Four things that were supposed to happen by 2015 because Obama got reelected

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.

Only the rise of the prices?

That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.

Its not a lie that their prediction didnt come through tho, is it?

The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.

Again, Obama is only at fault when it does bad?

And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

You cant, Obama is only credited with the bad stuff obviously.

Obama's policies caused a lot a damage before the GOP was able to curtail them.
So no it is not a lie that the predictions didn't come true. If the GOP hadn't been able to block Obama's agenda we would be screwed.
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

No. Not unless he opened ANWAR and every other possible source of oil and shale.
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama himself has said that he wanted highr gas prices,and that was when it was 4 buck a gal.

Bottom line your guys got their collective ass handed to them,because of your policies,get over it,blubbering on like a school girl about what could have or what someone predicted years ago,just make you look smaller than you are.
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama himself has said that he wanted highr gas prices,and that was when it was 4 buck a gal.

Bottom line your guys got their collective ass handed to them,because of your policies,get over it,blubbering on like a school girl about what could have or what someone predicted years ago,just make you look smaller than you are.

You can't have it both ways

Either Obama's policies were going to escallate the price of gas or they were going to bring it down?

Republicans like Gingrich, Lee and Bachmann claimed they could bring it down to under $3 a gallon....Obama brought it down to under $2 a gallon
Political opponents believe it is their job to get you to shit your pants instead of doing or promoting what is best for the country.

If you have a track record of predicting 589 of the last 2 recessions, then you can't exclaim with glee, "See, I told you!" when the business cycle rolls the next one around. But they will do just that.

It's a real knife in the gut for the hacks that gas is down below $2.50 a gallon. It is just killing them. One of their biggest talking points was how Obama was going to jack the shit out of gas and about what the price of gas was when he took office.

They don't give a fuck that $2.50 is good for everyone's wallet. They don't care about that. It just pisses them off to no end their doom and gloom didn't come to pass. Fuck the country. This is politics!

Did someone just sneeze in Kansas? Obama is trying to kill us all with influenza! He's plotting with ISIS to kill the good white folk of Topeka. Grab your guns. And oh by the way he'll be grabbing those away from you...any day now. Any day. Been waitin' six years for that day, but it is coming. Promise! So buy moar gunz!

Gas isn't at ten bucks a gallon? Well...BENGHAZI!

Well done sir. Well. Done.

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama himself has said that he wanted highr gas prices,and that was when it was 4 buck a gal.

Bottom line your guys got their collective ass handed to them,because of your policies,get over it,blubbering on like a school girl about what could have or what someone predicted years ago,just make you look smaller than you are.

You can't have it both ways

Either Obama's policies were going to escallate the price of gas or they were going to bring it down?

Republicans like Gingrich, Lee and Bachmann claimed they could bring it down to under $3 a gallon....Obama brought it down to under $2 a gallon

What did Obama do to bring it down?
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama himself has said that he wanted highr gas prices,and that was when it was 4 buck a gal.

Bottom line your guys got their collective ass handed to them,because of your policies,get over it,blubbering on like a school girl about what could have or what someone predicted years ago,just make you look smaller than you are.

You can't have it both ways

Either Obama's policies were going to escallate the price of gas or they were going to bring it down?

Republicans like Gingrich, Lee and Bachmann claimed they could bring it down to under $3 a gallon....Obama brought it down to under $2 a gallon

Its not under two in NY and what did he do ?? we will wait along time for this spin!!
What did Obama do to bring it down?
Tell me sir, what did the Republicans do to bring it down?

And/or what did they do to stop Obama's policies...what policies did they stop exactly?

I look forward to your response.
Dear rightwinger:
You left out what wasn't predicted

It was foreseen that he would continue dividing the nation
as 'wealthy interests enabled by conservatives' vs. 'poor people enabled by liberals'

And that has happened.

He even demonized Ben Carson instead of joining forces on microlending they both agree on.
Because politics, based on making others look bad,
is more important than solutions that would make everyone look good.

What we didn't predict is the rise in racist bullying
from protests over Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown
building up to riots and even shooting police in anger.

This division by party and class projected onto race is NOT good for America.

Yet Obama has played right into it and demonized the Constitutionalists
by spreading the divisive misperception that Tea Party and others
opposed politically are racist, stoking the flames of division by
announcing that "voting is the best REVENGE" that it's all about bullying and retribution
for political dominance, not about collaborating and working on common solutions that would unite.

