danger, or a criminal. Most gun owners live in there homes, and keep their guns there as well. Additionally it isn’t uncommon for an armed home owner to have a weapon on them while investigating suspicious activity on their own property. And make no mistake about it; this officers conduct and behavior throughout the incident was highly suspicious.

Any resident of any home should be concerned about this officer's conduct....and the legal consequences for them.

As if a cop can unannounced, sneak into your backyard and kill you in your own home through your own window, never identifying themselves as an officer and giving you no reasonable chance for you to comply with their order......and then get away with it?

Then cops can kill anyone in their own home with no accountability.

And that's absolutely unacceptable. Cops are our protectors. And this man did anything BUT protect the resident of that home.
It also makes one wonder how a reversal of roles will play out in the media, and courts..?
Take the same situation; but instead... The woman sees the unannounced stranger draw down on her with his weapon, and she puts one through the middle of his forehead. The same fucks screaming on behalf of the cop in the real life scenario; would be calling for her head in the other.
What can be said..? Some people are just spineless, bootlicking cop groupies...
not at all, she's allowed to defend herself, just like the cop. why can't you understand defending one self? you're a strange fk.
Yeah... I’ll believe that take on it when I see it play out a few times...
don't know how you'll get past it then. I gave you the answer you requested. and you say it doesn't happen. well, it didn't here, nope. but again, what was the cop supposed to do? explain for me. it's dark, 2:30am and he's looking for a burglar based on the call. And, he wasn't alone. go ahead, now explain? did she point the gun at him? The family member says yes.

the family memeberr said she was grabbing a gun,,,not pointing it at him,,,
she had no time to point it,,
It also makes one wonder how a reversal of roles will play out in the media, and courts..?
Take the same situation; but instead... The woman sees the unannounced stranger draw down on her with his weapon, and she puts one through the middle of his forehead. The same fucks screaming on behalf of the cop in the real life scenario; would be calling for her head in the other.
What can be said..? Some people are just spineless, bootlicking cop groupies...
not at all, she's allowed to defend herself, just like the cop. why can't you understand defending one self? you're a strange fk.
Yeah... I’ll believe that take on it when I see it play out a few times...
don't know how you'll get past it then. I gave you the answer you requested. and you say it doesn't happen. well, it didn't here, nope. but again, what was the cop supposed to do? explain for me. it's dark, 2:30am and he's looking for a burglar based on the call. And, he wasn't alone. go ahead, now explain? did she point the gun at him? The family member says yes.
He was responding to an open structure. If you have evidence to back your claim that he thought he was responding to a burglar; now would be a good time to offer a credible link supporting such...
it was reported as such that Open structure means burglar on premise. I mean, you can look it up.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes
Put barbed wire around these neighborhoods and let them police themselves.

With the media and liberals on their side we'll never win.
"We'll never win" what? The ability to shoot minorities without consequences?
You know, there are several things here...........

First off, the police weren't called in for an emergency or criminal call, they were called on a non emergency number for a routine welfare check.

Second, if you saw the video footage on television from the cop's body cam, you would have seen that he fired his weapon before he finished telling her to show him her hands. Matter of fact, he fired his weapon just before he said the final word.

The woman was in her own house, and the doors were open, which is why a neighbor called in a welfare check. Since the lights were on in the house, and the door was open, why in the hell didn't they go in through the front door where they could actually see what was going on? And, considering the fact that there was an 8 year old boy in the house that the woman was watching, it's lucky he didn't get shot as well.

Personally? I think the cop was wrong to fire as soon as they did, and there might need to be a trial to see if he is guilty of manslaughter or murder.
dude, it was called in as a burglar might be present. please stop fking up the facts. The fact is from the woman's own family she pointed a gun at the cop. Now, this is tragic to say the least, but to say the cop was in the wrong is plain bullshit. BULLSHIT. stop with making up shit. he felt threatened. PERIOD. He's allowed to DEFEND HIMSELF. It's tragic. there is nothing wrong however. not one damn thing. I will also call out the chief shame on him.

Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
exactly. and again, why it was a tragic scenario or no win one.

It was a situation created by the officer, do the crime and you do the time.
Hmmm, so if you see someone sneaking around your house at 2 in the morning how do you react? Why didn't at least one of them go to the front door? Who said she was pointing a gun? This isn't a tragic accident, these cops were careless and not following procedures.
exactly as she did. why? how was the cop supposed to react is the question. what if she shot him?

She would have been justified, she wasn't sneaking around his house unannounced.
exactly. and again, why it was a tragic scenario or no win one.
The gun lobby told her to reach for that gun, she’s safer. But no she wasn’t . More guns, more get shot,
the gun lobby didn't say she wouldn't die if she attempted to use it. you're lost son.

Are you saying that our military men never die? really? too fking funny.

The difference is, she wasn't in a war.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

he committed a crime and needs punished for it,,,

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