FOX NEWS: DON TRUMP to announce today at 11 AM EST

Source Trump to declare 9 billion in assets during expected presidential announcement Fox News

FOX is also reporting that Trump is going to disclose holdings of 9 Billion in personal income.

Of course, you never know with Don Trump. He has teased this pretty heavily, saying that today is going to be a very important day. So, I'm not willing to go out onto a limb and say he is definitely announcing his candidacy for President, and if he does, there is nothing to rule out him announcing as an Independent, though I suspect he would try for the Republican nomination.

In 2 1/2 hours, we will all know...

More links about this:

Trump on Eve of Announcement This Country Needs a Cheerleader

Donald Trump Tomorrow Will Be A Really Big Day For America CBS DC

If he does announce for President, he would then be the 12th Republican candidate (assuming he is announcing as a Republican) and the 16th candidate overall.


Discuss, but quickly. Will he announce for President, or is this all just smoke and mirrors, ala the past from Don Trump?
We already know your English is very poor. And you prove it again here. The headline is that Trump has 9B in personal assets. You assert he will declare 9B in income.
You understand there is a difference, right?
Further he is always and everywhere "Donald Trump" not "Don Trump." I have watched him for over 35 years and he has always been Donald Trump.

Please do squeal more, little fake Rabbi.
LOL! You are dead wrong, I got you on it, and you deflect to insults. How typical of you. Not man enough to admit your mistakes, less man enough to correct them. You try to feel good about yourself by trashing others, right little man?
Source Trump to declare 9 billion in assets during expected presidential announcement Fox News

FOX is also reporting that Trump is going to disclose holdings of 9 Billion in personal income.

Of course, you never know with Don Trump. He has teased this pretty heavily, saying that today is going to be a very important day. So, I'm not willing to go out onto a limb and say he is definitely announcing his candidacy for President, and if he does, there is nothing to rule out him announcing as an Independent, though I suspect he would try for the Republican nomination.

In 2 1/2 hours, we will all know...

More links about this:

Trump on Eve of Announcement This Country Needs a Cheerleader

Donald Trump Tomorrow Will Be A Really Big Day For America CBS DC

If he does announce for President, he would then be the 12th Republican candidate (assuming he is announcing as a Republican) and the 16th candidate overall.


Discuss, but quickly. Will he announce for President, or is this all just smoke and mirrors, ala the past from Don Trump?

Announce what? That he really is a bald orangatan? :)
I am listening to Don Trump's speech, and it is cringeworthy!
Who is Don Trump?
The guy who wants to beat Hitlery and replace Maobama.
Is he some obscure Congressman or something? I never heard of Don Trump before. Is he related to Donald Trump, the real estate developer?
Whatsa matta, willfully obtuse boi? You don't like your own stupid little word games with people's names now?

But according to you Bush so screwed everythign up it is amazing we havent seen WW3. And that is solely due to the powers of Maobama.

Who's Maobama?
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.

Both have the distinction of driving businesses into bankruptcy.

Neither have succeeded at much of anything.

Again, sounds like you just described Hillary and the Clinton foundation. legalized bribery.

Now, would you care to give us a list of hillary's success stories? Hmmmmmm?

Why so desperate to change the subject?

Stop trying so hard to make it about the Clintons and stay on topic.

You said that business failures, Trump and Fiorina would make good prez and veep. You said Trump would know how to deal with the Russians and Chinese.

Why in the world would anyone make such patently idiotic statements?

Because they are true. He dealt with them successfully in his own business where his own money was at stake and he could deal with them successfully as president.

As to idiotic statements, you are the sole winner in that category.
Trump officially announced at 11:22 EST. He did NOT indicate whether or not he is running as a Republican.

"I will be the greatest jobs President that G-d ever created"
I am listening to Don Trump's speech, and it is cringeworthy!
Who is Don Trump?
The guy who wants to beat Hitlery and replace Maobama.
Is he some obscure Congressman or something? I never heard of Don Trump before. Is he related to Donald Trump, the real estate developer?
Whatsa matta, willfully obtuse boi? You don't like your own stupid little word games with people's names now?

But according to you Bush so screwed everythign up it is amazing we havent seen WW3. And that is solely due to the powers of Maobama.

Who's Maobama?
The man is Donald Trump. He has always been called Donald Trump. Ever since I first heard about him destroying the medallions on the Macy's building in Manhattan he's been Donald Trump. To call him Don Trump is like calling Walter Cronkeit "Walt". No one did that in public.
Maobama is an insulting nickname for Barack Obama, based on his similarity to Chairman Mao.
Trump would probably be a good president. He understands how to run a business, how to deal with the Chinese and Russians, and how to balance a budget. He is also not a career politician which gives him more points over lifetime pols like HRC and Jeb.

Trump/Fiorina---------------that ticket would fix the US economy in 6 months.
Trump inherited the wealth that got him started. He was born into money and privilege. He has bankrupted his companies at least four times, the last time being 2009. He is what some would consider a legal crook. People who do business with him are always in a game of musical chairs. When he stops the music, those he owes money to loose. He has used ripping off lenders to keep himself living a life of luxury.
Fiornina has been judged to be the worst tech CEO in history.

Sounds very much like the Clinton foundation. it exists as a vehicle for legal bribery.

As to Trump, failing and recovering are good traits. Succeeding is a good trait. Being aggressive in business and international relations are good traits.

He will never be president, but its fun to speculate.
It sounds nothing even remotely like the Clinton foundation. And Trump succeeding by consistently failing to pay his debts is not a good attribute. Once can be understood. Trump has made an art out of ripping of people with the misuse of courts and lawyers. A crook and hustler is a crook and hustler.

nothing he has done is illegal. Now about the Clinton foundation?????? Bribery from foreign interests while SecState?
I am listening to Don Trump's speech, and it is cringeworthy!
Who is Don Trump?
The guy who wants to beat Hitlery and replace Maobama.
Is he some obscure Congressman or something? I never heard of Don Trump before. Is he related to Donald Trump, the real estate developer?
Whatsa matta, willfully obtuse boi? You don't like your own stupid little word games with people's names now?

But according to you Bush so screwed everythign up it is amazing we havent seen WW3. And that is solely due to the powers of Maobama.

Who's Maobama?
The man is Donald Trump. He has always been called Donald Trump. Ever since I first heard about him destroying the medallions on the Macy's building in Manhattan he's been Donald Trump. To call him Don Trump is like calling Walter Cronkeit "Walt". No one did that in public.
Maobama is an insulting nickname for Barack Obama, based on his similarity to Chairman Mao.
Well, your feelings certainly seem offended by the name Don Trump.

Pot, meet kettle.
Odd, he says the country needs a truly great leader, but then announces he's running.
Dubya used to make up his own nicknames for people. No reason we common people can't do the same.
Among other things Trump is a hell of a showman and he has an ego the size of his wallet. According to Fox surprisingly Trump has pretty big negative ratings so he is probably in it for the fun and the notoriety.

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