Four big things wrong with the Obama Dream Act Amnesty

The far righters can't offer anything at all to counter the executive order and MR's coming moderate immigration reform program.
They could, but they would lose votes from left wing retards who would vote the current idiot in the White House in again. Arrest all illegals and ship them back to Mexico at their expense, that way you would be getting rid of a bunch of illegal votes.
The worst problem with the dream act is that while there are benefits to encourage attending college, there is no requirement of graduation. People can attend college for years, suck up all the student loans and grants they can get their sticky hands on, and then drop out and complain that being stuck with payback is unfair.

Yes indeed - illegals will scam this system like they do everything. Our policy should be to enforce the law and deport everyone know to be here illegally - no exceptions.
I truly doubt We the People will permit the seizure and shipping of 10mm illegal immigrants. We are not going to permit such a police state atmosphere to develop.
The far righters can't offer anything at all to counter the executive order and MR's coming moderate immigration reform program.

Can't offer anything???? HAHAHA. Obozo should be impeached and removed from office for his refusal to enforce immigration laws passed by congress. The constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed".
I truly doubt We the People will permit the seizure and shipping of 10mm illegal immigrants. We are not going to permit such a police state atmosphere to develop.

No one says we need to . Stop giving illegals jobs and free health care and free schooling for their kids and they'll leave.
no one is getting amnesty, they will get work permits

We are merely parsing words if we argue about "amnesty". If illegal immigrants get work permits, that is one more step towards permanent presence. I enjoy L.A. Times articles about people who graduated with advanced degrees from UCLA and now can't work because they are illegal immigrants. Which begs the question: why were they admitted to UCLA in the first place, to the exclusion of a citizen applicant?
Exactly! They should bring charges against the University.

The citizen applicant and the illegal alien applicant will both lose out to the HB-1 Visa hire!
katzndogz, shoot, and other extremists: your concern is not going to be meet.

The executive order ended the problem and Romney will make you cry even more when he becomes president, on this issue.

Your nativism means nothing other than you are unhappy. Boo hoo.
katzndogz, shoot, and other extremists: your concern is not going to be meet.

The executive order ended the problem .

Like hell. The EO just made the invasion worse. Millions of mexicans are heading to america right now knowing that they too will be granted amnesty if they just sign a piece of paper saying they are under 30 and in college and came here before they turned 16.
Anyway, my main point stands. Education is never mentioned in the constitution so by the tenth amendment it's a state matter.

Agreed, they need to just leave issues like this to the States. The Federal Government mucks up just about anything they get involved in.
katzndogz, shoot, and other extremists: your concern is not going to be meet.

The executive order ended the problem .

Like hell. The EO just made the invasion worse. Millions of mexicans are heading to america right now knowing that they too will be granted amnesty if they just sign a piece of paper saying they are under 30 and in college and came here before they turned 16.

You counted them? Amazing. Your version is not going to happen. This is over.
katzndogz, shoot, and other extremists: your concern is not going to be meet.

The executive order ended the problem .

Like hell. The EO just made the invasion worse. Millions of mexicans are heading to america right now knowing that they too will be granted amnesty if they just sign a piece of paper saying they are under 30 and in college and came here before they turned 16.

You counted them? Amazing. Your version is not going to happen. This is over.

While saying "heading to america right now" may not be accurate, there are Millions that enter the U.S. every year. 2011 saw approx. 11 million illegal immigrants entering the U.S. I would say that is an issue...
Four big things wrong with the Obama Dream Act Amnesty

1,IT 2,HELPS 3,BROWN 4,PEOPLE !!!!!​

Funny how libs try to pretend conservatives are taking their marching orders from Beck, Hannity, Rush and then you post the political hackery of Jon Stewart. The guy's so partisan that he's not even funny any more.

And Beck, Hannity and Rush are funny for COMPLETELY different reasons.

See - we don't take marching orders. We like to hear new thoughts, and even funnier, we enjoy thinking.

Your lot is more so into reacting to vitriol and hyperbole. And then you share. Which makes my lot cross-eyed incredulous that your lot actually believes such a load of crap.
The far righters can't offer anything at all to counter the executive order and MR's coming moderate immigration reform program.

Can't offer anything???? HAHAHA. Obozo should be impeached and removed from office for his refusal to enforce immigration laws passed by congress. The constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed".

You laugh at people who have nothing, and you can't pronounce the President's name?

We better schedule you for a ride on the short bus. :thup:

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