FOX News announces support for CNN reporter that President Trump banned from Rose Garden event

Sounds good.

I've watched some of the press conferences. At this point in time, I don't know why they bother talking to the press at all.

They should just post their press releases on a web site, and the press can read it, and then start making up their shit without pretending to ask questions.

Did I mention, FUCK THE MEDIA?
But the media is so honest and reliable ...

Whenever there is a gun control debate, second amendment supporters will raise the question why would anyone voluntarily give up their rights to own a gun.

Now we have a president who is assaulting the free press and wants to take your right to be informed away. It is not only this latest action, but his whole effort to discredit the press. Therefore, why would I, as an American citizen relish the thought of restricting my right to be informed? In addition, today Trump also said he would no longer keep the American people
informed of the leaders he talks to despite that being WH policy for the past 50 years.

The first amendment is first for a reason. I'll take the free press and its reporting over the corrupt word of the occupant currently in the WH.

BTW, one day Republicans, Trump will not be in power. Think about that.
Whenever there is a gun control debate, second amendment supporters will raise the question why would anyone voluntarily give up their rights to own a gun.

Now we have a president who is assaulting the free press and wants to take your right to be informed away. It is not only this latest action, but his whole effort to discredit the press. Therefore, why would I, as an American citizen relish the thought of restricting my right to be informed? In addition, today Trump also said he would no longer keep the American people
informed of the leaders he talks to despite that being WH policy for the past 50 years.

The first amendment is first for a reason. I'll take the free press and its reporting over the corrupt word of the occupant currently in the WH.

BTW, one day Republicans, Trump will not be in power. Think about that.

The Press are the ones that have discredited themselves by their actions.

The Press are still welcome to print whatever shit they want.

YOur desire to have a propaganda arm of your party, and insist the an Enemy President pretend that it is an objective and neutral observer and reporter,

is denied. And laughed at.
she was disrespectful, rude and acting like a child. UNPROFESSIONAL! Actions have consequences for all, not just those on the right. It’s about time everyone is held to the standard of being professional. Just cause you work at CNN doesn’t mean jack
I’m pretty sure other media folks came to the defense of Fox when Barry was messin’ with them early in the leading-from-behind regime.

Funny how leftists forget so quickly how Kaitlan Collins was treated by MSM when she was reporting for The Daily Caller.

Now they claim that she was banned from the next presser because "they didn't like questions she asked". We should all stop believing our own ears and eyes and let them "explain" to us what actually happened. What I saw and heard is that she shouted questions and refused to leave despite repeatedly being asked to do so.

I could understand Fox support for her, since other networks supported Fox when their reporter was not allowed to press conference by Comrade Barry, they're simply returning the favor. However, the difference is, while Barry barred whole network, Trump barred only Kaitlan, while the other CNN reporters were still welcome to attend.

This is just another attempt by leftist MSM to "prove" how Trump is against 1st Amendment, while in reality they just humiliated themselves with blatant lies.

This has nothing to do with 1st Amendment, freedom of speech or freedom of press. This CNN reporter was simply disruptive and that kind of attitude you can't have anywhere, not in the newsroom, not at the football field, or classroom, courthouse... you can't have it in the White House.

If you want to ask question(s), wait for your turn, there is right place and right time for that. It's not that media isn't free to cover Trump, in fact they don't stop covering Trump, 24/7. Bottom line, it wasn't the questions she asked, it was the venue. In Oval Office, the reporters are expected to handle themselves with bit of the quorum. It's the president's office and press was invited in, and yelling the questions at the president and refusing to leave is inappropriate. Kaitlan Collins wasn't trying to be tough on the president, she was being rude.
Anyone remembers media rising up against Barry in protection of the 1st Amendment?

During his eight years in office, his administration prosecuted nine cases involving whistle blowers and leakers, comparing to three by all previous administrations combined. He repeatedly used espionage act dating to WWI, not to prosecute spies by to go after government officials who talk to journalists. Under Barry, the Justice Department and FBI spied on reporters, monitored their phone records, name a journalist a conspirator in criminal case for simply doing reporting, they issued subpoenas to reporters in order to force them to reveal their sources...

Has anyone on the left raised their voice in favor of the freedom of the press?

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