Four things that were supposed to happen by 2015 because Obama got reelected

Then, of course, there is the projected impact that Obama would have on the Stock Market

On Bloomberg TV, investor Marc Faber predicted that, because of Obama’s reelection, the stock market would drop at least 20%. According to Faber, “Republicans understand the problem of excessive debt better than Mr. Obama who basically doesn’t care about piling up debt.” Faber joked that investors seeking to protect their assets should “buy themselves a machine gun.”
The Dow Jones Industrial Average currently stands at 17,823 and is up over 35% since Obama was reelected.

God save us from an Obama administration!

Outstanding job, rightwinger.
None of the real rightwingers ever produce this much info in their posts. They are too damn lazy, and yet they accuse lefties of same.
For reference.
Gas Prices, obviously the current gas prices have zero to do with Obama or anyone else in America for that matter. But to the $10 prediction....obvious political folly that meant nothing, and very typical of both parties playing doomsday politics.
But again, Obama has zero to do with the current gas prices.
Unemployment stuck at 8%. - No one except Obama supporters give any validity to the current unemployment number. It is a farce on numerous levels and any and all clear thinking people know it. As well as the unemployment number does not take into consideration of record part-time to full-time ratio, and UNDEREMPLOYMENT. Which is a far-far-far worse problem long-term than unemployment.
Stock Market was supposed to crash. Without a $4 trillion bailout, and $700 billion MONTHLY bond buying scheme - the market would have crashed long ago. I don;t give a flying f*ck what market you artificially pump up - it will do well. If Royal Typewriter Company received $1 billion a month bailout - they would still be doing great. We are in middle of a tremendous bond induced bubble. The ONLY people benefiting from it are the ultra wealthy. Period. So congratulations to the Obama admin for abusing taxpayer dollars to kee the wealthiest in the nation in the black.
Entire economy collapse - first this entire post was based on Rush Limbaugh. He is hardly a representative of clear thinking. But on the economy - the economic improvents in the past 6 years HAS ONLY BENEFITED THE WEALTHIEST AMERICANS. Since 2009, the top 7% earners have enjoyed a massive 32% earnings increase. Amazing. However, the rest of us 93% of working Americans have suffered a 5% DECREASE in earnings. This economy still sucks. Period.
i don't understand how anyone on this board can possibly disagree with this thread.

after all, all dissidents were supposed to be rounded up into FEMA camps and shot by the DHS's stockpile of ammunition by now.
Its called political uberpartisanship.
Obama had nothing to do with the drop in gas.

Only the rise of the prices?

That was private companies fracking that flood the world market. And Saudi Arabia deciding to screw over Iran and Russia.
Th unemployment rate is a lie considering all the factors that are ignored.

Its not a lie that their prediction didnt come through tho, is it?

The stock market is only doing well because the fed has been pumping money into it. Ironic how libs love the stock market doing so well when it mostly benefits the wealthy.

Again, Obama is only at fault when it does bad?

And since the GOP have supposedly been obstructionists how can you credit Obama with the recovery?

You cant, Obama is only credited with the bad stuff obviously.

Obama's policies caused a lot a damage before the GOP was able to curtail them.
So no it is not a lie that the predictions didn't come true. If the GOP hadn't been able to block Obama's agenda we would be screwed.

Yeah!!!! Thanks to the GOP!
Its called political uberpartisanship.