Obama Says Race a Key Component in Tea Party Protests - US News
In September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.” At the time, the unemployment rate was 8.1% and had been between 8.1% and 8.3% for the entire year.
What would breaking out of “chronic high unemployment” look like in a Romney presidency? Romney pledged that, if elected, he could bring the unemployment rate down to 6% by January 2017.

Romney bragged only HE was capable of bringing down unemployment. He even pledged he could bring it below 6% by January 2017

Community Organizer Obama brought it below 6% by September 2014
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama himself has said that he wanted highr gas prices,and that was when it was 4 buck a gal.

Bottom line your guys got their collective ass handed to them,because of your policies,get over it,blubbering on like a school girl about what could have or what someone predicted years ago,just make you look smaller than you are.

You can't have it both ways

Either Obama's policies were going to escallate the price of gas or they were going to bring it down?

Republicans like Gingrich, Lee and Bachmann claimed they could bring it down to under $3 a gallon....Obama brought it down to under $2 a gallon

Its not under two in NY and what did he do ?? we will wait along time for this spin!!

Drive to NJ
What did Obama do to bring it down?
Tell me sir, what did the Republicans do to bring it down?

And/or what did they do to stop Obama's policies...what policies did they stop exactly?

I look forward to your response.

Dear MarcATL: the people pushing for Constitutional reforms within the Republican party
are EQUALLY as embattled as the true progressives and liberals hijacked by career politicians controlling the Democrats.

The real reformists can't get things done when all parties get hijacked by people who aren't effective in solutions.

The solutions will likely come from party members and leaders who cross over
and form collaborative alliances ACROSS party lines, so we the ANTS
outnumber the GRASSHOPPERS who are attacking the worker anthills.

If we use our resources and networks in unison, we cannot be divided and conquered
by bigger bullies who just want to rule the nests and roosts. And crow crow crow
while the farm animals do all the work behind the scenes.

We spend billions paying these candidates to go into the ring fighting each other,
but they get little done that way and cost us more and more money.

Money to pay for their campaigns.
Money to lobby for this vote or that vote.
Money to pay their salaries and pay for the existing programs and/or added ones.
And we STILL have to run our own community programs, and do the work
locally that isn't getting done by govt. In fact in my neighborhood, money went to
govt and developers to compete against and take land and property that the nonprofit
community groups wanted to restore as a campus to teach independent self-management.
So our tax money is even used AGAINST us to rob us of equal opportunity, giving that money to
wealthy interests who determine who gets to stay in office by appeasing them, not helping free people from this cycle.

So why keep paying more and more to people who aren't solving problems.
Why not invest that money locally, into creating and developing
the programs we need as businesses, and writing those costs off our taxes.
so we control where our money goes instead of gambling on govt with no guarantees.
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.
That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.
The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.
And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas prices yet Gingrich predicted that Obama's policies would give us $10 a gallon gas

Gingrich promised he would bring gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon. If he were elected, would you have given HIM credit?

Obama himself has said that he wanted highr gas prices,and that was when it was 4 buck a gal.

Bottom line your guys got their collective ass handed to them,because of your policies,get over it,blubbering on like a school girl about what could have or what someone predicted years ago,just make you look smaller than you are.

You can't have it both ways

Either Obama's policies were going to escallate the price of gas or they were going to bring it down?

Republicans like Gingrich, Lee and Bachmann claimed they could bring it down to under $3 a gallon....Obama brought it down to under $2 a gallon

Its not under two in NY and what did he do ?? we will wait along time for this spin!!

Drive to NJ
What did Obama do to bring it down?
Tell me sir, what did the Republicans do to bring it down?

And/or what did they do to stop Obama's policies...what policies did they stop exactly?

I look forward to your response.

According to liberals the GOP have blocked all of Obama's efforts since they took control of the House.
I never said the GOP was responsible for lowing the prices though. I said that private companies and Saudi Arabia were responsible.
In September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.” At the time, the unemployment rate was 8.1% and had been between 8.1% and 8.3% for the entire year.
What would breaking out of “chronic high unemployment” look like in a Romney presidency? Romney pledged that, if elected, he could bring the unemployment rate down to 6% by January 2017.

Romney bragged only HE was capable of bringing down unemployment. He even pledged he could bring it below 6% by January 2017

Community Organizer Obama brought it below 6% by September 2014

How? What policies did he use?

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