Fox is “In the Tank” for Bush


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
So declares Dick Morris, a Clinton henchman (aka “adviser”). He declares Ailes was a staunch supporter of Pres G.W. Bush and wants Jeb in the White House. He was behind The Bimbo's attack on Trump during the first debate.

On the other hand, Bush’s numbers have been plummeting faster than Hillary’s recently, so if Fox News really is out to make sure Bush wins … they aren’t doing a very good job.

I'mpersonally not certain about this. I've watched a lot of interviews with Trump on Fox and most of them actually seem to be quite friendly. I don't remember a personality that ever attacked or even appeared unfriendly to him.

Read story @ Dick Morris Drops BOMBSHELL About Trump and Fox News... We Have a HUGE Problem
FoxNews is in the tank for anyone Establishment.

I don't have to read Dick Morris, I've heard it for myself.
Bush is so last millinium's news. All the money people have decided that Bush is a sunk cost and are going to Fiorina now. She has overtaken Carson and is gaining on Trump despite the bad press she has gotten over the pink slips and firing at HP. I like her and Rubio.
yep , think that 'fox' is in it for any rino establishment 'gop'er' like roobio and fiorina but I think that jebito is still 'fox' first choice . .
Morris has been largely discredited after his crazy claims of a GOP landslide in Obama's 2nd election so you have to go on actual evidence and it don't seem that Fox is in the tank for anyone except Fiorina.
Fox played you slope skulled cross grovelers for many years and you are just figuring it out? Priceless!!
Fox played you slope skulled cross grovelers for many years and you are just figuring it out? Priceless!!
and yet you have not clue about the leftist media to this very day.

you've been led about for decades, nay, generations, and have no clue.

fucking love irony
Morris has been largely discredited after his crazy claims of a GOP landslide in Obama's 2nd election so you have to go on actual evidence and it don't seem that Fox is in the tank for anyone except Fiorina.
Well, if they are in the tank for anyone, which I doubt, Fiorina is a very good choice to be in the tank for!

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