FOX News Alert: Romney Ringtone "I like to be able to fire people."

so let's get this shit straight. the liberal position is that no one should ever be fired under any circumstances? really? dumb shitz.

A CEO should have the right to fire anyone that he feels is costing him productivity and cash flow. Within the universe of pure profit, people should be paid for their productivity. Of course the left will pull its hair out reading this. :eusa_shifty:

Really, why shouldn't a business owner not have the right to fire? :eusa_boohoo:
When Cali-Boil and Wee-wittle-willow-twee, are on the same talking point, watch out.

Meltdowns can't be far behind.

I'm still waiting for a rational explanation as to why that is such a bad thing. Being able to fire someone is a good thing.

I think it would depend WHY they fired them, wouldn't it?

If you got fired because you were grossly incompetant at your job, and didn't give a crap, then, yeah, that would be totally valid.

I've seen people fired because they were gay.

I've seen people fired because they ran up too many medical bills (actually happned to me personally.)

I've seen people fired because they were old, and the managers didn't like old people.

So "I like to be able to fire people if they give me just cause to do so and I've afforded them every oppurtunity to straighten out their act" would be valid.

"I like to be able to fire people because I'm a rich Douchebag who likes to push people around" would not be very admirable.
Rick Perry doubles down on ‘vulture capitalist’ criticism of Mitt Romney - The Washington Post

"There’s a real difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism,” Perry told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night. “Venture capitalism we like. Vulture capitalism, no. And the fact of the matter is that he’s going to have to face up to this at some time or another, and South Carolina is as good a place to draw that line in the sand as any.”

Perry cited two companies in Gaffney and Georgetown, S.C., that he said had lost jobs while the venture capital firm took in millions of dollars. He accused Romney and Bain of “picking their bones clean” rather than working to “clean up those companies, save those jobs.”

”That’s not what we’re looking for in a president of the United States,” he said. “We’re looking for someone that knows how to build jobs, create jobs. And that’s what I’ve done in the state of Texas. So there’s no use trying to paper this over. That is a problem for Mitt, and he’s going to have to face it.”
Rick Perry couldn't get Romney to face his record in the GOP primaries, but in the general election, America gets to speak. Not the people who gave us Bush and the 2007/2008 economic miracle.
Most normal people do NOT like firing people. When people get fired it an be traumatic and devastating to the family.

Haters like you might never get IT, but you're not all that normal are ya? :eusa_hand:

he never said he liked to fire people.....


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what did Texas Governor Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich say about this?


and this lets you off the hook for a cut rate and mangled
Rick Perry couldn't get Romney to face his record in the GOP primaries, but in the general election, America gets to speak. Not the people who gave us Bush and the 2007/2008 economic miracle.

Ahhh, so you realize what a total ass you made of yourself with your OP and now you want to pretend the thread ain't about that huh?

Classic Dainty.... too cowardly to own your fuck ups.
He didn't say he likes firing people. He said 'I like to be able to fire people'.

Firing people has consequences when a politician wants to run as a job creator. Liking firing people is just plain mean and sick

Again, he did not say he likes firing people. He said 'I like to be able to fire people'. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature understands the difference....
I agree. I'm pretty new so I obviously don't know everyone so I could be way off base here... But the "No Child Left Behind Act" has been in effect for about a decade. May not be completely their fault.
Most normal people like doing business with the mechanic who overcharges them and then doesn't do the work? Or going back to the same restaurant that takes forever to serve the food and never brings the right order?

I must know all the abnormal people then, because no one I know likes that.

What are you rambling on about? What is this new found belief in nuance and complex argument? :badgrin:

We all know that like John Kerry, Mitt Romney has a long answer for everything.

too bad long answers don't sell.


Here is the quote Perry was mocking, and you, by extension, are also mocking. Why don't you tell me exactly what part of it normal people have a problem with, I am too abnormal to see what he got wrong.

[ame=]Romney: 'I Like Being Able to Fire People' - YouTube[/ame]
Pure communist bullshit.

Rick Perry doubles down on ‘vulture capitalist’ criticism of Mitt Romney - The Washington Post

Perry: “There’s a real difference between venture capitalism and vulture capitalism,” Perry told Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity Tuesday night. “Venture capitalism we like. Vulture capitalism, no. And the fact of the matter is that he’s going to have to face up to this at some time or another, and South Carolina is as good a place to draw that line in the sand as any.”

And the fact of the matter is that he’s going to have to face up to this at some time or another ...

that must be why Comrade Perry is back in Texas.
Most normal people like doing business with the mechanic who overcharges them and then doesn't do the work? Or going back to the same restaurant that takes forever to serve the food and never brings the right order?

I must know all the abnormal people then, because no one I know likes that.

What are you rambling on about? What is this new found belief in nuance and complex argument? :badgrin:

We all know that like John Kerry, Mitt Romney has a long answer for everything.

too bad long answers don't sell.


Here is the quote Perry was mocking, and you, by extension, are also mocking. Why don't you tell me exactly what part of it normal people have a problem with, I am too abnormal to see what he got wrong. 'I Like Being Able to Fire People' - YouTube[/url

What are you rambling on about? What is this new found belief in nuance and complex argument? :badgrin:

We all know that like John Kerry, Mitt Romney has a long answer for everything.

too bad long answers don't sell.


Here is the quote Perry was mocking, and you, by extension, are also mocking. Why don't you tell me exactly what part of it normal people have a problem with, I am too abnormal to see what he got wrong. 'I Like Being Able to Fire People' - YouTube[/url


Perry is a politician, which makes him an idiot.

What's your excuse?
Firing people has consequences when a politician wants to run as a job creator. Liking firing people is just plain mean and sick

Again, he did not say he likes firing people. He said 'I like to be able to fire people'. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature understands the difference....
I agree. I'm pretty new so I obviously don't know everyone so I could be way off base here... But the "No Child Left Behind Act" has been in effect for about a decade. May not be completely their fault.

Dainty should sue. Apparently, he is a child left behind.
Here is the quote Perry was mocking, and you, by extension, are also mocking. Why don't you tell me exactly what part of it normal people have a problem with, I am too abnormal to see what he got wrong. 'I Like Being Able to Fire People' - YouTube[/url


Perry is a politician, which makes him an idiot.

What's your excuse?

He's a liberal... that is excuse enough. :lol:
I'm still waiting for a rational explanation as to why that is such a bad thing. Being able to fire someone is a good thing.

Most normal people do NOT like firing people. When people get fired it an be traumatic and devastating to the family.

Haters like you might never get IT, but you're not all that normal are ya? :eusa_hand:

He didn't say he likes firing people. He said 'I like to be able to fire people'. Clue: 'be able to'. I also like being able to fire people - that doesn't mean I like to do it, just that I like being able to if it is necessary. You're a fucking idiot if you don't get that... Normal people understand a sentence as it is said, not as they want it to be said. This is nothing more than classic faux outrage. Even a fucking moron should get the difference.
Don't waste your time the wing nuts know what the complete statement by Romney was the facts don't and never will matter to some people.

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