Four Months Later, Willard Is Still Butthurt Over Losing


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
It's amazing that the right wingers like Willard can't take a lose like a man, though this isn't surprising.

Willard has to send in his wife to do the dirty work for him to cry conspiracy, 4 months after his spanking blaming the media.

I understand it's next to impossible for the right wingers to sack up, but this is ridiculous.

Ann Romney: ?I?m happy to blame the media? for election loss | The Raw Story
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So you have to be that special little snow flake and start your own thread because your thoughts are too vast or important to fit on the thread that already exists on this subject?
It's the nation that lost.

You won't understand that, of course.

Right wing fascism lost, freedom won

Left wing fascism won.

Freedom, and respect for our Constitution, lost.

Definition of FASCISM
often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality &#8212; J. W. Aldridge>
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The question is why the hell left wingers are hurt about winning? They must be or they would stop campaigning.

Yes, they seem to be even more agitated since he won re-election.

I'm not agitated, just very sad that America lost such a great opportunity.

I cut my personal budget years ago, and am adapting to the "new normal", but it's hard to ignore that this could have been FAR different, had Mitt won.
It's amazing that the right wingers like Willard can't take a lose like a man, though this isn't surprising.

I am going to do my best to try and translate your version of the English language. The grammar in your posts is a perfect example of what Rush Limbaugh refers to as a low information voter. However, you fall into a different category, and that would be a no-information voter. One of the long list of reasons you are a no-information voter is because if you had anything resembling the slightest hint of intelligence, you would know that Mitt Romney is not a right-winger. Due to Mitt not being a right-winger, over 3 million registered Republicans decided not to vote in the 2012 election, and even while being a Mormon, Mitt received 4% less of the Mormon vote than what John McCain got in 2008.

I understand it's next to impossible for the right wingers to sack up, but this is ridiculous.

This is not even remotely close to the left-wing America-haters not sacking up to when Aljazeera Gore lost to George W. Bush. Why, we saw lefties running around with "not my president" bumper stickers and shirts and did everything they could to undermine Bush. They said Bush was not a legitimate president and all kinds of other bullshit like that. I am no fan of Bush, and while you clearly are a no-information voter, you should really go back and see how the left hated on Bush and didn't "sack up" when Gore lost in 2000, and Frankenstein face lost in 2004. The hatred hatred from the left-wing towards Bush was most surprising, especially since Bush gave America the largest expansion of government since Lyndon B. Johnson. But then again, you are the type of dumbass who only has the ability to think in the terms of Democrat good, Republican bad.

Right wing fascism lost, freedom won

I was not aware freedom was assaulting the 1st Amendment, in which your side is constantly trying to get Rush Limbaugh and others like him banned from getting their message out. I was not aware freedom was an ever increasing marxist, tyrannical dicatorship you so love, I was not aware freedom was trying to ban 2nd Amendment rights. You have a real demented version of what freedom is all about.

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I have been meaning to do this for awhile, and I truly reading this when I come across it!!!
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The question is why the hell left wingers are hurt about winning? They must be or they would stop campaigning.

Yes, they seem to be even more agitated since he won re-election.

I'm not agitated, just very sad that America lost such a great opportunity.

I cut my personal budget years ago, and am adapting to the "new normal", but it's hard to ignore that this could have been FAR different, had Mitt won.

In four months? Really...elaborate with specifics.
It's amazing that the right wingers like Willard can't take a lose like a man, though this isn't surprising.

I am going to do my best to try and translate your version of the English language. The grammar in your posts is a perfect example of what Rush Limbaugh refers to as a low information voter. However, you fall into a different category, and that would be a no-information voter. One of the long list of reasons you are a no-information voter is because if you had anything resembling the slightest hint of intelligence, you would know that Mitt Romney is not a right-winger. Due to Mitt not being a right-winger, over 3 million registered Republicans decided not to vote in the 2012 election, and even while being a Mormon, Mitt received 4% less of the Mormon vote than what John McCain got in 2008.
Well, congratulations I suppose on not blaming voting irregularities for Governor Romney's loss. I imagine you simply failed to get to it since it is part of the script for the republicans nowadays.

It should be noted that Obama received fewer votes than he did in 2008. I'm sure you--being a supposed "high information" voter--can tell us how many former Obama supporters decided to vote for the Governor. I imagine it's a pretty low number which even amplifies Obama's superiority.

I understand it's next to impossible for the right wingers to sack up, but this is ridiculous.

This is not even remotely close to the left-wing America-haters not sacking up to when Aljazeera Gore lost to George W. Bush. Why, we saw lefties running around with "not my president" bumper stickers and shirts and did everything they could to undermine Bush. They said Bush was not a legitimate president and all kinds of other bullshit like that. I am no fan of Bush, and while you clearly are a no-information voter, you should really go back and see how the left hated on Bush and didn't "sack up" when Gore lost in 2000, and Frankenstein face lost in 2004. The hatred hatred from the left-wing towards Bush was most surprising, especially since Bush gave America the largest expansion of government since Lyndon B. Johnson. But then again, you are the type of dumbass who only has the ability to think in the terms of Democrat good, Republican bad.
If you're going to speak of legitimacy, no POTUS in history has had his legitimacy questioned for no reason than President Obama. First his religion, then his birth certificate. And now, of course, many of your stripe can not bring themselves to admit that Governor Romney was a terrible candidate who was flat out beaten.

Your response with references to Al Jazeera and "frankenstein face" are symptoms of your larger schism...hatred. I get it, you don't like people so you make fun of their physical traits. Thats fine; this is America and you have the right to hate I suppose but doing so while talking about being a "high information" voter makes you ring more hollow than normal.

But lets look at it; in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections, the GOP has lost the popular vote..FACT. Why do you think that is? Cue the GOP boogeymen...the media, the press, poor candidates, etc..

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