Four big things wrong with the Obama Dream Act Amnesty

1. Big problem is it's unconstitutional. The C says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" and here is obozo telling millions of criminal invaders he's gonna ignore laws passed by congress and let them stay here.

2. It's an insult to the 25 million unemployed americans for Obozo to give amnesty AND WORK PERMITS (!!!) to millions of people that aren't even allowed to be here.

3. There will be no investigation of the applicants. They will simply say they meet the standards and the govt will take their word. Obozo says 800,000 illegals will participate but it will be ten times that.

4. It's a pack of lies. How can you call a 30 year old person a "kid". The press should crucify Obozo for such a brazen lie but, as always, they give the black president a pass they would never give a white one.

I agree with #2 being an issue. Anyone under the age of 30 who is a legal immigrant or legal citizen has basically just been screwed over by obama making millions if low wage workers now legal

I also see what you say in #3. What is to stop a 22 year old citizen of another country from coming here and then claiming their parents brought them here at the age of 14?

I disagree with your whole Obozo attitude and the fact that you felt the need to comment on his race, as if his race matters at all, but I do concede those points you make as being legitimate

His race is an issue only because he and his acolytes choose to make it so. He was touted as the first black president in 2008, and many, many people interviewed were quite candid that they only voted for him because of his skin color. You are correct, his race shouldn't be an issue, but it is. It will continue to be so, watch the upcoming election.
no one is getting amnesty, they will get work permits

We are merely parsing words if we argue about "amnesty". If illegal immigrants get work permits, that is one more step towards permanent presence. I enjoy L.A. Times articles about people who graduated with advanced degrees from UCLA and now can't work because they are illegal immigrants. Which begs the question: why were they admitted to UCLA in the first place, to the exclusion of a citizen applicant?

Why aren't they looking for work in their country of origin? You would think, with an advanced degree, they would be highly valued workers there, too.
Allegedly Obama. But since I'm not saying Clinton or Bush II is the gold standard then I don't see why that really matters.

"Allegedly?" You'd rather die than give credit where credit is due, wouldn't you.

I just have little faith in government stats. Frankly, it's possible that Bush's admin fudged the numbers lower to appear more "friendly" to illegals and it's possible that Obama's admin fudged the numbers higher to appear more "tough" on illegal immigration. In any event, I don't give either administration a passing grade on immigration so it's not worth getting hung up on a word.

So then why bother including said word.
Um, four things wrong with Mr. Soetoro's Amnesty?? Ahh let's see, one...It violates the oath of office, two... It violates the oath of office... Three... It violates the oath of office...And... Finally four... It...Ahhh.... Violates the oath of office. That's enough "wrongs" for me.
"I, name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and I will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Just confirms what many of us thought in 2008, he lacks ability to do the job.
Allegedly Obama. But since I'm not saying Clinton or Bush II is the gold standard then I don't see why that really matters.

We are aware you "don't see" anything "that really matters."

And you are the one alleging.

Thank you Mister Wordsmith. My point is that the immigration system is broken and has been. And you had no counterpoint to that because there is none.

Yes, Reagan broke it. Obams has taken a first necessary step and Romney will create a competent immigration reform program.
This issue is now dead, and the far right extremists will not renew the power they once because of it for five reasons.

1. The executive order is constitutional because it brings equity to a terrible mess.


HAHAHA. Now that is truly silly. Constitutionality has nothing to do with equality. Hell the constitution sanctioned slavery!!!

:lol: You feel for it. I gave a reason. You gave your opinion. Executive Orders are constitutional is the answer. Get over it because it won't change under Romney, only expand.

You got a site for that?
HAHAHA. Now that is truly silly. Constitutionality has nothing to do with equality. Hell the constitution sanctioned slavery!!!

:lol: You feel for it. I gave a reason. You gave your opinion. Executive Orders are constitutional is the answer. Get over it because it won't change under Romney, only expand.

You got a site for that?

Don't need one. Common knowledge informs us all that legislation and EOs are constitutional until a court says they aren't.
Original intent as defined by Scalia is not mainstream. I suspect Romney will nominate more mainstream individuals to SCOTUS. There will be no more Scalias, Alitos, Thomases, etc.

I suppose you consider Kagan and the Wise Latina mainstream?

Scalia is not mainstream. Neither is Thomas nor Alito. Kennedy and Roberts are mainstream right of Center. More justices like Breyer, Roberts, Kennedy would be good.

I suppose you consider the libs all wide-eyed leftists, no? Tough.
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Which president has deported the most illegals since WWII, TGG?

Could be the law of averages. There are just so damned many more to deport. And if he claims to be deporting the most criminal illegals, that just tells us that there are that many more criminal illegals to deport. (Although, by definition, illegal invaders are criminals, having violated our laws.)
:lol: You feel for it. I gave a reason. You gave your opinion. Executive Orders are constitutional is the answer. Get over it because it won't change under Romney, only expand.

You got a site for that?

Don't need one. Common knowledge informs us all that legislation and EOs are constitutional until a court says they aren't.

I'll have to bookmark this posting, next time one of the libs here demands a site reference. Thanks.
It's common knowledge, it does not need a site.

But you could provide one saying it doesn't, if you wish, and I will bookmark this post.

Thank you Mister Wordsmith. My point is that the immigration system is broken and has been. And you had no counterpoint to that because there is none.

HAHAHA. What does that even mean ? To say "our immigration system is broken". I think it would work pretty well if we just had a president who enforced the law and deported every known illegal - no exceptions.

Don't need one. Common knowledge informs us all that legislation and EOs are constitutional until a court says they aren't.

EOs are constitutional? Where does it say that.? Article 1 section 1 says "ALL legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". No mention of the president having legislative power.
Tell Washington that EOs are not constitutional, because he began with them in 1789.

The lack of understanding by the extremists on the far right here is breath taking.
Which president has deported the most illegals since WWII, TGG?

Impossible to say. Obozo says it's him but only an idiot believes a president who told his book publisher to falsely say he was born in kenya.

Obozo says it's him? Actually, he didn't say so. In fact, that was part of the problem. He wasn't sharing what he was doing, and people therefore thought he was playing golf. I understand that's a logical assumption when one doesn't have much brain power.

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