For reference.
Gas Prices, obviously the current gas prices have zero to do with Obama or anyone else in America for that matter. But to the $10 prediction....obvious political folly that meant nothing, and very typical of both parties playing doomsday politics.
But again, Obama has zero to do with the current gas prices.
Unemployment stuck at 8%. - No one except Obama supporters give any validity to the current unemployment number. It is a farce on numerous levels and any and all clear thinking people know it. As well as the unemployment number does not take into consideration of record part-time to full-time ratio, and UNDEREMPLOYMENT. Which is a far-far-far worse problem long-term than unemployment.
Stock Market was supposed to crash. Without a $4 trillion bailout, and $700 billion MONTHLY bond buying scheme - the market would have crashed long ago. I don;t give a flying f*ck what market you artificially pump up - it will do well. If Royal Typewriter Company received $1 billion a month bailout - they would still be doing great. We are in middle of a tremendous bond induced bubble. The ONLY people benefiting from it are the ultra wealthy. Period. So congratulations to the Obama admin for abusing taxpayer dollars to kee the wealthiest in the nation in the black.
Entire economy collapse - first this entire post was based on Rush Limbaugh. He is hardly a representative of clear thinking. But on the economy - the economic improvents in the past 6 years HAS ONLY BENEFITED THE WEALTHIEST AMERICANS. Since 2009, the top 7% earners have enjoyed a massive 32% earnings increase. Amazing. However, the rest of us 93% of working Americans have suffered a 5% DECREASE in earnings. This economy still sucks. Period.
Nice tap dance....
Republicans sure seemed prepared to hang gas prices on that the tide has turned it has nothing to do with him

Unemployment is measured the same way it always has been.....moving the goalpost doesn't negate a 5.8% unemployment rate

Now we have the right whining that the economic recovery has only helped the wealthy.......ready to raise salaries and taxes on the wealthy?
I didn't think so
Extraction of oil in areas that obama could not control combined with the pressure that put on OPEC to produce more has dropped the price of gas in spite of obama. If obama was not in the way the price would be considerably lower, probably half what it is right now.
Real unemployment is still closer to 11% because of the numbers on the looking-for-work rolls has dropped. The number used is applied against a false total.
The economy has yet to recover so no tanking necessary.
As for the stock market, obama still has a couple of years to allow for that bubble to burst.
Extraction of oil in areas that obama could not control combined with the pressure that put on OPEC to produce more has dropped the price of gas in spite of obama. If obama was not in the way the price would be considerably lower, probably half what it is right now.
Real unemployment is still closer to 11% because of the numbers on the looking-for-work rolls has dropped. The number used is applied against a false total.
The economy has yet to recover so no tanking necessary.
As for the stock market, obama still has a couple of years to allow for that bubble to burst.
Well, why don't you just go for that $6.50 a gallon gas that Republicans predicted?
I'll enjoy my $1.95 a gallon Obamagas
Have we reverted to trading solely in gold and non-gmo seeds yet? You know, because the dollar has collapsed and chaos reigns?
I know, the government must now be controlling my thermostat and monitoring which appliances i use via the smart electric meter, since obama has ceded all authority to a un cabal of environmental socialists
Political opponents believe it is their job to get you to shit your pants instead of doing or promoting what is best for the country.

If you have a track record of predicting 589 of the last 2 recessions, then you can't exclaim with glee, "See, I told you!" when the business cycle rolls the next one around. But they will do just that.

It's a real knife in the gut for the hacks that gas is down below $2.50 a gallon. It is just killing them. One of their biggest talking points was how Obama was going to jack the shit out of gas and about what the price of gas was when he took office.

They don't give a fuck that $2.50 is good for everyone's wallet. They don't care about that. It just pisses them off to no end their doom and gloom didn't come to pass. Fuck the country. This is politics!

Did someone just sneeze in Kansas? Obama is trying to kill us all with influenza! He's plotting with ISIS to kill the good white folk of Topeka. Grab your guns. And oh by the way he'll be grabbing those away from you...any day now. Any day. Been waitin' six years for that day, but it is coming. Promise! So buy moar gunz!

Gas isn't at ten bucks a gallon? Well...BENGHAZI!

