Fort Worth Mayor Apologizes For Police Shooting; Officer Resigns

Let me post it again, since it appears you missed it the first time.

Atatiana Jefferson’s nephew said she picked up her gun to protect them

the cop still committed murder,,,
That isnt the definition of murder. Quit using words you dont understand.
Perhaps it is you who do not understand that each state gets to write its own penal code; and within that code they get to determine the definitions of certain words. It’s been this way since the beginning of this nation. And it is still this way today, in each, and every state.

Here’s The state of Texas definition...


Sec. 19.01. TYPES OF CRIMINAL HOMICIDE. (a) A person commits criminal homicide if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence causes the death of an individual.

(b) Criminal homicide is murder, capital murder, manslaughter, or criminally negligent homicide.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 1123, ch. 426, art. 2, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.

Sec. 19.02. MURDER. (a) In this section:

(1) "Adequate cause" means cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a person of ordinary temper, sufficient to render the mind incapable of cool reflection.

(2) "Sudden passion" means passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.

(b) A person commits an offense if he:

(1) intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual;

(2) intends to cause serious bodily injury and commits an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual; or

(3) commits or attempts to commit a felony, other than manslaughter, and in the course of and in furtherance of the commission or attempt, or in immediate flight from the commission or attempt, he commits or attempts to commit an act clearly dangerous to human life that causes the death of an individual.
The important part being “b.” Wherein criminal homicide is “murder”. Whether you like it. Or not...
That obviously wouldnt apply in this scenario. Quit being dumb. This clearly wasnt murder.

It damn sure wasn't an accident or mistake.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

The police officer was charged with murder for a reason. And it certainly wasn't me 'demonizing' him.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes
And in a country of free men, where all are treated equally under the law; humans pay for their mistakes...
Yeah... I’ll believe that take on it when I see it play out a few times...
don't know how you'll get past it then. I gave you the answer you requested. and you say it doesn't happen. well, it didn't here, nope. but again, what was the cop supposed to do? explain for me. it's dark, 2:30am and he's looking for a burglar based on the call. And, he wasn't alone. go ahead, now explain? did she point the gun at him? The family member says yes.

Sorry, but police need to be smarter than this. He completely put himself into this situation. Its dark? but all the lights were on in the house. He had to think to himself that there is a great chance the residents are home.... that is very important. Why would he be looking primarily for a burglar based on the call, when the call said nothing about suspicious suspects?
This cop has to think in his head that since he has not identified himself as a police officer, any resident inside will not know he is a cop, and being 2 in the morning, and dark outside, he is going to scare anyone who lives there.
He damn well should have announced the police arrival at the front door... shined the spotlight on the dark side of the house and then rang the doorbell. Sure WHAT IF there was a prowler.... but the fact is people live there! no crime was reported! doesnt matter if the resident was holding a gun, sadly in this particular case the police created the situation for disaster.
serious, you're not writing this right? 2:30 am and you think it's light. wow. BTW, the door was open as reported. Son, I can't help your stupid.

so if your working out in your garage late one night and you leave your door open for some reason at 2 in the morning, and a passing patrol car stops because he sees an open door, how would you like him to approach your house? a flash from the spotlight across your front yard, maybe the officer knocking at your door with a flashlight?
or do you want him sneaking around back peering into your windows ? how would that end up exactly?
situation is different. but to answer your question, I highly doubt they'd stop since it wasn't a call and I'm in a garage. Now if they did stop, I'd think they most likely would shine a flash light into the structure and to ask some questions. Again, that wasn't this call. This was, and I just posted it, an open structure call, someone might have broke in. burglar as I suggested in a previous post. Again, are you saying cops aren't allowed to defend themselves on a call? Really, that's what you're going to go with? And a family member stated the woman pointed the gun at him.

Tragic, for sure. I have nothing more to say than that. tragic. there was a no win scenario at play.

No I wasn't saying cops can't defend themselves. As i had said earlier, the police had put themselves and the woman into that situation because they did not first identify themselves. Had they done that, there would be no reason for the woman to believe she had an intruder in her back yard. No reason to pick up a gun.

