Fossils were planted by Satan in order to trick us


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south

The truth comes out!
The book hitch hikers guide across the galaxy (think they made a movie but I didn't see it)

The truth comes out!
The book hitch hikers guide across the galaxy (think they made a movie but I didn't see it)
You mean "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"? :rofl:

Nah the truth is that when lava samples from the Mt. Helen's explosion were said to be fossils from some other age they knew it was a matter of the science which is seriously flawed. Carbon dating has been proven to be flawed. Why do you think they wanted to imprison Dr. Kent Hovind on trumped up charges? Because he exposed the lies being told to the world about evolution. That's why. note - Satan never needed to plant fossils to trick anyone! All he had to do was find people willing to lie through their teeth for him! That wasn't too difficult, was it?

What is the motive behind these scientists who are working feverishly to convince the world of the lie of evolution? They want the world to believe that God does not exist. That man is "his own god". Who is behind the lie of evolution? The Communists. Karl Marx was a huge fan of Darwin. Because Darwin's insult to God - that man evolved from apes - was making the statement that if God exists - He must be an ape too. Quite a wicked scheme Satan cooked up because the truth is the you and I are God's highest creation! We were made in the image of God! Genesis 1:26 and created to have fellowship with God as His Sons and Daughters and to take dominion over the earth. Communists desire for you to believe that you are no more important than the sucker fish and when push comes to shove in a drought - the sucker fish will get that water before men, women and children will!

The lie of evolution is a very wicked thing because the agenda is to cause people to not believe God exists and to cease to know who they are. If Satan can strip mankind of knowing who they were created to be (the image of God on earth - having fellowship with God and enjoying creation which was made for us to enjoy) than they can convince them that slavery to communism, to the whims of evil men is really not so bad and handing your children over them is the right thing to do. Because after all, if you do not know God exists you do not know that He expected YOU to raise your children according to His Word - not the Communist Manifesto taught by the devils' own children.
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At the "core" of this discussion is the insinuation that God could not possibly have created the earth in 6 days. That the earth is "billions of years old".
Here is part one - a rebuttal to these claims - by Dr. Kent Hovind:

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011
Giving scientific evidence to prove a literal six-day creation, Dr. Kent Hovind refutes evolution's proposition that the earth has evolved over billions of years. The first of seven in the seminar series, The Age of the Earth, uncovers the follies of the Big Bang theory as well as exposing the religious beliefs of evolution.

Part Two

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011
The Garden of Eden, part two of the seminar series, describes the earth as it was before the worldwide flood. Dr. Hovind explains in detail how it was possible for man to live over 900 years, for plants and animals to grow much larger than today, and for dinosaurs to thrive along with man.
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Moving on to part 3 of this rebuttal by Dr. Kent Hovind - watch all 6 videos and you will learn the truth about the lie of evolution. He does a brilliant job of exposing Satan's lies in this series. Enjoy!

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2011
For many years, some thought the existence of dinosaurs discredited the Biblical account of creation. In part three of the seminar series, Dinosaurs and the Bible, Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs.

Published on Mar 22, 2014

What someone believes ultimately determines their behavior. Some people actually think that they are more highly "evolved" than others. This presentation will help you understand how this faulty belief leads people into evil philosophies such as racism, communism, and Nazism.

In part five of the creation seminar series, "The Dangers of Evolution" reveals the terrible effects that evolutionary beliefs have had on societies throughout history. Giving examples of these anit-God philosophies being used to rationalize the brutal acts of rulers, Dr. Hovind exposes evolutionary propaganda in its efforts toward the "New World Order".

Dr. Kent Hovind, founder of Creation Science Evangelism, is dedicated to proclaiming scientific evidence which supports the Biblical account of a literal six-day creation. As guest lecturer for public and private schools, universities, churches, camps, debates, and TV and radio programs, he has been traveling internationally giving seminars on creation verses evolution since 1989. His extensive study and research make Dr. Hovind one of the world's foremost authorities on science and the Bible.
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