Well except for that annoying little fact that Obama WANTS us to pay the same price as Europe on gas, he said so on a TV program in 2008. He supports higher taxes and less gas. And he may get his wish.
Extraction of oil in areas that obama could not control combined with the pressure that put on OPEC to produce more has dropped the price of gas in spite of obama. If obama was not in the way the price would be considerably lower, probably half what it is right now.
Real unemployment is still closer to 11% because of the numbers on the looking-for-work rolls has dropped. The number used is applied against a false total.
The economy has yet to recover so no tanking necessary.
As for the stock market, obama still has a couple of years to allow for that bubble to burst.
Well, why don't you just go for that $6.50 a gallon gas that Republicans predicted?
I'll enjoy my $1.95 a gallon Obamagas
Your obamagas is still higher than it needs to be. And that goes along with the several thousand he's cost you already.
Obamagas is about $2.15 in my parts.

I expect it to by around $2.05 by Friday.

Couldn't be happier.

Thanks Obama!!
For reference.
Gas Prices, obviously the current gas prices have zero to do with Obama or anyone else in America for that matter. But to the $10 prediction....obvious political folly that meant nothing, and very typical of both parties playing doomsday politics.
But again, Obama has zero to do with the current gas prices.
Unemployment stuck at 8%. - No one except Obama supporters give any validity to the current unemployment number. It is a farce on numerous levels and any and all clear thinking people know it. As well as the unemployment number does not take into consideration of record part-time to full-time ratio, and UNDEREMPLOYMENT. Which is a far-far-far worse problem long-term than unemployment.
Stock Market was supposed to crash. Without a $4 trillion bailout, and $700 billion MONTHLY bond buying scheme - the market would have crashed long ago. I don;t give a flying f*ck what market you artificially pump up - it will do well. If Royal Typewriter Company received $1 billion a month bailout - they would still be doing great. We are in middle of a tremendous bond induced bubble. The ONLY people benefiting from it are the ultra wealthy. Period. So congratulations to the Obama admin for abusing taxpayer dollars to kee the wealthiest in the nation in the black.
Entire economy collapse - first this entire post was based on Rush Limbaugh. He is hardly a representative of clear thinking. But on the economy - the economic improvents in the past 6 years HAS ONLY BENEFITED THE WEALTHIEST AMERICANS. Since 2009, the top 7% earners have enjoyed a massive 32% earnings increase. Amazing. However, the rest of us 93% of working Americans have suffered a 5% DECREASE in earnings. This economy still sucks. Period.
Nice tap dance....
Republicans sure seemed prepared to hang gas prices on that the tide has turned it has nothing to do with him

Unemployment is measured the same way it always has been.....moving the goalpost doesn't negate a 5.8% unemployment rate

Now we have the right whining that the economic recovery has only helped the wealthy.......ready to raise salaries and taxes on the wealthy?
I didn't think so

I have never pinned gas prices on Obama at any time. That is ridiculous. If we would have drilled more, gas prices would have been affected very-very little. Good thing is oil would come from here instead of terrorist supporting nations.

Unemployment is not measured the way "it has always been", the same in recent history yes, but AS I SAID - and you conveniently ignored, the unemployment figure does not account for very high part-time to full time ratio - as well as a crushing underemployment figure. - BOTH you consistently ignore in your post.

And again you gloss over the facts. The wealthiest in this nation are doing incredibly well, outstanding. The overwhelming majority of the rest of us - are not. Fact. Indisputable. Inarguable. Irrefutable.
And you call this fact "whining". So in other words, you are more interested in supporting fantasy land statistics that support Obama than support the average person.
I am not surprised.
Ignoring things is what you do.
And if you respond to this - you will ignore it again.
I'll give Obama credit for being a decent economic president. Doesn't spend enough outside of renewable energy "science and r&d", but I understand why he couldn't. My opinion in 2009 and 2010 was far harsher against him, but he has pulled a reagan economically.

-Largest natural gas super power on earth
-Largest oil super power on earth

Socially,,,Sucked. His racial bs will cost him from being anywhere near the top in history.It was uncalled for. Foreign policy, I agree with him keeping up with some of the Bush policies. We're at war and that is the way it is. Don't agree with some of his handling of Eygpt or Syria.
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