It's the fault of the police, if not solely the officer who pulled the trigger, then it was how the department fielded the phone call from the neighbor. Someone in the chain screwed up, because you can't send armed police to someones house in the middle of the night for the wrong reason. It's asking for something to go wrong.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

Officer Hoepnner claims that when he spotted Mr. Waller, he identified himself and commanded the homeowner to drop his gun. According to the police narrative, Waller was hesitant to comply with commands of the strangers. After momentarily setting his gun down, Waller allegedly “freaked out” and “lost it” and picked the gun back up and assumed a “ready” stance, aiming his pistol at police officers. Hoepnner opened fire.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
it was another accidental shooting

Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

Officer Hoepnner claims that when he spotted Mr. Waller, he identified himself and commanded the homeowner to drop his gun. According to the police narrative, Waller was hesitant to comply with commands of the strangers. After momentarily setting his gun down, Waller allegedly “freaked out” and “lost it” and picked the gun back up and assumed a “ready” stance, aiming his pistol at police officers. Hoepnner opened fire.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
She obviously grabbed her gun before he could announce himself. :cuckoo:
Accidental in texas means something like your gun going of while you're cleaning it.

This officer definitely intended to shoot here.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

Officer Hoepnner claims that when he spotted Mr. Waller, he identified himself and commanded the homeowner to drop his gun. According to the police narrative, Waller was hesitant to comply with commands of the strangers. After momentarily setting his gun down, Waller allegedly “freaked out” and “lost it” and picked the gun back up and assumed a “ready” stance, aiming his pistol at police officers. Hoepnner opened fire.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
She obviously grabbed her gun before he could announce himself. :cuckoo:

Where as Mr. Waller was given the opportunity to put his gun down. He was informed that it was a police officer giving that order. And was given so much time in fact, that he had the opportunity to put the gun on the ground, 'freak out', pick that gun back up, and stand in a 'ready' stance to fire at the officer.

In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.
the policeman thought that the homeowner was a burglar and the home owner thought that the policeman was a burglar, please stop demonizing the police, they are human, they make mistakes

Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

Officer Hoepnner claims that when he spotted Mr. Waller, he identified himself and commanded the homeowner to drop his gun. According to the police narrative, Waller was hesitant to comply with commands of the strangers. After momentarily setting his gun down, Waller allegedly “freaked out” and “lost it” and picked the gun back up and assumed a “ready” stance, aiming his pistol at police officers. Hoepnner opened fire.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
She obviously grabbed her gun before he could announce himself. :cuckoo:

Where as Mr. Waller was given the opportunity to put his gun down. He was informed that it was a police officer giving that order. And was given so much time in fact, that he had the opportunity to put the gun on the ground, 'freak out', pick that gun back up, and stand in a 'ready' stance to fire at the officer.

In startling contrast, the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.
In the first example, the cop was obviously retarded. In the second example he was not a retard. When youre in a bad neighborhood and someone grabs a gun, you dont wait to shoot them because, that would be very dumb.
Oh my God, please explain how he thought she was burglar. What a disgrace, why don't you just go and spit on the woman's grave.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

Officer Hoepnner claims that when he spotted Mr. Waller, he identified himself and commanded the homeowner to drop his gun. According to the police narrative, Waller was hesitant to comply with commands of the strangers. After momentarily setting his gun down, Waller allegedly “freaked out” and “lost it” and picked the gun back up and assumed a “ready” stance, aiming his pistol at police officers. Hoepnner opened fire.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
She obviously grabbed her gun before he could announce himself. :cuckoo:

Where as Mr. Waller was given the opportunity to put his gun down. He was informed that it was a police officer giving that order. And was given so much time in fact, that he had the opportunity to put the gun on the ground, 'freak out', pick that gun back up, and stand in a 'ready' stance to fire at the officer.

In startling contrast, the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.
In the first example, the cop was obviously retarded. In the second example he was not a retard. When youre in a bad neighborhood and someone grabs a gun, you dont wait to shoot them because, that would be very dumb.

In the first, the officer followed protocol, identifying himself and gave the civilian an opportunity to comply before killing him.

In the second, the officer flagrantly violated protocol and made it impossible for the civilian to comply before killing her.
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.

