FOX and CNN - A novel idea


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

JMHO - I think Fox News and CNN both suck! As an Independent I used to watch 30 min. of each. No more! Too much politics and not much of anything else. When was the last time either of these media outlets did a full feature story about small businesses, health and fitness, lifestyle trends, helpful tips for home maintenance?? Here's a novel idea: Try turning off the TV and spend that time reading or exercising. You'll be better off for it! :bye1:
The msm is a joke. It essentially is the communications department of the Oligarchy. The CIA long ago got control of most of it.

I have family members who exclusively watch Fox and others CNN/MSNBC. When either side brings up politics, I cringe. They are all propagandized dummies.
This is an election year. Get used to it.

Whether you like it or not, this is what they have to do in order to optimize their ratings.
This is an election year. Get used to it.

Whether you like it or not, this is what they have to do in order to optimize their ratings.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t end with an election. It’s a constant thing.
No worries, I threw my television out 20 plus years ago and didn't watch it when I did have one. Nothing but filth coming out of it anymore.
Too much politics and not much of anything else. When was the last time either of these media outlets did a full feature story about small businesses, health and fitness, lifestyle trends, helpful tips for home maintenance??
Plenty of shows out there that deal with those subjects in depth. Why would you look for them on a news channel?

JMHO - I think Fox News and CNN both suck! As an Independent I used to watch 30 min. of each. No more! Too much politics and not much of anything else. When was the last time either of these media outlets did a full feature story about small businesses, health and fitness, lifestyle trends, helpful tips for home maintenance?? Here's a novel idea: Try turning off the TV and spend that time reading or exercising. You'll be better off for it! :bye1:

All TVs should be carted to the dumpster. Not just because of FNC/CNN but because it's a massive propaganda device with no redeeming value for anyone except the Advertiser.

"News" outlets, as these purport to be, shouldn't be about small businesses, health and fitness, lifestyle trends, helpful tips for home maintenance anyway. They should be about news. But as long as the bottom line is hypnotizing captive audiences to sell them shit they don't need (also known as "advertising"), they're not going to focus on that because it doesn't $ell like emotion does.

TV is inherently dishonest in everything it does. The most honest thing on it is sports, and even then it's lying by presenting obviously three-dimensional actions in a flat two-dimensional form. It devolves the watcher into a passive blank-staring sponge who allows every sense to be dick-tated by the telescreen. Grab a baseball bat and give it your best swing.

JMHO - I think Fox News and CNN both suck! As an Independent I used to watch 30 min. of each. No more! Too much politics and not much of anything else. When was the last time either of these media outlets did a full feature story about small businesses, health and fitness, lifestyle trends, helpful tips for home maintenance?? Here's a novel idea: Try turning off the TV and spend that time reading or exercising. You'll be better off for it! :bye1:

All TVs should be carted to the dumpster. Not just because of FNC/CNN but because it's a massive propaganda device with no redeeming value for anyone except the Advertiser.

"News" outlets, as these purport to be, shouldn't be about small businesses, health and fitness, lifestyle trends, helpful tips for home maintenance anyway. They should be about news. But as long as the bottom line is hypnotizing captive audiences to sell them shit they don't need (also known as "advertising"), they're not going to focus on that because it doesn't $ell like emotion does.

TV is inherently dishonest in everything it does. The most honest thing on it is sports, and even then it's lying by presenting obviously three-dimensional actions in a flat two-dimensional form. It devolves the watcher into a passive blank-staring sponge who allows every sense to be dick-tated by the telescreen. Grab a baseball bat and give it your best swing.
Once you’re woke, it’s easy to recognize propaganda.

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