
He's on vacation and is getting updates as needed for the situation. When Jr. was on vacation when things went down, the conservatives said it was okay because he has all that communications gear to keep him informed.

Got news for you does Obama. Besides, it didn't happen here, it wasn't one of our diplomats that was killed, so what do you really want him to do about it?

There's not much he can do.
I just read that one of you RWNJ traitors actually said he should have done more to help the reporter who fainted. he got his own doctor in there in no time but you traitors will whine about anything.

Whatcha think? Should he have left the press room, gone to medical school and come back to save the day?

FACT is, he takes very few vacas, he's earned it, you won, quit whining and enjoy watching fascism take over the US.
He's on vacation and is getting updates as needed for the situation. When Jr. was on vacation when things went down, the conservatives said it was okay because he has all that communications gear to keep him informed.

Got news for you does Obama. Besides, it didn't happen here, it wasn't one of our diplomats that was killed, so what do you really want him to do about it?

There's not much he can do.
When he was running for office, his slogan was, "Yes, we can!" and now as you point out it is "No, we can't!"
He's on vacation and is getting updates as needed for the situation. When Jr. was on vacation when things went down, the conservatives said it was okay because he has all that communications gear to keep him informed.

Got news for you does Obama. Besides, it didn't happen here, it wasn't one of our diplomats that was killed, so what do you really want him to do about it?

There's not much he can do.

Yep. The White House goes with the Repub prez but not with the Dems. Rs have access to the internet and phones. Ds don't.

And how dare he take a vacation. After all, R congress just voted themselves (against the Ds) yet another raise and fewer working days. Why should Prez Barry stay?
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?
Yeah, he's been phoning it in for a long time. A very very lame duck. He could care less about this. He doesn't see anything in it for him. Trump will have to step up and take the lead while Hussein continues playing golf.
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?

A Russian ambassador is murdered, Berlin is truck bombed and you think the punk should still be golfing? Hey, we know he couldn't care less what a mess he's made of the world but couldn't hitting the links have waited for a day?
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?

A Russian ambassador is murdered, Berlin is truck bombed and you think the punk should still be golfing? Hey, we know he couldn't care less what a mess he's made of the world but couldn't hitting the links have waited for a day?
Oblama is not responsible for the world and neither is trump...
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?

A Russian ambassador is murdered, Berlin is truck bombed and you think the punk should still be golfing? Hey, we know he couldn't care less what a mess he's made of the world but couldn't hitting the links have waited for a day?
Oblama is not responsible for the world and neither is trump...
Actually, Obama is responsible for much of what is going wrong in the world, and Trump will have to try to clean up the mess Obama has made of things.
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?

A Russian ambassador is murdered, Berlin is truck bombed and you think the punk should still be golfing? Hey, we know he couldn't care less what a mess he's made of the world but couldn't hitting the links have waited for a day?
Oblama is not responsible for the world and neither is trump...
Actually, Obama is responsible for much of what is going wrong in the world, and Trump will have to try to clean up the mess Obama has made of things.
Hardly so, each nation is in control of their destiny..
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?

A Russian ambassador is murdered, Berlin is truck bombed and you think the punk should still be golfing? Hey, we know he couldn't care less what a mess he's made of the world but couldn't hitting the links have waited for a day?

He doesn't care. He doesn't see anything in it for him. He knows he's gone soon. That's just the truth.
You know, when something goes wrong IN this country, he's generally there in a day or two. Why should he stop his vacation for events in other countries that have no bearing on America?

A Russian ambassador is murdered, Berlin is truck bombed and you think the punk should still be golfing? Hey, we know he couldn't care less what a mess he's made of the world but couldn't hitting the links have waited for a day?

Getting your "news" from blogs again? Got news for you, the attack in Berlin wasn't a truck bomb, it was an attack like what happened in France when all those people got ran over. The attack in Germany was done by someone in a truck who was running them over, not a bomb. And, they took the person that did the attack alive.

Also, did you know that the Russian ambassador was killed by an off duty Turkish policeman? He used his badge to get into the event.

So again, I ask, why in your opinion are those two events worthy of requiring Obama to stop his vacation? IMHO, they aren't, because they have no bearing on the operations of THIS country.

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