Then why was the police officer wearing a cop's uniform and driving a police car...if he didn't want people in that neighborhood knowing he was a police officer?
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.

Then why was the police officer wearing a cop's uniform and driving a police car...if he didn't want people in that neighborhood knowing he was a police officer?

Departmental regulations require it . Its the man's job to wear the uniform, he's just being discrete about it.
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.

Then why was the police officer wearing a cop's uniform and driving a police car...if he didn't want people in that neighborhood knowing he was a police officer?

Departmental regulations require it . Its the man's job to wear the uniform, he's just being discrete about it.

There's nothing particularly discrete about a police car.
The policeman did go there to shoot the home owner.
He was there to investigate a burglary.
It was a mistake.
We would not be debating this if the home owner was white.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

Officer Hoepnner claims that when he spotted Mr. Waller, he identified himself and commanded the homeowner to drop his gun. According to the police narrative, Waller was hesitant to comply with commands of the strangers. After momentarily setting his gun down, Waller allegedly “freaked out” and “lost it” and picked the gun back up and assumed a “ready” stance, aiming his pistol at police officers. Hoepnner opened fire.

Officer cleared after going to wrong address, shooting innocent grandpa in his garage - Police State USA

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
She obviously grabbed her gun before he could announce himself. :cuckoo:

Where as Mr. Waller was given the opportunity to put his gun down. He was informed that it was a police officer giving that order. And was given so much time in fact, that he had the opportunity to put the gun on the ground, 'freak out', pick that gun back up, and stand in a 'ready' stance to fire at the officer.

In startling contrast, the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.
In the first example, the cop was obviously retarded. In the second example he was not a retard. When youre in a bad neighborhood and someone grabs a gun, you dont wait to shoot them because, that would be very dumb.

In the first, the officer followed protocol, identifying himself and gave the civilian an opportunity to comply before killing him.

In the second, the officer flagrantly violated protocol and made it impossible for the civilian to comply before killing her.
When someone grabs a gun, you never wait. :cuckoo:
In startling contrast, from the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.

That's one of the problems here, no doubt about it.

The police office may have been concerned about identifying himself as a cop in this neighborhood, because of outfits like the Black Panthers and BLM who really hate police officers.

My suggestion is that dispatchers send out larger contingents of police for these calls, so they feel safe.

Then why was the police officer wearing a cop's uniform and driving a police car...if he didn't want people in that neighborhood knowing he was a police officer?

Departmental regulations require it . Its the man's job to wear the uniform, he's just being discrete about it.

There's nothing particularly discrete about a police car.
At night, when its lights arent flashing, its pretty discreet.
Yeah, you didn't read the article did you?

The cop in this instance never identified himself, instead sneaking into her back yard and shot her to death while he was ordering her to raise her hands, making it impossible for her to comply before being killed.

Also, this was pre-body cam. We can see *exactly* what the cop did, without it being filtered through the lens of his perception.
She obviously grabbed her gun before he could announce himself. :cuckoo:

Where as Mr. Waller was given the opportunity to put his gun down. He was informed that it was a police officer giving that order. And was given so much time in fact, that he had the opportunity to put the gun on the ground, 'freak out', pick that gun back up, and stand in a 'ready' stance to fire at the officer.

In startling contrast, the moment that the officer said 'Put your hands up' to the moment he shot Ms. Jefferson to death...... was 0.8 second.

And the officer never identified himself as a police officer.
In the first example, the cop was obviously retarded. In the second example he was not a retard. When youre in a bad neighborhood and someone grabs a gun, you dont wait to shoot them because, that would be very dumb.

In the first, the officer followed protocol, identifying himself and gave the civilian an opportunity to comply before killing him.

In the second, the officer flagrantly violated protocol and made it impossible for the civilian to comply before killing her.
When someone grabs a gun, you never wait. :cuckoo:

Mr. Waller's case clearly demonstrates that's not the case. In Mr. Waller's case, a cop will identify himself, give a lawful command to him, give him a chance to register the command, let him put the gun down, let him get angry again, let him 'freak out', let him reach down to the ground and pick up the gun again, let him take the ready stance.

And then shoot him.

Where Ms. Jefferson was given 0.8 second to respond to an officer than never identified himself.

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